Closed - old IVF thread

It's going quite quickly isn't it? Another 1 tomorrow and then Friday I'll be past the half way point of stims for the first scan, where I'm hoping I'll be told I'm responding well and lots of follicles growing nicely although i think my Gonal F dose is low so not sure what I'll be told.

It's ok we'll hang around here in August to support you and then we will all head over to Tri 1 together :)
Where are you having treatment Tinks? Assume this is London?

Fx for everything for you xxx


Gizzy xx
So, I have just received my ivf schedule. To say I feel a bit sick now is an understatement . It all seems too real and it's like it concludes that we just can't do it naturally . It also adds to the fear that we have one chance to do this , what if it doesn't work ? What if we don't get any frozen ones ? I don't think I can accept not being a mum. Does that sound stupid ?
Well we go for suprecur injection teach on 13/7 and then menopur injections on 8/8 when we have baseline scan. Per theatre scan on the 17/8 then theatre week commences on 21/8 . So my 6 weeks hols are trying to make this longed for baby. On the upside I've accepted defeat and don't stress about Dtd At the right time and think its made me and oh happier in that respect . Time will tell what happens . Just feel scared .
I know it's hard Greekgirl :hug:

It does feel a bit like do or die and I suppose that is exactly how it is, but please rest assured that motherhood comes in more forms than we have had to consider yet.

Our lives are a whole jumble of things that we didn't choose or want but deal with and overcome and infertility is like that. We didn't choose it but we will overcome it. Time will still move forward with or without a BFP and we'll adapt to make the most of life xx
So, I have just received my ivf schedule. To say I feel a bit sick now is an understatement . It all seems too real and it's like it concludes that we just can't do it naturally . It also adds to the fear that we have one chance to do this , what if it doesn't work ? What if we don't get any frozen ones ? I don't think I can accept not being a mum. Does that sound stupid ?
Well we go for suprecur injection teach on 13/7 and then menopur injections on 8/8 when we have baseline scan. Per theatre scan on the 17/8 then theatre week commences on 21/8 . So my 6 weeks hols are trying to make this longed for baby. On the upside I've accepted defeat and don't stress about Dtd At the right time and think its made me and oh happier in that respect . Time will tell what happens . Just feel scared .

I know what you mean hun... (as I'm sure many people here do...) When we received our medication from the courier I sat and ticked everything off, put the relevant stuff in the fridge then has a bit of a teary meltdown... the reality of it. It's too much to think about all the 'what if?'s Try and take it one step at a time. And trust that whatever you're faced with, you'll find a way through xx
So, I have just received my ivf schedule. To say I feel a bit sick now is an understatement . It all seems too real and it's like it concludes that we just can't do it naturally . It also adds to the fear that we have one chance to do this , what if it doesn't work ? What if we don't get any frozen ones ? I don't think I can accept not being a mum. Does that sound stupid ?
Well we go for suprecur injection teach on 13/7 and then menopur injections on 8/8 when we have baseline scan. Per theatre scan on the 17/8 then theatre week commences on 21/8 . So my 6 weeks hols are trying to make this longed for baby. On the upside I've accepted defeat and don't stress about Dtd At the right time and think its made me and oh happier in that respect . Time will tell what happens . Just feel scared .

Greekgirl :hugs: Don't be scared ,it's a very daunting process when written down like that. Take a day at a time, try not to think of the whole process and all those many what if's. IVF seems to be very open to change, bumps, and movement on dates and everything else, so don't worry about beyond, just the next stage for now. The fact that you have chosen to do this as your next TTC step, is really very positive and actually quite empowering for you, giving you some form of control back in ttc... Tick off the stages and your BFP will be just round the corner X
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Just realised, so you managed to get your dates moved forward the GG! yayyyy , that will keep your head teacher happy, well at least till you tell her your pregnant.... ha ha ha

Friday 29th – Stim day 3
So day 3 of stimming – yayyy it’s going so fast – I know my journey with the clinic only started in march, so that’s only 3 months ago but this IVF is like a whirlwind…Today the injection wasn’t hanging over me at all, I actually lost track of the time and bam it was 7pm! The actual Injection went well. I seem to make a tiny mistake every night, I will have cracked it by the time I’m finished… This time I pulled out the needle and there was a tiny drop of the liquid on my skin, so it had come out, not sure how that happened, maybee I counted to 6 to fast or had pulled the needle towards the surface too much when trying to hold it still and count… Next time…..ha ha

How are your jabs going Tinks? Are you feeling any different. I have had only 3 jabs now, and yesterday I started thinking it felt a bit different in there in the ovary area, but thought it may be my imagination or my dinner!. This evening, that are feels a little AF like , so i'm sure somethign has started to do something! Hope my folicles are all coming out of hiding and growing.

Anyone heard that hotwater bottle/hot wheatbag etc (although I assume not too hot), on tummy each day can help folicles grow , or is this another old wives tales? As I will try anything.

I have eaten bags of protein today....I have been spreading it out over breakie, snack tie, lunch, snack, dinner and before bed.... nom , nom...

Hope everyones doing ok, Scotch, rea , Blondy

Lou , Tinks and I will still be part of this thread when you start your 4th cycle and get your BFP.... I want to see that lovely post personally......
Thank u all for ur lovely comments! Glad I have this support and a place to express concerns. If this fails we will adopt if it's possible. Will take it a day at a time! Hope we all get our lo very soon. Boy will they be loved !
So, I have just received my ivf schedule. To say I feel a bit sick now is an understatement . It all seems too real and it's like it concludes that we just can't do it naturally . It also adds to the fear that we have one chance to do this , what if it doesn't work ? What if we don't get any frozen ones ? I don't think I can accept not being a mum. Does that sound stupid ?
Well we go for suprecur injection teach on 13/7 and then menopur injections on 8/8 when we have baseline scan. Per theatre scan on the 17/8 then theatre week commences on 21/8 . So my 6 weeks hols are trying to make this longed for baby. On the upside I've accepted defeat and don't stress about Dtd At the right time and think its made me and oh happier in that respect . Time will tell what happens . Just feel scared .

That's exactly how my husband and I felt, it's completely normal and to be expected.
When we came out of the Drs room after our first IVF appointment, my husband just looked at me and said 'wow, this really happening' and when I called up on the day 1 and then had the meds delivered it was this overwhelming feeling of 'omg this is actually happening, we really need IVF and we have this one go and if it fails are chance is over' but after a couple of days I settled down from that and have just been trying to feel positive ever since.

Me and DH have been so much happier and relaxed since this all started moving forward, not the we was ever unhappy but we were getting to the point where we were getting short fussed with each other, stupidly arguing over such silly things and feeling like TTC was taking over the relationship etc
JJ - I'm glad everything seems to be moving in the right direction for you :)

When I said about you ladies getting your BFP I didn't mean about leaving me behind, I was just working out timescales and how long I'd have to wait afterwards before my own BFP ;)

I wouldn't use a hot water bottle JJ. Just make sure your belly is covered and not chilly and that would be fine imo. I'd only start on the theoretical stuff if you get desparate. I used a hot water bottle after my embryo transfer and when it failed I did wonder if it was too warm and it's not worth the worrying.

Maybe if you used a hot water bottle and only got a couple of crappy eggs you'd worry that it was because of the the hot water bottle... Not worth it xx
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Done my 5th injection today, 3 more till I have my scan :)
Not feeling too bad, drinking lots of water and the headaches seem to have calmed down but stomach is starting to feel bloated espcially after I've eaten and still getting the sicky feeling but I woke up this morning feeling quite chesty so I could be coming down with a bit of an infection which could be causing the sicky feeling and general tired and grogginess. Hoping that passes and doesn't hang around too long and I can escape any antibiotics, cause of my Cystic fibrosis someways I can wake up just feeling crap and fine after a couple of days so it's hard to tell if it's that or effects of the IVF meds.

I was thinking my ovary area felt slightly different too but was worried it was in my head haha, I'm not sure what the normal amount of time is still they start getting bigger than usual and follicles start growing nicely, I was told to expect and bloated feeling and some tenderness but not told when.
Tink - I didn't start to feel any actual movement in my ovary region until after about 8 days on stims xx
Hi ladies - how are we all doing today?

JJ and tinkerbell how are stims going?
I am on CD9 and day 7 of gonal f today, had a scan this morning and lining has thickened to 6mm and have a 12mm and 10mm follicle in right sticking with same dose and going back Monday morning for another scan. I'm really pleased my ovaries are finally responding to something! I will trigger when biggest follicle is 17mm and then IUI 36 hours later, so I think probably Friday/Saturday next week. eeek!
Exciting Blondy :) really glad to hear the scan showed all the right stuff happening. Makes me feel positive about going through a similar process soon. It's good to hear the stuff actually works!?! So you're what... about 3 weeks away from testing? really excited for you! fingers crossed Monday's scan is just as encouraging!
Glad your scan went well Blondy, I'm a day behind you with my Gonal F injections at stims day 6. Not sure if we inject for roughly the same amount of time with IVF and iui though, how much Gonal F are you on? Just curious how doses etc differ with each type of treatment.

2 more injections to my scan, scan is before injection time :) seems to be coming around quicker now than it was at the start of the week.
Injection Tip

Just had a thought, I know some of you aren't as lucky to have the pre filled pens for IVF injections so a little tip I've learned from mixing up antibiotics over the years, though you may have been told so apologies of you already know all this.

When drawing the saline into the syringe hold it upside down, it won't leak out and is much easier than holding the needle down into the bottle and then do the same when you're drawing the actual menpour/Gonal f etc and it will probably even just fill the syringe without much effort (drawing/pulling on the syringe) it will stop that feeling that it gives of trying to pull the syringe back down as you're trying to pull it up, due to the air. Hope that makes sense.
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