December babies 2016 **last babies of the year**

Aaww mummy she's gorgeous :)
Glad your feeling better and are at home!

Ladies how are you all feeling?
I'm absolutely shattered. Doesn't matter how much sleep I get either. Is this a normal end of pregnancy thing? Xx

Awwww she me such a little cutie mummy :) makes me so broody looking at little babies can't wait to have my little boy here now. 2days before doesn't leave much time does it fingers crossed baby comes before for you, I find elective sections easier recovery wise just fustrating when you wanna get stuff done and not physically able to, gonna be a tester having a baby so close to Christmas for me with 4boys aswell thankful my partner is having a couple of weeks off of work to help out. I'm struggling atm too with tiredness SIB and got abit of cold that doesn't help either, my irons low so maybe why am tired have they checked out ur iron levels etc? The health visitor is coming next week apparently they ask if you no how to do bottles how to feed etc I feel abit patronised way she spoke to me on the phone really ��. X
What dates your section again ikklemoi??

I managed really well after my last section. But I only had myself and a tiny 4lb 9 little girl to look after. My partner was amazing as well.
No it doesn't leave me a lot of time.
My partner will be off for 2-3 weeks with it being Xmas as well so it's good timing really :)

Yes I'm anaemia to. But I was starting to feel better. However I feel worse again now.

I would tell them not to bother. I think you know what you're doing by now lol xx

Oh mummy she is stunning. I'm so pleased for you that your home. At least you can try to have some sleep now. Even if little princess is up in the night at least you can cat nap in the day. Hospitals are always so busy and loud I doubt anyone gets much sleep in them.

I'm getting all excited hearing about babies already born and some planned dates for sections popping up :) this last month aha proper flown by hasn't it. My bub due tomorrow but no further signs other then a bit of a show this week. Sweep tomorrow at 40 weeks but they only work if your cervix is ready for baby anyway.
My section is booked for 13th Dec it's getting to real now eeeek. That's how a feel with anemia felt bad then good now bad again, actually dreading it dropping any lower. I'm reading things that are positive about repeat sections then the negative sweeps past me and hits me like a ton of bricks again. It's madness just can't wait to get to meet him finally. It's mad to think all of us started off in first trimester group and now beginning to be mummy's to our little babies, surreal how fast it's gone am very privileged to have shared the journey with you ladies and the support from you all x
Good luck Aries! I imagine if you've lost some plug then your cervix should be ready so your sweep should work :) your little one will be here in no time :)

Do you know what happens at the pre op ikklemoi? If my iron levels aren't up will they still do the section?
Really not long for any of us now! 1st December tomorrow!

Just read the section leaflet I was given and broke down :( completely panicked! Boo!
I don't know how I'm going to stay calm on the day of the section if I can't handle it now.
I'm terrible.. I'm not even nervous for having a section it's more the spinal lol xx

I think my waters have gone but not sure ...

Basically went to the toilet thinking I needed a wee, kept weeing at a steady pace for 4-5 minutes , stood up on 3 occasions and felt like I was still wetting myself , also a big-blob of horrid white jelly was hanging out when I looked in mirror ( sorry way tmi)

Have since managed to stop after losing probably 800ml , there was loads , I now have some very mild back ache and pelvic pressure ....

The water smelled sweet and looked cloudy not yellow like wee . Due tomorrow ,, waters ? Wet myself ? Or just thinking lucky ?
Ooh exciting!! They tell you to put a pad on, lie down for say 15 mins and then stand up and see if you leak anymore. If you do then it's probably your waters. It does sound like it anyway :) x

Haven't rang the hospital but I did put a sanitary pad on lay on my bed and when I got up leaked like I was weeding myself even though already had what could have been a massive wee 15-20 mins ago. On my 2nd pad because I leaked so much when I stood up and had to go toilet again and leaned forward which resulted in more leaking .... can't possibly be urine- there's way too much fluid
I think it's time to ring them :) I'm
Certain it must be your waters too.. eek! How exciting!

They will advise you what to do/if they think it's your waters. You can also go in (wear a pad) and they can do a simple swab test on your pad to see if that's what it is xx

Bunny.. personally I want to try and get baby out naturally. They don't want me going over my due date because of the previous section. So I don't have time on my side. That's why I'm having

I totally get that. It makes sense to have a sweep earlier when there is a reason. I just meant that I find it odd when they give them to everyone from before they are even due.

Mummy, glad you are home now!

Wow Aries, looks like you might be having the next December baby!
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Oh wow Aries how exciting I hope baby is on it's way eeeeeek, another Dec baby :) they've told me to go for bloods day before SIB and no my iron is low and still got the go ahead for the 13th think they just monitor blood loss etc in theatre. I think the spinal is the easiest part tbh it's the surgery that scares me a can't deal even thinking about it but my mind don't let me switch off to it all. THought I'd be used to it with this been the 4th section but it doesn't get any easier at all x
Been to hospital to get checked over. It is indeed my waters !! Eek !! But I'm only 1cm. My contractions are super strong now. And around 7 minutes apart but as only 1cm getting sent home .... I'll probs be back in 4-5 hours though :) .
Exciting! Try and have a snack and drink water. Have a rest if the contractions are not too painful for it. If you end up with a long labour it.will help you keep your energy up. Bet you will be having cuddles in no time though!
I went from 3cm to 10 in an hour so I don't think you'll be long! Just wondering are you our first proper December baby!!! Good luck!!!! Can't wait to hear the news Aries xo
Eeeeek Aries I get more and more excited when a come on here now with the babies starting to be born, all of the babies so far have been early ant they. Hope your getting on ok Aries :) mummy how are you and baby? Have you settled at home now bless you both. Can't finally say I'm having my baby this month eeeeeeek feels so strange in a way, wondering if he'll stay put another 12days. :) xx
Strange question but inside of my legs are getting sore what would ppl recommend I use on them? X
Well ladies Ted William arrived this am 05:16 exactly on his due date !

8lb 3.5oz
55cm long
32cm head circumference
He's perfect and I'm doing fine

Waters went 9pm yesterday
Went hosp for a check and sent home at 24:00- 1cm dilated
Back to hosp 4am with horrific contractions 5 mins apart
Assessed and 5cm !
Moved to labour ward at 05:05 and finally got some gas and air !!!
05:16 out he popped lol !

Very lucky to have only needed gas and air. No tears or stitches and we are both well
Wow a massive congratulations Aries a love the name ted can't believe he came on his exact due date eeeek. What a lovely start to December. Hope you and baby are both well xx

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