Controlled crying

thats great news hun, no i think you did right getting up to give her a feed and i bet she might slepp straight through after a few days :cheer: :cheer:
Alfiesmummy said:
IM A NO NONSENSE MUMMY! well at night i am during the day im a push over the smallest cry im like im here baby but no i need me time and at night time thats when i get it. bless his heart but youknow as soon as iv bathed him and put him down he looks so clean and beautifull that i just want to pick him up and cuddle him ... but only made that mistake once im like him i learn quickly :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

Hee hee you sound sooooo like me, I am putty in Charlies hands during the day but come bath and bed time its like a military operation here!!!
He Knows after his bath its bottle and bed and he sleeps right through from 7pm to 7am. Like that i go all squishy when i see him all clean in his little sleepsuit and sleeping bag.
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: what are we like we spend all day thinking xxx hours untill bed i get 5 mins 2 myslef then when they are in bed you spend the whole night thinking xxx amount of hours till hes awake and i cant hug him and squeeze him again, just never pleased us mummies :rotfl:
wow! I am shocked!!

I am thinking of trying this with Ellis tonight..... i have been putting him down after a shorter and shorted cuddle but i can seem to get lower then 40 secs now .... and i have to rock him to sleep for his naps too!

prickleyfairy it sounds like amy was just waking to comfort feed in the night rather than out of hunger! that is great that she did so well :)
Thanx girls....since the weekend Mia has been getting better & better, she now sleeps from 7.30/8pm till 3.30am-she then stirs and sometimes has a grizzle for 10 minutes, then goes back to sleep till 8am!!!

It's finally great to get some sleep!

Amy xx
Im so gald it'a working Amy, It is great to get a good nights sleep! You can face anything as long as you have had sleep lol
prickleyfairy said:
Thanx girls....since the weekend Mia has been getting better & better, she now sleeps from 7.30/8pm till 3.30am-she then stirs and sometimes has a grizzle for 10 minutes, then goes back to sleep till 8am!!!

It's finally great to get some sleep!

Amy xx

Hi guys!

Long time no hear from me anyway. After virtually being on a nervous breakdown, reading your post Amy makes me feel better.

Jake was the dream sleeper until about 5-6 months old. Since Xmas, our lives have been flipped upside down and I am going insane. All of a sudden he just wakes and screams, kicks the hell out of his cot, etc etc. Some nights are fine, a quick cuddle or leaving him for 5-10 mins and he's back off to sleep again but then there are the one's like last night where it took 2 hours of him being miserable before he went back to sleep.

We tried the bottle but he didn't want a bar of it, he'd end up falling asleep in our arms but as soon as you'd put him down - he'd wake all upset. In the end, OH forced me to leave his room, shut his door and 10 mins later, pure silence and he slept till the morning.

I know one of you has said sleeping through and your bubs is only 3 months.....this was exactly like us. He was going to bed at 5.30-6pm and not waking till 6am but then it happened. Hoping it doesn't happen to you but christ, it's killing me.

I want to try this with oliver but my OH doesnt agree... well he says "i have to get up in the morning bla bla bla"

He was going untill 6 in the morning but he has been ill so been waking up. I do the wrong thing and feed him but it so easy! so now he is back to waking once or twice again!

Any way.... Hope you are all full of energy!

jade :talkhand:
Hi Sass

nice to see you back :D

I would give the controlled crying a try it does work :D
Hi Sass, Like Kelly said i would also try the controlled crying-it seems to of really worked apart from last week where Mia was awake lots due to teething.

Good luck

Amy xx

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