Controlled crying

I think what the op means is that the baby is already asleep after the feed and so can't be put down drowsy first time.
I think what the op means is that the baby is already asleep after the feed and so can't be put down drowsy first time.

am still confused :) if my baby is asleep after feeding he definitely goes in his cotbed! :) although he does sleep better if we go through the structured bedtime routine before that.

For reference, my bedtime routine is to say goodnight with baby to everything not in the room.
We then go to baby's bedroom & feed.
If awake, we then read through 4 different baby books about bedtime (Goodnight Teddy, Goodnight Moon, Goodnight Spot etc), actually I read them through with him twice.
I then sing (on my rocking chair) the same set of songs, starting with Mary Mary Quite Contrary and ending with his most sleep-inducing song, We're Walking in the Air (from The Snowman).
Usually that is enough to get him to be asleep in his cot, although on occasions past that I have had to put him down and then he gets upset & we go to the cc thing.
I have no advice only reassurance that you're not alone. Ds2 doesn't go to bed until between 10pm and 12am, it's utterly ridiculous. We have some nights where he sleeps through from sheer exhaustion and some nights where he'll be up once or twice and then he's up at 7 every morning of his own volition. We have underlying issues that we're in the process of getting referrals and all sorts for but I just wanted to say you're not alone in frequent waking up.

What I mean by that is when he gets his feed he falls straight to sleep then I put him in. But I'd rather put him in awake u see. Lol
I always do a routine at night of bath book bottle and bed. So tonight i will do that. But will try and put him down slightly drowsy as opposed to being completely sleeping.

When he wakes i will try water and if he doesnt take it then do the CC.

When doing the controlled crying should i do 5 minute 10 minutes then 15 minute etc going up in 5s or should i go up in 2s like 5 minutes then 7 then 9 etc.

Also how long is it ok to let your child cry? Like i know you need to be careful with boys because they can get hernias in there testicals and would not want to cause him any pain to this extent.

What do use girls recommend? does this sound ok?
Also ive seen arguements for and against lifting and putting down or just patting on the back or sushing.
what do use recommend?
Jackson fell asleep on me until 1 year old and he went into his own bed :oooo:

I guess that was me partly being selfish wanting cuddles before bed, we havent did it in two years now! But I was worried about Jackson just going straight to bed because every night he fell asleep feeding in my arms.

The only difference is he didnt wake during the night or when I put him down, so I felt I could do this?

We did Bath Bottle Bed routine since 6w but he just always dozed off as he got to the end, Id try wake him and he just slept.

Id go with what you feel comfortable, there are no rules as such only you know your child and what may work best.

Personally I would try giving him his milk just a little bit earlier in the evening to increase the chances of him being awake when you put him down. How much milk is he drinking throughout the day and how much food is he having? Babies only stop waking at night for milk when they're getting enough during the day. You could try to increase his food or milk intake at various times during the day, which might help.

With our daughter, we would give her a cuddle, put her in her cot, dummy in, mobile on and then leave the room. I'd sit right outside the bedroom door and then every time she started to cry, I'd go in, pat her back, offer her her dummy and put the mobile back on. I never waited specific amounts of time as far as I can remember, but you will know the difference between a murmuring cry (sometimes they do this just before they go to sleep) and a full out cry. What you want to avoid is any distressed crying. I would definitely start with going in as soon as you hear a cry and going up from there - 5 mins is quite a long time to start with I think.

I think the main thing to remember is they need to know that you'll be there for them if they need you, so that might mean actually sitting in the room with him to start with while he settles down, then move to sitting at the door and then out of the room.
I really appreciate all ur fed back in really really do girls

I'm gonna try the routine tonight I always doo but going to put lavender drops in his bath and rub lavender oil on his feet and neck (my sister in law does this with her lo and they all sleep gr8)

I will try ANYTHING lol. I swear d God I'm trying to be as positive as possible in hopes that my lb will receive the positivity and sleep haha.

I too think 5 mins is too much to start with so gonna start at 2 mins then 4 then 5 then 7 then 10 and just do up to 10 minutes at a time.

When he wakes every time I'm going to offer him water. And if he doesn't take it then I will do the CC.

If he wakes about 4/5 ish I will offer him milk. Because I can understand if he's hungry at that time.

As for the question about his eating. He's a wee monster he eats porridge in the morning with 6 oz milk. Lunch is either fruit and yogurt or soup and bread and then 5 oz milk he then has dinner which can be anything depending on what I am eating. Then he has supper which is porridge and then 5/6 sometimes 7 oz milk. So he shouldn't be hungry. He then proceeds to take small oz through the night accumulating to 18 oz. He's a wee chubby cherub he was a a big baby he was 10lb 9.5oz at birth.

Girls please send me all ur positivity. I'm stressed to high heavens as is. I'm getting married in 8 weeks and Potty training my toddler too so I need my sleep lol

I'm really sorry I've never tried CC before but I do what Ella suggested. My LG is naughty at bed time lol she has her bath, story, bottle, mobile on, dummy and snuggles with percy panda. She never falls asleep right away she likes to practice her crawling and does that happily until she gets stuck then she has a moan. I don't tend to leave the room because I'm usually that tired at her bedtime I read my book in bed myself. When she cries I tuck her back in and give her the dummy again without lifting her from the cot. This process happens for about 30 mins before she gives in and nods off. During the day she groans when she is nodding off and will only nod off in my arms. I recorded her because it's funny. She will be asleep but still grumbling x

She wakes in the night about 3 and then 6 but I have a suspicion that she is cold she has grown out of her sleeping bags and I can't seem to find any in asda at the moment to replace them but I will as soon as I can x
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If my lb only woke once or twice I honestly wouldn't mind but wakening at least 10 times a night has to stop lol

I wanna do this as a calming transition for him I do. I don't wanna let him cry too long on his own. Xx
I'm sorry my problems give u a headache Carnat but I'm at my whits end don't know what to do with my lb and needed help. Dear God
So anyways...

He got 1 whole weetabix with 3 oz of his milk and then bath bottle and book and bed. He only took 2 oz for me before he literally fell asleep.
I used the lavender oil to do a baby massage on him and put it on his feet and nape of his neck. He got his neurophen for teething and anbesol liquid on his gums.

If /when he wakens should I give him a bottle ? Or water I don't know because he didn't take a full feed I tried u dressing him and wakening him up to get the bottle into him but was a no go.
OP, it's been a very contentious issue in the past few weeks culminating in a very unsupportive and hostile atmosphere (and thread closures)

Seems a shame to perpetuate the bad vibes with another thread!!
Well I don't be on here a lot so I can't always keep up to date with what's going on. But I thought at the end of the day this was an open forum where people can ask for help or advice when they need it. Ur the only one thinks it's a problem you didn't need to click into this thread you didn't need to read it you didn't need to be so hateful about it.
I am just wondering do you still wind baby after a feed. I know this is a silly question! Does the winding wake him baby up slightly xx
Not sure the OP should be dissuaded from asking a genuine question and obtaining advice from those who don't have a problem with CC because of what recent nasty conversations perpetuated ( as per wobbles ) by one person who is actively flaming and trolling? Open forum, open question, open topics, it's not a banned topic and not considered controversial but those who don't agree/aren't interested/ have no experience/ etc need not respond? I don't go into threads about high risk labours or waterbirths as I have no experience, weather my personal opinions are aligned with the post or not. I've only recently come back onto this section of the forum and have been shocked by the actions and words of a few ( thankfully now) ex members. Hope we can just provide support to one another and follow the lead of the OP like in this case who wanted advice about how to do CC .
He has never needed winded thank God he's gr8 and getting it up himself he goes on to his cot and farts and burps. Which I find so funny.
Charlie - I always winded mid way through and then not as much afterwards, never had an issue when settling down

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