Controlled crying help

I know it's been suggested that you try getting her to sleep and moving her but have you tried putting her cot up against your bed putting her in and settling her? It would take boob initially but she would be in her own bed at least and would be easier to slowly transition. It is also cramped but again, worth it.

Imho I feel that 6.5 months is extremely young to do CC and she should not be crying for that length of time. I know you go into her but she is too young to understand the concept of mommy still being close even though she cannot see or hear you. I fully understand the need for sleep and the pain of co-sleeping, the method I've suggested does take time (about 3-4 months for us with a sleep fighter) but it does work and is far more gentle for younger babies.

I can't move her asleep, she wakes straight away. I did have a crib next to the bed but she wouldn't settle in that either x

I'm really sorry you are struggling. I did try this CC with my oldest but I gave up after a week it just didn't work! Like your daughter she was awful to settle but once she was asleep she slept well. My son was an awful sleeper. Up until 2 years ago he use climb in my bed in the night. I can still hear him going for a wee in the night now but luckily he doesn't wake me up now (he is 8). Routine worked for oldest but nothing worked for my son and because he was in the same room as my daughter I didn't want to try CC through fear of him disturbing my DD.
My youngest has been a good little sleep and the only thing that gets her to sleep is baby Mozart. Have you tried music? I dread the day she goes I to her own room. She sleeps well with noise which is great because hubby snores like a lawn mower. She probably won't sleep when she has quiet.

I really hope it gets better for you soon I really feel your pain.
Have you tried moving her bed time slightly earlier. Even just by 15 minutes while she is still quite alert giving her a feed and then putting her down. If she is a bad napper like my little one sometimes stretching them out to a specific bedtime can make it worse. Just like us, if they wake up earlier than usual or don't sleep well in the day they can be ready for bed earlier than usual. X
Thanks for that post, very helpful. The first 5 nights she didn't wake for feed but the last two she has... So maybe I shouldn't feed her?? Unless of course it's like 6am when she's likely to be genuinely hungry? How long did he cry for when first put down? And how did you settle him on the checks?? There may be something small
I'm doing wrong... Maybe she wants it to be completely dark as in our bedroom that's how it was?? Guess it's trial and error but very upsetting while its not working well!! Xx

We decided on any wake up after 6am was morning so yes sounds like if she didn't wake the first 5 nights she can manage without it?

We never had a problem first putting him down of a night, he always went down beautifully awake after his bath, feed and book, we had problems 1-3hrs after bedtime then frequent hourly wake ups. We decided on check ins at 5,10 and 15 mins, but we never had to go to 15 mins as he was always asleep between 5-10 mins. Before we did controlled crying each wake up was foraround 1-2hrs and he was crying a lot of it with us there. With controlled crying he woke up the first night 10 times and 8 times he cried for less than 5 mins. The other two times around 8 mins with a check in at 5 mins, we didn't do anything other than re position him and try not to give him eye contact or talk to him!

I think the reason why it worked so well for us was that he was wanting to self self settle and he could actually do self settle when first put down in the evening...?

How did last night go? Good luck with it all. Xxx
Following on from what babyscotcher said about adjusting her bedtime time. I read this a while ago which gives you an idea on sleeping for different ages. I know a lady I know started putting her little girl to bed around 5 I think and it helped with her sleep. It could be that shes very overtired and that could be hindering cc a little bit. I know when lily doesn't nap well she's terrible to get to sleep for bed.
Following on from what babyscotcher said about adjusting her bedtime time. I read this a while ago which gives you an idea on sleeping for different ages. I know a lady I know started putting her little girl to bed around 5 I think and it helped with her sleep. It could be that shes very overtired and that could be hindering cc a little bit. I know when lily doesn't nap well she's terrible to get to sleep for bed.

I wish my 8 month old was sleeping 11-12 hours with no feeds!
3-3.5 hours naps! I think Sophie has 1 hour max as she only sleeps in car now!! Used to sleep more when she napped on me after a feed but doesn't do that much now!! I think over tired is possibly the issue but getting her to nap seems impossible! One night I put her down earlier as she seemed exhausted, she went down lovely but woke after half hour (her usual nap time) then cried for three hours that night! Obviously I didn't leave her alone and went and fed and cuddled in that time. I'm thinking she wants to just nap around 7 and go to bed properly at 9 as she used to?! Maybe I should let her nap on me at 7, then put her to bed at 9 and slowly make that earlier and earlier gradually?? Worth a try?? Xx
My little girl only does 30 minute naps. Her cousin sleeps more in one nap than she does in an entire day!
That's definitely worth a try karen. We let lily sleep in her bouncer at around 7pm and if she's still asleep by 9 we give her a bottle and put her to bed. She will usually wake up between 7.30 - 8 then go down again between 9 and 10pm we find she sleeps through if we do this. It's only been in the last week we've done this as the week before we has a bad week xxx
Well... I couldn't start usual bed routine anyway as she was really struggling for a poo. Then she just fell asleep on my lap at 6.45 for half hour for the first time in her life (not on boob!) so it's all messed up tonight so will put her down properly as bit later and see how it goes. I know routine is key but I guess we've got to figure out what works for her.
Does anyone know if you can get professional help for sleep- other than the ridiculously priced private sleep people?? I'm feeling so down and depressed about this every evening :(
Can you talk to your HV? See if they can recommend anyone/anything? x
I was going to suggest health visitor too. They may be able to advise what other help there is out there. My hv helped me when it came to my son sleeping. I'm sorry your feeling down about it hun. It's very hard try to do this sort of thing. Sending you hugs and were all here if you need to vent xxx
I don't know if your on facebook but there is a sleep coach who does online classes/videos for helping your baby to sleep! She doesn't believe in CC so if CC isn't working for your LO maybe you could try get classes, they are free... I think it's called 'the baby sleep coach' I'll have to check and get back to you but it's worth just searching on your facebook for it, if you like the page you get all the notifications for classes xxx
Does anyone know if you can get professional help for sleep- other than the ridiculously priced private sleep people?? I'm feeling so down and depressed about this every evening :( are pretty reasonable. I got 1:1 which helped a bit but these guys were much cheaper and did us a great plan and 3 follow up e mails for a quarter of the price and the advice helped us loads more than the 1:1.
Best thing I learnt was to ignore others and do it your way. We do whatever gets us the most sleep now and generally it works fine. Xxx
Definitely speak to your HV. Even though my DD is VERY good, my DS was horrendous and still to this day I suffer with anxiety with any wake up. My HV talked me through CC for my son and visited me frequently to help with advice and to check in on how my DS and myself (suffering with PND) were getting on. Such invaluable help.
Does anyone know if you can get professional help for sleep- other than the ridiculously priced private sleep people?? I'm feeling so down and depressed about this every evening :( are pretty reasonable. I got 1:1 which helped a bit but these guys were much cheaper and did us a great plan and 3 follow up e mails for a quarter of the price and the advice helped us loads more than the 1:1.
Best thing I learnt was to ignore others and do it your way. We do whatever gets us the most sleep now and generally it works fine. Xxx

The price is in dollars, do they have a uk site or just based in the US??

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