Greekgirl - it'll be interesting to see how you react to the drugs wit your BMI

I'm trying to lose weight before the next one and I was wondering if I might have an even better response with more follicles
Rea - in my cycle the Microgynon is instead of the buserelin, but I'll be on cetrotide also. I wonder why you are on both, maybe it's just a timing thing
I've managed to find some more info on Microgynon 30 vs 50 and apparently some women bleed excessively of 30 because it isn't strong enough, so I'll have the 50's that I got today

They are teeny tiny pills, much smaller than anything I've ever taken!
Tink - I've heard someone call it a dildo cam before

it is like that I suppose lol
Why some someone use Gonal F instead of menopur? Is it just clinic preference?