December babies 2016 **last babies of the year**

Teddy is beautiful!

You can always say you dont want students present at your CS or that they can be present but hands off only. Its best to have it written on your papers before. Obviously its good for them to get experience but the patient's wishes are always supposed to come first.
Yeah a don't mind students been in as they have to learn don't they, but fact he cut cord to short and didn't seem concerned till the other surgeon said it was unacceptable to send him out like that so had to go back to theatre for it stitched luckily it wasn't anything serious. I doubt any students would be doing anything on me anyways With it been 4th section th consultant his self is actually doing it all incase there's complications etc.
Having a natural birth is really impressive bunny, I loved the excitement of going into labour with 2of my boys but was just one that a delivered normally. A different experience completely I don't find having a c section braver really it's just the safest way for my baby to be born, with the risk of uterine rupture in normal births after more than one section. It's definitely the nerves that's getting to me and the unknown I'm just so petrified this moment in time. I want my baby here the worrying is making me less excited than a should actually be at this stage of pregnancy. I've read positive stories about 4th sections just the badness sticks. I'm hoping the worry and anxiety doesn't effect the bonding process for me n Babi. Do you get a persofic midwife bunny? Iv seen so many it's unreal. X

We have an independent MW. They don't do HBs through the health system here (Portugal) so we decided to go with an independent MW. She has loads of experience and I really like her. She was there for our other two births and my MC so we have gotten to know each other well. I would be really disappointed if she isnt here fo this one. But trying not to worry about that yet as we still have plenty of time. I feel fortunate that we had such nice experiences with our other two births. Except for having long labours I really fo feel like Ive had it easy in a lot of ways.
Ah congratulations on the arrival of baby Ted! He's gorgeous!
Had a weird week, went to be checked for reduced movements on Tuesday and he of course started wriggling like mad once there ;)
Last night had some red blood but it didn'tcontinue, was just some on my liner then nothing, later this mmorning had some pinky discharge. Rang mw and they said soundsfine but any more red blood I need to go in to be checked over. WWouldn't mind if it meant baby was going to show up but I doubt he is this early somehow! X
It might be a show Cornish? I feel very strange tonight &I not 100% sure why. Been having braxton hicks like usual but lower down in my stomach near my section scar, I feel really bruised down near my hips but like bottom of my belly feels soft But too of my stomach feels hard maybe where his bum is?? It hurts down below when a cough too. Just seems strange x
Ive been getting a lot of pressure/discomfort with BH lower and lower down over the last week and a bit. Im assuming baby is starting to engage. It got so strong a couple of evenings ago I started to wonder if it was going to turn into labour but it went away when I lay down. I think I had just overdone it. The last two times that is how the beginning of labour was different. The contractions started off as fairly mild BH type contractions but didn't stop even when I rested. Then they gradually got stronger.
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Ahh bunny I hope they turn into regular proper contractions for you, the braxton hicks eased for me with a bath, I'm just worried that I'd not be able to tell the difference if I had contractions before my section date, consultant said any sign of contractions I was to go in. I do no that I'm getting more and more emotional as time goes on a was sat there crying for 2hours straight last night about anything and everything proper emotional wreck I'm hoping hormones calm down soon or just after I've had the baby. You want to try and take it easy for a while bunny if you can have a nice relaxing day well try to ano it's hard wen u have kids to look after x
With my two labours the beggining of labour felt quite similar but nothing made it go away. Now I lie down or take a bath and if it stops I know its not labour. With labour it carried on no matter what I did until it got more intense and painful.
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Yeah I get what you mean with one of my boys baths wunt ease it even tho a must of gone in there about 20times and not even exhaduratin glad I wasn't on a water meter then lol. Tonight I'm struggling again feel like am getting a head cold feel dizzy and weak done a lot of sleeping today, keep getting a few horrible pains around the scar area maybe it's cos baby is 2/5 making me panic tho. The heartburn is horrendous tonight too nothing will take it away ����x
Good luck for tomorrow tonks!
Do I remember someone saying they give you something (medication) to take on the day of a planned section? I've not had my pre op yet so haven't actually spoke to anyone.

My section was only booked last Tuesday and I swear it's been the longest week since.. it's literally dragging now!

Everything's getting very real though. I'm trying to sort Xmas and baby stuff out and obviously only have a limited time to do it in.

Ikklemoi.. it probably is baby pulling on your scar. I've had similar sensations. Oh and my heartburn has been dreadful for at least a week. It always wakes me up (at least once a night since about 30 weeks) but defo is getting worse.

Eek.. I can't believe we will all have out babies soon. I wonder if anyone will have an Xmas day baby.

Consultant again tomorrow to check my BP/urine and attempt another sweep. Doubt they will be able to do it though. My hopes of a natural birth are fading. Xx

Just checking in hope everyone is doing well, Niamh is having a hard time getting wind up/ out so we were up a good bit last night but she still doesn't cry bless her just gives us a wee help me face! I wonder how many babies we will have by the end of this week! Exciting times!
Aaww I hope Niamh is okay :( it's awful when they struggle with wind. What a good little girl though.
Hopefully a couple more mummy! I'm fed up haha
If not it will be next week for me.. eek! Xx

They've given me 2tablets one the night before to take and one the morning of section to neutralise the acid in stomach, I've got to go for bloods the day before & they've already done swabs for mrsa . Things are definitely getting so real now can't believe it's the last week of been pregnant.
I hope everything goes well tomorrow tonks can't wait to hear that baby as arrived safely and that your alright :)
Awww bless her mummy I hope Niamh is ok, can you use gripe water nowaday or infocol?
Just had a call from the health visitor I asked to rearrange and she said that she found it silly anyway that she'd be coming out to advice me of stuff I should already no after having kids already so she's cancelled until baby is born whey. I knew it'd be a waste of time. X
Thanks ladies I was really tearful yesterday thinking this are the last moments as a family of 3 and the guilt for my son has started coming over me. I've never had it before now!
I'm not shitting myself about the section but I am shitting myself about BF - will I be able to do this I so want too, but the toe curling pain argggggghhhhhh!!

Like Ikkle I got my pre meds 3 weeks ago at my 36 week appointment exactly the same ranitidine and dia something. They also did my MRSA swabs at that appointment as well.
Last Tuesday one week before booked section I had a pre op assesement where she did my bloods, measured me for stockings (but didn't actually hand them to me think that was a mistake) and gave me this food replacement sachet I need to take at 6am before I come in.

She also told me about whether I would be interested in something called enhanced care I though ooooh this sounds interesting. No it's basically another way of saying we would like to chuck you out of hospital after 1 night stay, whats enhanced about that??? I was like no way I'm not leaving for a start until I'm completely happy and that def will not be after just 1 night!

I've started getting a few pangs on the right side of section scar when I can feel him low.

Mummy I hope Niamh settles soon for you.

I'm off the Waitrose to buy some goodies for my hospital bag for tomorrow. eeeeeekkkkk.

Is anyone else just massively fed up of being pregnant now?

The baby still isn't head down or engaged and I really don't want a section, but half of me is tempted to just go to the hospital and refuse to leave until they get it out of of me.

I'm getting about 2 hours broken sleep in 24 and been like that for over a week thanks to terrible heartburn on top of the massive and very painful discomfort of the malpositioning. My belly is so sore and tender to touch I can't get comfy anywhere.

Some people have told me the last bit is the most awful but I really didn't anticipate this much of a struggle. How on earth some of you have done this multiple times is beyond me. You deserve medals.
Madsticks every pregnancy can be so different. With my son I was fine no uncomfortable feeling could go on long walks.
This time like you my bump is sore and actually numb to touch. I feel like I've got a bowling ball in my foot or bum at times. I can't walk without looking like some kind of invalid. Unfortunately the positioning of your baby is really making things tough for you Hun but next pregnancy might be a breeze for you.


Oh what's the meal replacement sachet tonks? I've never been given that or ant been measured for my stockings yet either. My last elective they did stockings on day must of been after spinal cos a can't remember them putting them on me at all. Felt so much pressure today down below like a need toilet constantly and abit sore ish. I'm scared even more so thinking this is last week of pregnancy, my other half is trying to make me feel better about it and stuff he was gonna surprise me with my hair cut and coloured but don't think a can physically sit in a hair dressers that long feeling like this. Non of my pregnancies have been same at all either, this one as been the most tiring one don't no if it's due to iron been low or fact I've my other boys to run around after. Just feel like a could sleep for a week and don't no how am gonna be able to feel worse than a already do. Oh enhanced care is that what it's called? I was out next day after my last little boy and felt shocking if your not ready to go just refuse and tell them it's mistake a made letting them send me home after 24hour. I felt like they was shooing me off to just free up an hospital bed, didn't consider how a felt at all, just said that everything I was doing at hospital a could do at home so wasn't a need for me to be there. I'm scared of the option not been there this time tho I'm a weird way because obviously last time I had no complications so that's why they would of let me out after that time. My anxiety is just through the roof I just want him here in my arms now and to see that everyThing is gonna be alright. What snacks are you packing? Am not sure weva to pack them or not as a can't get to hospital bag anyways with been hooked up to cathathita etc. X
Have any of you ladies had a growth scan recently? I had a scan Wednesday. It wasnt actually a growth scan it was something to do with a measurement in the brain that was slightly off last time and he wanted to check up that it hadn't got worse. Thankfully it had normalised but he kept saying how huge the baby is. It was estimated at 8lb 5oz and I wasnt 38 weeks yet. Looks like Im having another big one :).
I've not had any growth scans apparently didn't matter how big baby was in my consultants eyes as there's only one way he's getting out by section. Ano the scans can be off by loads I've heard of loads of ppl that they've told babies are big and haven't been as big as they estimated at all. Midwifes and consultants say this baby is really big tho and cuddly so not a clue how big big is tbh. �� X
Thanks ladies. Il ask about medication tomorrow when I go. I really do wish you the best of luck tomorrow tonks! I'm sure all will be fine!

Oh wow bunny! That is a big baby! Haha
I had a growth scan at 36 +3 and baby was estimated at 6lbs 10. Which I thought was pretty big. Apparently baby's put on 1/2 lb a week so baby would be about 7lbs 10 if I had a scan at 38+3. Obviously this is just an estimate though.
The lady scanning me did say that they tend to over estimate. And they can be up to 2lbs out (either way).

My midwife keeps telling me how tall and skinny my baby is though. So she probably does weigh quite a bit lol xx


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