Ikklemoi .. I'm getting pains around my section scar. A mixture of my pants rubbing on the scar and baby pushing down I think.
Cornish fairy.. I've swapped my pillow for two sofa cushions so Im not lay flat at night. Exactly the same reason, I can't breath if I lie down lol it's really helped.
Mummy.. it's always best to get checked out. Let us know how you get on. Good luck and I hope baby is fine.
Aaww my little girl keeps asking when her sisters coming. I've told her Santa is bringing her lol
Blondie.. try not to worry. Once your in labour you don't really have time or patience to worry about the pain. You just kind of get on with it. I suppose you have to lol
Due date twinies!Hi everyone!
This is my first pregnancy, im 33+4 and due to give birth 29 Dec 2016, although i may be induced due to GD.
Had a scan last Tuesday and everything is great! Baby is a normal weight and is growing lovely! Not long left to go now and the thought of labour is terrifying me lol! Pain and I dont get on well haha! Period pain was enough for me and this is going to be 100000x worse!
Cant believe its nearly December though! The pregnancy has gone so quick!