could it be this month...

morning girlies - well i went to Meadowhall last night and guess what? :x they didnt have any HPT's :x

so my mate is gonna get me some, probably Tuesday, but tbh i think i am just going to wait and see if AF comes.

did some retail therapy so wasnt all bad :lol:
You should try ebay - my cheap clearblues came really quickly :cheer:
i would do but my mum has an account, not me, and so she would find out - also, wouldnt really fancy having HPT's delivered to my house lol
They did come in a plain jiffy bag but if you don't want your Mum to find out yet, probably best get them from a shop :D Hope you test soon, I'm dying to know if it is your month :D Good luck!

I just found 25 cheapie tests for £5.69 including p&p (also on ebay) does anyone know if these are reliable? Look at me, been off the pill for a day and already buying tests :roll:
Hi Mildy,

I used cheap HPTs and they were correct for me - I'd say, go for it!

Good luck to you all!

Valentine xxx
Hi rachie chick - well so far SOD ALL :( apart from the feeling of starvation thats about it - got a little headache but sure that aint owt to do with it - looks like it ISNT my month after all - but gnna :pray: that AF doesnt arrive next week - im still holding on to it being my month but probably just kidding myself - how about your rachie?? :hug:
well as i'm heading closer to af due date its tricky to distinguish which are which..

still have funny taste in mouth, that never goes, bbs are a sore (on and off) and am really really hungry all the time. Still getting the odd twinge and have more cm BUT as i said some of these are pre af symptoms... on paper it sounds promising but i wont know until i test... i'm going to wait until monday to test (thats when af due i think)


as long as af stays away youre always in with a chance....
it will stay away hun as its my birthday on monday hehe
im due today and no sign at all she always shows the night before or in the morning we even got quite a bit of bd'ing done thismorning just incase she showed up
manda x
tomorro lol to late to test today and dont want to waste them as if its possitive il have to do more lol to make sure haha cant afford digi ones just gonna have to get pee stick ones lol
manda x
lol manda - well get testing - and you rachie - please stop keeping me in suspense!!! :lol:

your symtpoms do sound promising though rachie

i ave just eaten my dinner and now i have the 'bloated' feeling again, dull aches again but still feel really hungry :think:
sorry Miss G, i'm holding off on the testing til monday..... we'll just to have to make do with a bfp from manda tomorrow to tide us over ha ha

if i cave in and tst early i'll let you know....

i'm keeping my fingers and toes crossed for you Miss G.... :pray:
thanks rachie i am keeping my fingers crossed for all of us - i so want us all to get those BFP's

cummon Manda - get the ball rolling with those BFP's :dance:
get yourself to Home Bargains (if you have one nr u??) or Poundland - can usually get one in either of those!!!


TEST :clap: TEST :clap: TEST :clap: TEST :clap:

lol im just so excited for you all :lol:
lol i dont have anything by me hun and i aint even got a pound im so skint i got minus £28 in my banmk lol and i dont have an overdraft
manda x
well Becs has started the ball rolling...cummon now rachie, me and manda !!

today i feel really rubbish, got a weird taste in my mouth and have a sore throat, dull ache is my stomach and feel absolutly staving even thought i onyl had my brekki an hr and half ago! also got a little bit of a headache!!!

:think: :hug:

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