December babies 2016 **last babies of the year**

Cool :) . Not sure why she wouldn't do one sooner , just said that as my pregnancy is not complicated that I could have a sweep at 40 weeks.. I never thought to ask for one sooner as I've not had any discomfort or issues etc. Maybe it's the area I live. I've seen a midwife maybe 5 times since 9 weeks pregnant.. on 2 of them occasions it's been a different midwife filling in whilst mine was away. So only seen my actual midwife 3 times so far. I've not had much contact with her really so probably why I haven't bothered asking for a sweep. Is their specific reasons you can ask for one ????

I'm having a boy. My 2nd boy, I was wanting another boy so was made up when I found out.

I also had a bad scan at 20 weeks where they could not see 75% of the organs etc, scanned again at 22 weeks and same thing . I was told that they wouldn't scan again because they doubt they'll be able to see anything !!. In the end I went for a private scan at 30 weeks to check heart, brain, lips, kidneys, spine and skull --- they couldn't see them correctly on NHS scan apparently

I have also just found out the hospital I'm supposed to go to when I'm labour has had a massive noro virus outbreak !!!
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I guess different midwives do things differently. But I guess if your fine then there's no need to have a sweep early.
I'm only having one to encourage vbac. If not it's a section the week of the 12th.

I've seen my midwife a few times but it's not always the same one. I don't particularly like her so it's a plus for me lol
You can ask for one if you're uncomfy, spd, etc. Any reason really, it's up to the midwife to decide whether to give you one or not.

God that's awful! You think they would want to check baby properly. Thank for he's okay though. I think I would have paid for an extra scan too.

I've always wanted girls. So I'm happy :) my partner would have loved a boy though.

Oh that's not good! If you have to go in make sure the midwives change gloves/aprons as they should. And wash your hands regularly etc xx

Hey ladies my baby as been going absolutely nuts movement wise tonight been funny watching him kick remote off of my belly bless him. Just not pleased I've got a cold do they still do sections with colds coughs etc? Oh gosh Aries not something u wanna get noro virus isit :( I'm dreading the consultant tomorrow he's gonna be really pushy on sterilisation and probli go thru the risks of 4 section which am already scared about :( is checking babies lips a new thing? Only noticed them check this babies lips never noticed them doing it with my other boys x
Ilklemoi they check the lip area to see for any cleft lips of possible cleft palates:). Lol baby kicking the remote . I've never had a c section so not sure on criteria with regards to illness cough and colds .

Slb - I've had no issues other then the scan not showing well, no issues in my previous pregnancy either , no c sections or inductions .. yes I reckon that's why she has left me till 40 weeks as there's no benefit in starting me off early - I'm not booked in for induction or c section either --- I'm being left to go all natural again :). Fingers crossed baby plays ball..

I hope your sweep works and you get your natural birth . My sis had 2 c sections and 2 natural and she said she preferred natural as a f section took her off her feet for days - weeks and she said she was much more sore with the c section .. fingers crossed for you
Natural birth is just a different experience completely just the emotions and everything are different or was with the natural birth I had. Hopefully you'll have a natural birth again Aries, a section well the pain wen in the hospital beds strapped to the cathita is the worst thing I rekon and not been able to get baby out of the cot proper is fustrating, the next morning is such a relief when they have you up and about. I'm so looking forward to meeting my little boy now and to see the reactions of my other boys my 5year old is so excited it's unreal he's been drawing pictures for the baby and talking to my bump such a little cutie he is. X
Ikkle I'm same with movements this evening I feel like he might pop my waters at this rate, he seems so violent.

With my son I got a stinking cold after my due date I could barely breath. When contractions started I panicked as I thought shit how am I meant to do my controlled breathing let alone push a baby out like this. I had a section anyway. I doubt they would delay your section for a cold maybe if you were really poorly with something else they would.

Slb I didn't realise you are going for a vbac! I have my section booked a week tomorrow but I'm still debating whether to cancel or not and in the back of my mind if I get any twinge I start feeling excited I might go into labour on my own. They didn't even offer me an early sweep so I didn't go over my dd. I thought especially seeing as my consultant was like no inductions at all after section aloud that maybe this would be something she would have suggested. I guess I was quite vocal myself though I didn't want any intervention at all apart from section if I didn't start off completely natural.

I've got my pre op assessment tomorrow which involves a midwife check too. I'm actually debating whether to get them to examine me do you think they would??

Just got a quick question. The midwife doing your sweep... is it the same one you have for the booking in appointment etc... would you be able to get a different one do you think?
Tonks they never examined me when I was attempting a vbac, they basically said that I had so much time to go into labour then would incude me if that's what a wanted to do but induction was never an option in my mind again after the bad experience with the drip and the drug inside the drip isit pricton or something like that. I went 6 days over and have a very scussssful smooth natural birth refused anything else other than gas and air, the pain wasn't even that bad was actually shocked when they said i need to start to push. With that going so well a thought my 3rd would go as smooth but he was a back to back birth and got stuck at 8cm bare in mind a went to hospital at 7 they left me 28hour like that I actually had to beg to go down to theatre in end as they WA gonna use drip to speed contractions up. I could feel pain in between contractions and everything they'd basically left me too long in labour the care was shocking and they wasn't even interested really when a phoned saying I was in labour at 3oclock made me wait till 11oclock that night as a previous section patient. You do what you ladies thinks is right if you think some5hung is wrong mention it and don't let them pressure u into anything your not comfy with. I'm reall6 jealous that a won't be having the option of been of my head on gas and air a loved the stuff lol. I was reading about vbac a after 3 sections and it's possible to do, alot try in America and seems that vbac is promoted a lot more over there, says the risks are a lot less than a repeat section but not even an option with my consultant with my previous elective section never mind this one. Thing a won't miss is the random panic attacks about that'll happen I'm scared of actually having one in theatre gonna explain to my consultant this morning when I see him, but scared he'd wanna put me to sleep then or something. So many mixed emotions this moment in time I wonder if cold is part of the process getting ready for labour? It's so odd that a don't remember pregnancies as such with my other boys. 14days cannot come quick enough I just want my baby in my arms now x
I'm having a really rough night I'm totally exhausted, the past two nights I've had lovely midwives on tonight there's a complete bitch on and I feel like I'm about to lose the plot, I'm feeling so homesick missing my husband and son desperately, feeling really lonely, in pain, had a catheter on which fell out and for a while I could retain urine but would have a little urgency and sometimes leak before making it to the loo no my bladder isn't holding anything and I'm leaking constantly changing pads every half hour or so, baby WAS fairly settled this evening until the bitchy midwife flung my door open and said there's your antibiotics handed them to me and left didn't check any of my details hasn't done any of my obs tonight, my tummy is so sore and the one night I feel like I could do with a chat I have the most unapproachable person on, after I fed baby at 11pm it took me to 2am to get her settled she was being a bit of a diva just wanted held nothing really wrong with her but finally got her into her cot and asleep and bitchy midwife slams my door open again and shouts in I need to borrow your drip stand nevermind it's now 2.30 and I may be sleeping so I'm now awake again after managing 10 mins of sleep, baby is crying and she's left the door wide open and I know when I stand up the pee is just Gona start flowing again!
I really just needed a rant it was either this or I was phoning my husband to Come and get me before I totally lose the plot
Omg mummy a can't believe the way she has treat you thatsbbang out of order I'd be reporting her. Surely on charts too she should of marked obs and if there's nothing there she's gonna have to do abit of explaining ain't she. Have they sorted you out another catheter? If you need them keep pressing the buzzer in hospital when I've had baby before they've just told me to press for anything what's so ever even down to wanting a drink, sure there's always one midwife to make you feel like complete rubbish tho I dread that part when I have to rely on them for the first night. Hope baby as settled back down for you again and that she don't return with the door opening. How long have you got to stay in for now Hun? I really feel for you would a get away with bashing her for you and blaming it on pregnant hormones? ��. Xx
Mummy that's not professional practice aT all. Sleep is one the most important things in relation to healing. The fact that you have a baby will impact your sleep neve mind the fact she's smashing your door open . I bet you can't wait to get home !! Hopefully when she goes home her neighbours will keep her up all day day see how she likes it lol . Try and get a cat nap when your visitors pop in or get your fella to being in some ear plugs and a mask . Getting your rest is paramount , esp now.

I qualified as a nurse in march, & I would be horrified if my patients told me they didn't feel I'd looked after them properly but then again I wouldn't dream of slamming doors and waking a sleep deprived mother up who is still probably recovering from the sepsis incident. Granted a midwife is different from a nurse but we all follow the same NMC code for our professional practice.

I always get nervous if I get another nurse as a patient because they know what I should be doing lol .... I have nurse written in my occupation part of my notes so we will see , my fella is also a nurse !
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Hey ladies saw consultant earlier and he was lovely said he understood my anxiety about the section and was trying to put my mind at ease, apparently hysterectomy in c sections is 1 in 1000 for me, he said the main risk is scar adhesions and injury to my bladder through them sticking to it? Been ok all day and then now am petrified once ahain��. I honestly feel like I'm going mad with the overthinking and the what ifs feel so down atm instead of been excited I really don't wanna have to leave my boys behind in worst case scenario ��������.
Ikklemoi. I am sure the risk of anything happening is still very low. I think sometimes doctors blow risks out of proportion. Even when there is a higher risk ot still doesnt mean there is a high risk. Im glad your consultant was nice.

I dont actually understand why they offer sweeps before your due date some places. I mean if there is a medical reason it makes sense and I would certainly try it before more agresive formd of induction but it technically still is a form of induction and it is an intervention. I am sure its not a huge deal but I tend to think its best to trust our bodies and babies know best until there isca reason to think otherwise.

Oh mummy, I hope you get some decent sleep soon. It must be really hard without your OH there to help out with baby at night. A bitchy midwife is the last straw. How much longer will you be staying in? You might consider talking to doctor and saying that you are getting no sleep and dont feel like you can get better without more rest. They might send you home a bit earlier.
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Tonks I imagine you could ask for a sweep/check to see if you're making progress. Personally I would before going for a section.

A little bit disheartened today.. been to see my consultant. My cervix is tight shut (couldn't get the sweep done) and she's not confident that it's going to change much in two weeks.
Booked in for a section on the 15th.
I didn't want to be induced anyway but she even said she wouldn't be happy inducing me because it failed with my daughter & my cervix isn't ready. She just thinks it would cause my scar to rupture.

Got to be seen twice a week because my BP has been fluctuating, got slight headaches and swelling. Going back to see her next Tuesday. Normal midwife every Friday. So they will carry on attempting sweeps until my section date.

Bunny.. personally I want to try and get baby out naturally. They don't want me going over my due date because of the previous section. So I don't have time on my side. That's why I'm having sweeps.

Anyone have any labour inducing tips? Lol

I'm already taking 6 raspberry leaf capsules a day. Evening primrose oil vaginally and orally (3 each a day). Bouncing on the ball, sex, waking, nipple stimulation, etc.

Or any tips on how to get baby to engage? She's -3 at the minute. X

Hi SIB babies the day I had my second which was vbac , I saw midwife was only something like 4/5or 3/5 and I had him that day, body can just dilate so quickly it's amazing. There's still 2weeks left so try and stay positive that something will happen. How far will you be in the 15th? I was 6days over with him, but they would of let me go 12days over they said. Is baby in a good position etc? I don't think anything really works to encourage labour just a waiting game ain't it as fustrating as it is. I tried absolutely everything I'm sure with my 3rd taking the dog for a walk and him pulling me set me into labour as early hours I was in slow labour (on my due date) might be coincidence tho. Tonks the risks are low but higher than when I had the previous sections a can't wait to actually be in theatre it's the build up of anxiety that is making me so negative. The consultant says if am to go into labour before or have any pains then go straight to labour ward for an emergency section. Hopefully that won't happen and he'll stay put. Twice I've been told how that baby is a decent size consultant said today il be having a really cuddly baby bless him I'm guessing he'll be in 9lb region if not bigger ��. Xx
Hi , how is everyone? Amazing to see we already have 2 December babies! Congratulations !

My baby is breech at 36weeks. Got to see a consultant next week about turning it. If it doesn't turn on its own or they aren't able to i'll have to have a planned section which I'm incredibly sad and worried about.

Anyone else had a naughty breech baby ?

No, my little bub is being good at the moment, my last was in the back to back position and they didn't know till his head was out. Very painful. I've heard breech is much worse though. Hopefully your baby will turn, some leave it till last minute and then decide to turN . Fingers crossed for you
Ikklemoi The section is booked for 2 days before my due date. My trust don't like women to go for planned sections at 40 weeks. They usually do them as close to 39 as possible but luckily they couldn't fit me in any earlier otherwise it would have been the 12th.

I'm already 3/5ths engaged so im hoping baby will drop and put pressure on my cervix.
I just felt a bit down yesterday because the consultant said there wasn't much hope.

I'm not actually bothered about how baby gets here. I'm more bothered about the recovery of a section again. I would have preferred a vbac really.

I'm trying everything to get this little one moving! lol nothing worked with my daughter either though! And that was with medication so again I'm
Not hopeful!

Madsticks some babies do turn last minute. Good luck. Also they thought my little one was breech but turned out she wasn't when I went for a scan. She just felt that way because she was skinny lol

So got home late last night, they gave me the option of staying or going, but when I saw dickhead midwife comin on for her shift I was already getting myself dressed haha, great to be home feel so much better having my wee family together under one roof xo


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