December babies 2016 **last babies of the year**

I remember being part of a June 2013 thread after having my son I think it's in the baby/toddler section
I just created a Dec mums thread in baby and toddler section! X hope tonks is ok been thinking about her today
Eek! I will join you once baby is here :) hopefully it won't be that long now haha

Same here mummy.. hopefully she's just tired/busy loving her little one. Xx

Yeah same here been thinking of her too maybe she can't get to phone ano hospital I'm at won't let me out of bed till the following morning, I've asked them too other times but they just say that it's in my best interests to stay in bed plus the catherta as to be in for at least 12hour so they can see that the bladder functions ok etc. I'm sure he will be fine it's just me over thinking and worrying about things that don't need to be worried about. Keep having dreams of me running off from hospital on Tuesday as silly as it sounds they seem so real too. (Not that a could run this moment in time anyways) lol. Xx
Hello ladies can't get any sleep in the hospital.
Section went really really well and my recovery is so much better than I anticipated.
He was born at 10.13am I think and weighed 8Ib 13oz he is a dream he seems even more placid than my first boy no wonder I questioned his movements.
I'm sticking with BF even though it's so uncomfortable but apparently his latch is brilliant!

I'm fuming the hospital is letting partners stay on the ward (why!!!!) and I'm next to 2 a couple who are chatting is so friggin inconsiderate their baby won't settle and that I don't mind but then I'm between that their talking I've already asked to be moved!

Anyway here's my dream boy yet to be named;


Awwwww omg tonks he's so perfect what a little cutie, so glad your section went well and your both ok eeeeeek. It definitely is so inconsiderate & our hospital is the same letting partners stop, my hubby can't tho with having my other boys to get ready for school bedtimes etc, I prefer the night alone with baby if am honest a love been able to bond that night :) he really is a little beauty love waking up to a baby been born ��. Xx
Awwww yay!!! Hello little fella welcome to the world how gorgeous is he!!!!
Haha ikklemoi.. your comment really made me laugh! I couldn't run either I don't think.

Omg tonks! Congratulations! He's beautiful :) looks like we're all having good sized baby's! And I don't think anyone's actually gone overdue yet this month lol

Can't sleep tonight :( Braxton hicks keep waking me up with lower back ache.

How long after a sweep should contractions kick in/labour start?

I don't think anything is actually happening but would be nice if this sweep worked before Thursday incase my BP is high. xx
Our hospital don't let partners stay at all. I was gutted when I had my daughter but yes I see the point now.

I couldn't sleep in hospital anyway because all the baby's kept me up all night. It was as if they would all want feeding/start crying one after the other lol I couldn't wait to get home the next day and get in bed lol xx

Congratulations Tonks! Glad you and baby are recovering well. Hopefully I will be on a lot more as I won't be working full time. Finally stopping on Friday!! 39 weeks on Monday!! Home birth planned, first baby and scared!!!

To top it off just picked up a horrible cold!! Not what you want!!! It's lovely to see all of you having your little bundles of joy! I am really hoping I am early!!! Don't want a Christmas Day baby!!! X
Mexico.. how you've managed to work up until this point amazes me! I'm in agony! How have you done it! Lol

Still not much happening here. Loads of BH when walking but they stop when I sit and rest.
Feeling like a pulling sensation/BHs in my lower back. And mini shooting pains cervix area. So hoping that means the sweeps done something at least.

Getting quite nervous for tomorrow.. which won't help my blood pressure lol xx

Awww bless you!! Well I hope things move along for you!!

Everyone has said that. I guess it's good it's not a physical job I am a property lawyer so still hard work just not physically!! I am really hoping baby will arrive next week!! :) so scared about the pain my mum doesn't help saying she doesn't think I am going to cope very well!! Charming isn't it!!! Xx
AwwwSIB I hope the blood pressure as gone down for you, it's understandable to be nervous never no this time tomorrow your little one could be here ������. I'm getting the shooting pains and needing toilet a lot tho but think a may have a water infection? It doesn't hurt wen a wee tho which is making me think not. My inner thighs feel so bruised a can barely move without been in pain, doesn't help been sat on school chairs for my boys Christmas productions for a hour and half lol. Don't no how am gonna get my head around a baby been here next week it still doesn't seem real a don't no what will make it feel more real, it's scaring me incase a don't bond with baby and stuff. Workig till now Mexico amazes me hats off to you cos am struggling with just general dag to day things. I was so nervous every time with my boys just don't listen to ppl saying how much it hurts etc because Iv found that it's less painful than I was initially told at first. Wondering how low this baby can get get until he pops out bless him x
Congratulations Tonks!

I hope you get some better sleep. I actually totally agree with letting partners stay more. I think it's a bit stone age when they don't let them stay at all but they should be more considerate. If it happens again I would tell them directly that you need to sleeper and would they mind to stop talking.
Mexico I'm not good with pain at all but the pain I found was not unbearable with the gas, can u have gas at home!? It's strange a bit of an adrenaline rush because you know as the pain gets stronger baby's closer to coming out, ive cried stubbing my toe but never cried in labour!
Thanks ladies!
Good luck Mexico! I hope you get the home
Birth as planned. You will be fine Hun. Some women cope amazingly well with the pain. You may surprise yourself :)

I know ikklemoi. I'm excited at the possibility she could be here tomorrow but nervous going in. I honestly don't know why lol

I thought I might have had a water infection last week. I don't though. I think it's just baby moving lower and putting g pressure on everything. I also feel bruised between my legs lol

Who's due next by the way/next section booked in?

Is it you ikklemoi? Xx

Mummy your definitely right about the adrenaline, I've never cried in labour or after my sections but ear ache Iv cried a thousand times over. The pain seems to fade aswell wen u get your beautiful little baby in your arms. A cannot wait to stop this anxiety and have my boy in my arms now. Getting so scared and more and more ppl are mentioning of stuff does go wrong doctors can do a lot, which they can but it's making it feel more and more negative. Got a lot of stress atm with my boys school and having littla panic attacks what happens if a was to have on in theatre it's never happened in previous 3 sections but it's still a worry x
It's awful the bruised feeling am like an old woman �� I'm booked in for my section on Tuesday got to be there for 12oclock ��. Ano as soon as a enter the labour ward doors I'll start to get more and more panicky and when the ansthetic person comes around to talk and surgeons I'm usually gone way past panic by then. The clinical environment does me, and the walk into theatre I dread. Oh a wonder if it's just pressure from my baby then. I think everyone's nervous naturally in some kinda way wen they no there baby is possibly gonna be arriving anytime soon, it's hard to relax but am sure we're all in same hands. X
Ikklemoi if you was to panic in theatre I'm almost certain they would give you something to relax you. Try not to worry too much. Ignore/don't listen to what people are saying about risks. If a c section wasn't safe then they simply wouldn't be done.

Eek! Good luck! I'm glad I have to go in for 8am. No way could I wait until 12 lol


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