Closed - old IVF thread

Tink - you're doing the right thing trying to stay calm and relaxed. I think I'd have similar worries... but life is full of 'What if's' hun... all we've got is today, and today is positive as you're about to really get going :) :) x
Good luck Jj x

Thanks lots LD - hope your doing ok hun X:lol:

I'm good thanks hun. On my first cycle of clomid but no positive opk so not sure it's worked. Getting bloods done tomorrow so we shall see. I cant believe how quick yours is coming round, must be so nerve wracking for you. I've got everything crossed it all works out for you xx
Greekgirl - it'll be interesting to see how you react to the drugs wit your BMI :) I'm trying to lose weight before the next one and I was wondering if I might have an even better response with more follicles :good:

Rea - in my cycle the Microgynon is instead of the buserelin, but I'll be on cetrotide also. I wonder why you are on both, maybe it's just a timing thing :)

I've managed to find some more info on Microgynon 30 vs 50 and apparently some women bleed excessively of 30 because it isn't strong enough, so I'll have the 50's that I got today :dance: They are teeny tiny pills, much smaller than anything I've ever taken!

Tink - I've heard someone call it a dildo cam before :lol: it is like that I suppose lol

Why some someone use Gonal F instead of menopur? Is it just clinic preference?
The nurse said that it wouldn't make a difference to the amount of follicles. She said they want a 20-25 BMi as lower means reaction to drugs can be worse. She said as I am naturally small and it's close to 19 she was willing to do it in June but if I was able to wait till July then that gave me a chance to try get it a bit higher. But feel if it was a 10 week cycle it would take time out in
September and cant see new head being understanding.
Oh really? I was kind of thinking that a lower body mass would mean a lower blood volume and therefore the drugs would be more concentrated in your system if that makes sense :eh:

Try not to worry about it too much. I think as long as you are on a good spectrum of vitamins that you'll be fine :)
Yeah I hope so. Just hoping as we only get one cycle that we get ones we can freeze. As we can use them
For up to 3 years as part of cycle. Am going to call clinic tomo and see if she is still ok to do it this month. If she says it hinders even 10% I'll risk annoying
New head and waiting until July
Rea - in my cycle the Microgynon is instead of the buserelin, but I'll be on cetrotide also. I wonder why you are on both, maybe it's just a timing thing :)

I think it you're right and it is a timing thing for me -- they're 'holding' my cycle until they have space at the clinic.
I'll be using Gonal F but not sure why. Probably because the rep for Gonal F is nicer to the staff at the clinic and bring them presents ;) A friend of mine used to work as a pharmaceutical rep and I shadowed her for a bit -- it was nuts how influenced some of the medical staff where if she brought them M&S sarnies and gave them plastic freebies!?!

GreekGirl - surely even if new head was a bit tetchy they couldn't hold any kind of a grudge as it'd be legitimate medical time off? Anyway, fingers crossed it works nicely for you and you don't need to worry about it :) x
Hmm, I just read that Menopur is made out of the urine of post menopausal nuns and Gonal F is made out of hamster ovary DNA :oooo:
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Tink - you're doing the right thing trying to stay calm and relaxed. I think I'd have similar worries... but life is full of 'What if's' hun... all we've got is today, and today is positive as you're about to really get going :) :) x

You're so right and as much as I've had these 'bad' thoughts, I'm mainly having good, positive ones and so far have managed to stay very calm and not get stressed at all so hoping it all helps somehow x

Greekgirl - it'll be interesting to see how you react to the drugs wit your BMI :) I'm trying to lose weight before the next one and I was wondering if I might have an even better response with more follicles :good:

Rea - in my cycle the Microgynon is instead of the buserelin, but I'll be on cetrotide also. I wonder why you are on both, maybe it's just a timing thing :)

I've managed to find some more info on Microgynon 30 vs 50 and apparently some women bleed excessively of 30 because it isn't strong enough, so I'll have the 50's that I got today :dance: They are teeny tiny pills, much smaller than anything I've ever taken!

Tink - I've heard someone call it a dildo cam before :lol: it is like that I suppose lol

Why some someone use Gonal F instead of menopur? Is it just clinic preference?

I wondered that myself, thought maybe it was down to age, reason for infertility but I think it's probably just like you said and is just clinic preference.
Give me hamster DNA over biddy pee any day :shock:

Did you know that urine is sterile and contains no germs?
I vaguely remember menopur being from post menopausal women (although I now tall hope it's nuns) and gonal f (gonads in our house) being synthetic.

Gonal f is the easiest injection we've done. The pens are great (although huge for how little they give you) and the needles are super sharp and thin so they're neat and hardly hurt at all.
Second injection done, first one myself and it wasn't so bad! :)
Scotch I am on gonal f and it's not a pen I have to draw the right amount out if a vial with individual syringes, funny how different it is
That's good Blondy :) It took me a long time to do myself and I'm sure it hurts more than hubby doing it lol

Tink, how did the scan go? It was you that had one today? xx
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Oh yes how did it go Tink- ready to start stims?
Yes Louise was me who had a scan today and all looked good :) lining nice & thin, no cysts, and about 6 follicles on the left ovary and 7 on the right but not sure if that even means anything at this stage?
So had my first injection of Gonal F, 150iu straight away and back next Tuesday to check how I'm responding to that. She said EC could be around that Friday (6th July) but likely to be early the next week.

For those who've had previous IVF/ICSI cycles how many days of stims did you ladies have before EC?
hope it went well tink

i'm quite pleased with not having many side effects on DR. I've had 3 hot flushes. The first one I didn't know what it was and it scared me a little (and I didn't expect it 2 days in) the second was quite quick and the third came just after my friend told me she's expecting her second. Bless her she has told us a few weeks before it goes public so we can get used to it, but she's one of those select few you love too much to be capable of being jealous of and I'm just thrilled to bits for her. Most people it hurts, but there's a handful who it's wonderful to hear the news. Don't think the flush helped although we had a giggle about it.

Headaches have been pretty much constant. I'm keeping well hydrated but they're almost always there. Again I'm pleased that mine are really mild and like with the side effects of stimms it's kind of reassuring having them there as you know it's doing something for you...

How's everyone else getting on with the side effects?
I had 12 days of Gonal F on short protocol. I think the follicle count is good although I don't know much about it. Lou will know...
...because she's such a know it all? :oooo:

You say the meanest things :(

As it happens... :whistle:

The follicles are a bit of a hazard warning in that you probably won't require stimulation for very long and might get a few too many follicles, but it doesn't really mean anything until it happens :) It might mean nothing at all.

I stimmed for 9-10 days on 150 menopur and then had my drug free day and then egg collection. The rest of the cycle is going to fly from this point, the slow bit is the down regulation xx

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