Mummy I think you've hit the nail on the head really. I'm just a mess at the minute but couldn't put into words why lol my milk has come in a bit as well (I noticed when I lay on my side last night that I was leaking) so I think that I've probably just got extra hormones as well.
Aaww ladies I'm so happy your little ones are healthy, here and their big brothers are looking after them
My daughters excited now, but god knows how she's going to react :/
Ikklemoi I'm glad it's not just me on hormone overload. I feel like I'm going a little crazy haha
Thanks ikklemoi but I doubt it. I think it will be tonks with her section on the 6th... not long now
I hope things are moving along though.. I've had some weird bum/vaginal shooting pains again so I'm hoping baby is moving lower. She was -3 last Tuesday. But it could just be my stomach.. it's off again. Been 5 times today. Can't wait until my body goes back to normal haha
Ikklemoi I'm the same. Apparently baby is very long though. Also baby's can pop in and out after your first so he could have just had a good wriggle lol
Bunny.. oh no, let's hope they're wrong. Have u gone over with your others?
I think I would be the same TBH.