December babies 2016 **last babies of the year**

Thanks ladies. Glad to know it's all normal.
My daughter was still high when I was induced at 37 weeks and it ended in a section as she wasn't budging. So I didn't have any pains like this last time.

This baby is so low compared to my daughter.
Fanny daggers hahahha but yes that's exactly what they feel like. They actually stop me in my tracks when walking. But also make me feel like I'm about to pee myself lol

I can feel baby lower than my section scar. If I put my hand below my hair line that's where I can feel her move. It's really weird lol
I can still feel her bum above my belly button.
yes I get a pulling sensation around my section scar too.

It's amazing what our bodies can do. But I can't imagine another 6 weeks with pains lol I don't drive either so I rely on walking. Got a feeling I won't be going very far from now on lol cx

Hey all. Had another scan today (32 weeks +1 day).
Mostly fine but baby has gone from plotting exactly on the 50th centile 4 weeks ago to only just hitting the 10th centile line on my graph today :/
I have no idea how common this is or whether I should be worried or not. The midwives were not exactly panicked but I have been bumped up to weekly scans from this point on.
Is there anything I can do? Should I be eating super foods or something? I can't help but feel like I'm doing this wrong :(

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Don't blame yourself Hun. My little girl stopped growing around 32 week. She was born 4lbs 9 at 37+4. Completely healthy btw, we were home the next day.

If your little one has just stopped there's not much you can do. You could try drinking more, eating more protein etc but I don't know how much difference it will make.
I wouldn't worry too much at this stage. Baby could have just been in an awkward position or the measurements might be off. They do say that growth scans can be up to 2lbs off! So they could tell you baby was small but they're average or vice Versa.
Good luck Hun. I'm sure everything will be fine whether baby is small or not. They're scanning you weekly so at least they're keeping an eye on you xx

I've just been discharged from the consultant as I was measuring small and been having weekly scans as I was bang on the bottom line I've now moved to the middle so bad a growth spurt! It is a good thing having weekly scans as you get to see the baby and they are monitoring you to see if the placenta is doing it's job. Have you got to have a Doppler scan thena growth scan? It will be ok, I am glad I was monitored. I am nearly 34 weeks an baby is now 4'9lb. It's nothing you are going to migjt be the ambillical cord not doing its job which they will look into. When's your scan? Xxx
I feel like a pin cushion!

Still got catheter in, which has been changed and now on a drip for hydration.

The good news is I'm now able to sit up in a chair!

So exhausted but at least the strong contractions have gone for now.
This baby isn't anywhere near engaged yet. If I feel with my hand I can tell the bit below my hair line is totally empty. With my 1st pregnancy DD engaged early and it felt like walking around with a bowling ball between my legs. It made me waddle funny and I got the Danny daggers. I could also feel her head with my hand.
Just had a talk to consultant and he said as contractions are getting stronger when they come, I'm 1cm and Luca is in a good position for delivery, his opinion is for me to get induced tomorrow and I have agreed as I'm just getting so fed up now...

So it all starts tomorrow at 8am!!

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Oh wow! good luck Sophia will be thinking of your wee family tomorrow xo
Thanks mummywanabe...

Slightly scared but know it's the best option.

Just hope it's quick to start things off!

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Good luck! We will all have our fingers crossed for a quick and safe delivery! Cxx
Good luck Sophia be thinking of you tomorrow, the hospitals and staff are amazing and will take care of you and baby Luca. Hope all goes well xx
The staff are lovely and know we will all be in safe hands.

My husband has gone back home to get some needed sleep before tomorrow and spend time with our other son.

Will update tomorrow if I can...
...and contractions are now back and a lot stronger as is the pressure.

Sent text to husband to come back as said think baby will be here tonight!

Can't cope with the pain any longer...
Gosh you may not need inducted little Luca is certainly trying his best to put in an appearance
Just been examined and 4cm so making good progress and midwife thinks he will be here tonight as he's moved further down...

Husband is on his way back, as he was half way home! Said he is super excited!!!
Wow things have progressed fast for you :) won't be long now till you meet little Luca :) xx
Wow good luck Sophia, our first December baby!!! It's all very exciting.


Good luck Sophia. Hope all goes well and you and baby Luca are healthy :) xx


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