AwwwSIB I hope the blood pressure as gone down for you, it's understandable to be nervous never no this time tomorrow your little one could be here ������. I'm getting the shooting pains and needing toilet a lot tho but think a may have a water infection? It doesn't hurt wen a wee tho which is making me think not. My inner thighs feel so bruised a can barely move without been in pain, doesn't help been sat on school chairs for my boys Christmas productions for a hour and half lol. Don't no how am gonna get my head around a baby been here next week it still doesn't seem real a don't no what will make it feel more real, it's scaring me incase a don't bond with baby and stuff. Workig till now Mexico amazes me hats off to you cos am struggling with just general dag to day things. I was so nervous every time with my boys just don't listen to ppl saying how much it hurts etc because Iv found that it's less painful than I was initially told at first. Wondering how low this baby can get get until he pops out bless him x