December babies 2016 **last babies of the year**

Ikklemoi I'm sure all will be fine :)
Try to relax. I'm
Anxious too so I know how you feel. But it will all be over and done with within a few hours and your little boy will be in your arms :)
Maybe speak to your consultant about changing the date? Or getting into theatre first because you're anxious?
That's what I'm worried about.. I could be sat there all day building up nerves and then refuse to do it by the time it comes. I'm just hoping I get in early xx

Consultant as told me that I'm first in theatre with it been the 4th section incase any complications arise, got to be at the hospital for 12 like a was with my last elective my boy was born around 2ish so thinking this little one will be the same. It's the nerves that gets to me,previously as soon as I hear baby cry is a sigh of relief. I hope they do get you in early they have a list of whuch order they do surgery in so a presume they'd kno if you asked? I cannot wait for him to be here now and maybe the anxiety will start to reduce, even tho my mind is going mad about silly stuff like will it be to Cold to take him out of the hospital if am discharged at night etc madness. I thought I'd seriously be used to the procedure by now but it don't get any easier at all.x
Oh really bunny? It's amazing how things can progress tho you never no baby might surprise you. I'm feeling so anxious tonight not sure if it's because I'm tired or what but just a very strange feeling. Xx

I keep reading stories of women who were told they were no where near labour but had the baby within a couple of days so I do think they often get it wrong.
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Bunny.. oh no, let's hope they're wrong. Have u gone over with your others?
I think I would be the same TBH.

I was 10 days over with my 1st and 5 days early with my second so not sure what to expect this time!

Tonks- I remember with my other two movements really changed towards the end. They were just as frequent but turned from big kicks into more pushes and wiggles. This one I havent noticed such a big change but it has been in quite a different position than my other pregnancies.
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Yeah bunny it personally happened to me with my second saw midwife on the day and went into labour on the night she had no indication I was anywhere near the labour stage wasn't even engaged at all. I can't believe there's 2weekends before my baby is born seems unreal wen a tell ppl baby be here in 12 days my head isn't engaged in what's happening it's like all a kinda dream atm. X
I dont mind not being early but I was really hoping not to go much over because of Christmas season and our MW taking holidays.

It must be hard knowing exactly when you are getting the cs. It can get fustrating waiting for natural labour but at least you dont have all your nerves set on one date and once labour comes you just have to get on with it as there isnt really a choice. I've had women say how brave I am to have had natural drug free labours but to me you have to be much braver to have a CS. You will probably find you are calmer than you expect once the moment actually comes though.
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Having a natural birth is really impressive bunny, I loved the excitement of going into labour with 2of my boys but was just one that a delivered normally. A different experience completely I don't find having a c section braver really it's just the safest way for my baby to be born, with the risk of uterine rupture in normal births after more than one section. It's definitely the nerves that's getting to me and the unknown I'm just so petrified this moment in time. I want my baby here the worrying is making me less excited than a should actually be at this stage of pregnancy. I've read positive stories about 4th sections just the badness sticks. I'm hoping the worry and anxiety doesn't effect the bonding process for me n Babi. Do you get a persofic midwife bunny? Iv seen so many it's unreal. X
Thanks ladies baby has just had a major wiggle this evening for quite a long period of time so feeling reassured tonight.
I can always get him to move if I prod his chicken wings (can't work out what I'm touching) but he just shuffles out the way and then is still again occasionally he'll have a shift about but it's for like 30secs. I do look down at my belly after thinking oh no he hasn't moved for ages and I see a lump sticking out I haven't seen before so he must have shuffled to a position and I couldn't even feel him doing it!
It's such a head fuck.

I think the forums and Facebook groups are great in a way but I can't help thinking they have made my anxiousness worse at times. Think it's because so many women go in for monitoring and then I think if I can't find a pattern with baby i need to go in. Problem is this baby never had any sort of pattern to monitor from the beginning. I didn't even give it a 2nd thought with my son.
Also I was told by one woman that if you have nt measurement over 2mm (think my baby now is 2.7mm) that her doctor told her you would need an amnio!! It's stuck in my mind this entire pregnancy so I'll be really anxious on Tuesday, I really hope baby is well.

Anyway 3days!!!!!! Don't think there is any way this baby will try to make an appearance before Tuesday morning! I best actually pack my bag (currently half packed) and buy some goodies for the hospital.
Christmas decorations are up at home and I just need to buy a bike helmet for my son (he keeps asking for one) last present and my 4yr old nephew a pressie then I'm done.

Just need to prepare for mother dearest to come and stay (this will most deffo be a test in itself) my sister is due 21st Dec and needs her too (another planned section with a 3yr old too look after too). I've noticed my mum has messaged a relative on Facebook saying she is staying with us for a month from the 4th Dec!! A month!!!!!! She doesn't even celebrate Christmas so I don't want her ruining our day if she's still around it's her choice not to celebrate it so she can go somewhere else. I feel awkward having her stay in the house with all the decorations up.
Anyway we'll see how that pans out.

Ikkle I worry about bonding with this anxiety I've gone through too. I hope it's all ok for us, I'm sure it will be though xx

It's over 3.5mm that shows an outside normal range for the nt score Def not 2! And that's at the 12 week scan as far as I remember it gets bigger as baby grows and that's normal! So hopefully I can shake that worry! After 14wks the lymphatic system drains some of it and it should grow in proportion to baby so the score means little after that.
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Yeah I was under the impression the range was simulator and definitely from 12week scan too any later than a think 13weeks it's can't be done. Everything really is a worry, my baby will have hyper days then barely move, my placenta is anterior and he's.back to back with me so midwife says it's more than likely to do with where e kicks to what and how much I feel. 3 days ain't long at all eeeeek, I'm positive everything will go well for you and you'll have your baby in your arms before you kno it :) they'll be exactly a week between our babies if we both have them wen planned :) forums have helped with my anxiety but ano I'm gonna be a big mess on the day on route to the hospital and everything been so routine down to times etc. The staff from previous times I've been there are lovely just can't get my head focused to why I'm actually gonna be there this time as barmy as it sounds. Il be panicking aswell cos my kids will be at school, so be thinking as my mum remembered all boys from schooo nursery and got back for my eledest son from schooo. Ano she will of deep down but it's anxiety once again. The pain of it all doesn't phase me it's just the risks a read over and over again. This time of year is a major tested for my anxiety I think Iv got S.A.D so other anxiety about having a baby is piling on abit more than a think a might be able to handle. I do hope the bonding process is easy, just feel asif I've forgot how to do everything my youngest is 4, I no it naturally comes back to you don't it but still the doubt is there. Also been laid up in bed is bothering me even if it's for 1night like previous sections, it's still makes me feel so vunerable and wanna escape from the hospital bed and be up doing stuff, (I've asked before and prosecute is your in bed til the morning when section is an afternoon one) I just can't shower when a feel a need it the most and can barely life my baby out of the cot with how high they place my bed, sorry for ththe rant. X
Ikkle it's totally understandable to feel like that. I'm sure everything will be fine Hun. I am starting to think I'm not looking forward to be relatively immobile especially as I really want to try bf this time.

Sorry my nt was 2.7mm at 12 wk scan the way I worded it sounded like it's 2.7mm now. Sonographer at 20week said that's an absolute load of bollocks needing an amnio over 2mm but my point being some people's thoughtless words stick in your mind.
I rarely used the forums when pregnant with my son only for morning sickness advice and indigestion. I guess I was just living in my naive bubble. A lot happened in terms of trying and losing babies since him so I guess it's understandable anxiety would now be a lot higher.

Ikkle are you taking any music in there with you, maybe some nice relaxation type will help. You could take some relaxing aromatherapy oils for the wait in the room before hand couldn't you as well?
I really want to ask about delayed cord clamping but feel I might not have the guts to ask when the time comes! My consultant said they do it as standard and just ask when whoever is doing my section when I'm in theatre. But again midwife contradicted this and said it's not really done for sections only natural births! Why do they always tell you different things?!


I've not had the option of taking music in tbh tonks just been told what time to arrive and given the tablets to neutralise acid in my stomach, and blood forms so I can have them done the day before. Everything to me just seems to clinical I'm scared if I ask for music itl distract the surgeons and make them less focused even tho it probli wouldn't at all. The clamp as always been on my time I've been laid in recovery with baby, with my 3rd little boy a trainee was let lose cutting my boys cord he cut it all o short and was sent out of theatre with surgical scissors still attached the other surgeon demanded he went back into threate to stitch the cord and remove the scissors. Are you allowed cameras in theatre? It's something Iv forgot to ask and really want a pic if possible if baby been born, well held up wen he's out if that makes sense. They promote BF so much in hospitals but I've found it ant been promoted to me as much as they usually say to my partner is born go and feed and dress baby while we're finishing off here, �� It's always put me off in a way after they've said that. Not once had the opportunity to feed baby his first feed either only has that after my normal delivery with my second I just feel asif I've missed a lot in a strange kind of way. Been immobile overnight frustrated me even tho the nurses were fab I got baby out myself a couple of times and got told off apparently I was over doing it? ��. I don't think local midwifes no fully what the sec
Section is like, if ask the midwife who's allocated to you in theatre about the cord thing can't believe 4more days for you tonks �� X
I remember they had the radio on in my emergency section with my son.
They have given me a leaflet what to expect with a elective section and it mentions bringing in your own music if you want for them to play. My sisters said in their planned sections they had the radio on too but we had them all at the same hospital.

That's a bit weird with the clamping I know people have to train but I just feel like half the room is always full of students. My anaesthetist was training someone when he was giving me my epidural I started panicking thinking I don't want the trainee one putting it in but I don't think he did I think the anaesthetist administered it all he was just explaining.

We took a camera in theatre and had pics of them weighing my son etc. We would have had pics sooner but he wasn't breathing so it took us a while to get over that drama before they actually told us to get the camera out. I've got a hideous one of me hubby and my son in the theatre. I had to edit it as I look like some kind of druggy!

I've been given meds already and some food sachet i need to have at 6am before I go in that day.
My bloods were all taken last Tuesday and she gave me stockings as well but actually didn't give them to me I realised when I walked out.

They are very pro BF at my hospital too. They were brilliant and my husband stayed with me and the baby in theatre until they were completely finished stitching me up. I was then encouraged once in the labour room to have skin to skin and first feed. I didn't dress him until I got the post natal ward but I can't remember a lot.

I really hope and pray I get the section early in the morning I've got to be there before 8am. My sister was the first in and they prepped her straight away as soon as she got there but unbeknown to her the consultant decided to hold a team meeting due to it being quiet on the ward so her baby still wasn't born till late morning.

My friends keep texting when are you due what day is your section. I keep replying oh some time next week I don't want to give the day I just want to be left alone! Then they reply saying what day exactly I'm just ignoring them is that rude?

Hi ladies hope your all keeping well and getting prepared for your labours. Sorry haven't been on for a few days, little Ted has been keeping me busy. Here's a pic . Hopefully it's uploaded .


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My little Teddy Bear :)


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Awwww teddy is lovely Aries congrats again. Cannot wait to post a pic of my little one when he's here eeeeeek �� X
Wonder who will be next! I know there some c sections set but they may still arrive early. Can't wait to see all the little Christmas baby faces :)
I think am gonna be one of the last couple to have my baby (13th) I'd panic if he came earlier and it become and emergency c section. I can't wait to dress my little one up all christmasy got him some cute little things bless him ��. Hope there gonna fit only got up to 1month with him been 12 days old at Xmas but they say he's gonna be big could of done with bigger I rekon lol. X

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