December babies 2016 **last babies of the year**

Wow.. your bump is so neat and tucked in if you know what I mean. I feel like ive got a balloon under my top lol xx

I don't feel like it's near Sib just feel so uncomfortable today it's unreal and it's making me feel even more anxious. Got the midwife again tomorrow. I'm gonna try and enjoy the last few weeks if possible as I won't be having anymore babies after my little boy is born, this will be my 5th little boy, I'm scared the nearer it comes by in 5weeks at this time my baby will be here it's so hard to believe. How's things going with you the nearer you get to due date? X
You look really good! Bumps usually get less neat the more kids you have if you know what I mean. But you look amazing.

I'm really uncomfy. I'm not sleeping either which doesn't help. I can't breath when I lie on my back. And baby hates it if I sleep on my side. She kicks hell out of my ribs lol

Try to relax Hun. I know it's hard but this is your 5th one. You and your body know what to do by now lol
I can't wait for baby.. I'm super excited. Obviously I want her healthy so she can stay put for a bit lol

I'm not nervous for the birth yet. That will come when my waters break/contractions start/section date.
I can't believe how quickly things have come round either! Xx

This is my 36 week bump, couldn't get a pic further out I seem to have developed t-Rex arms lol


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Awww mummy you don't seem to have a big bump at all to say there's only 4weeks left for you :)
I'm getting pains, probli braxton hicks and like pressure in my bump if that makes any sense. Iv midwife later but sure it's nothing probli baby moved into another awkward position the way he was moving about last night. X
Mummy it could just be the picture but you look tiny for 36 weeks. I agree though.. getting pictures is hard now haha

Ikklemoi I hope everything's okay and it's just BH. Let us know how you get on.
I'm at the midwife Friday.. hoping that baby is still head down. I think she is. Really hoping I go naturally this time but don't think I will. Xx

T-rex arms, lol.

Those bump pictures all look lovely and make me feel even bigger! My bump is soooo not neat this time, lol. I saw the MW yesterday and she admitted she was a bit shocked at my size when I walked in but once she felt my tummy she said it's not as big as it looks, it's just all out the front.
No I don't think it's the pic I've a really small bump this time compared to my son, I lost about 29lbs with hyperemesis and I've put about 12 on so I'm still not even back to pre pregnancy weight, the midwife thinks my bump is very neat too, with my son I was like the marshmallow man from ghostbusters.
I lost 39lbs:shock: in tri 1 but I still look huge now, lol. I am back to my pre-pregnancy weight though.
Looking at those bump pics makes me miss mine! They all look lovely
Wonder how big I would have been now?

Still in hospital but now able to breastfeed as my milk has come through!! Going well, if a bit sore.

Anyone know how to upload a photo on to here via Tapatalk?
I've no idea how to upload via that sorry. Been to midwife baby is brim and head down she said he's back to back with me which will explain me getting pressure in my back. I've gained 6kg so far at 34 weeks, she said that's really good. Panicking about my section still she said things might get complicated with previous scaring etc just want it to come to the day now as I'm so scared to what might happen. �� Xx
Bunny I feel huge now I've seen everyone else bumps lol
I've put on 8kg. No hyperemesis so I think I've done quite well. I've got friends that put on 4 stone when pregnant. The midwife commented on my bump last time I went too!

How are you and Luca? Hope you're both well.
To upload a picture just press the plus button that's to the left of the comment box.

Ikklemoi glad everything's okay. Try not to worry. The registrars/consultants all know what they're doing and are well trained. I'm sure you'll be in safe hands. I think it just means it will take them longer to stitch you back up. Xx

Think will wait until we are back home to put a photo.

We are both doing well and Luca is now up to 4lbs, so he's gradually putting on the weight.
He has also taken to breastfeeding very well which is great.

We'll hopefully be getting home early next week, once I've seen the consultant on Monday.
Glad to hear our first December baby is doing well :)

I had another scan today. Too soon to measure growth again after the low measurement we got last week, but everything else looking OK. Have got some extra medication for my 'downstairs discomfort' so hoping that helps. Growth scan next week and if baby still measures small then we may be looking at induction around 37 weeks!

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If you have baby at 37 weeks gravid then when will that be?

Mummy your bump looks lovely xx

Mine today at 36+4;


I'm feeling discomfort between my groin when I walk but my bump hasn't seemed to have dropped at all. I'm booked for section on 6th Dec when I'm 39+6!!! Looks unlikely I'll go into natural before then.

I've got midwife again next week so I'm going to ask them to weigh me - aargggghhhhhh! Don't think it's going to look pretty! lol


awww lovely little bump tonks, I'm getting a lot of pressure in the groin area, when the midwife saw me last week said baby was brim, whatever that means I ain't a clue no one as said that before to me. Oh it's quite possible you could go into labour at 39+1, would they let you have a natural birth? My section is 13th Dec il be 38+6 and absolutely bricking myself. �� Do they not weight you at midwife she did me and put on 6kg hate been weighted tho not sure on the reason why your weighted isit for anesethic purposes? X
In my hospital notes it tells you what brim etc means of you have a wee check in it, I don't know if the notes are different here in N.I if not u can google it!

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