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Closed - old IVF thread

Evening ladies,

Well firstly- OMG!!! Menopur is from post menopausal women?!!!! I thought you guys were winding me up , esp with Lous Nuns joke. I just googled it and blimey - how odd is that....erghh. Well I hope it's lucky urine...

Tinks - Glad your dildo cam went well today, great no cysts and well done for having your first injection while you were there - was that as part of your clinics injection training?

Don't worry, your not alone in worrying - I have stages where I think about the negative sides of it , esp as we get towards that stage coming up, it wouldn't be a proper rollercoaster without some downs, and bumps, lets just focus on the ups - we like those bits muchly......

Greekgirl - Did you ring the clinc today to see if they can move you to july? If it helps you, My BMI is 19.6, prob more than yours then , but my clinic - they didnt mention a thing about it at clinic. I started to drink fatty milk and upped all the good fat and some bad fat things a month or more ago, just as i'm lighter than normal and my periods had changed a bit recently, so as I didn't want to risk my one shot at IVF, I tried to put half a stone, but I put on no weight! (normally this would be good). And DR and force feeding yourself all that water are not a good combo for having a good appetite, so i'm still the same now. So I've decided your body has a weight it wants to be at, and as long as your having all the nutrients , and vits etc, then your body should do just fine.

Rea - not long for you now then, and you asked about the ages of my kids, 13,11,10 and 17 mths. I'm trying IVf to try to have a last baby for my little one to grow up with, the sibling age gap is really proving to be much larger than it seemed... 9 years.. (Eg my eldest will be driving in 3 1/2 years!). They may not even be living at home when my youngest is 10.

I have my DR scan tomorow , very excited - it feels like xmas is coming.... anyone else think that?
Well Louise to be fair, you do have most of the answers :lol: so basically, it means nothing right now for me?
I hope this bit goes quickly, I'm such an impatient person and just want to get cracking with the next step. Going to try keep myself busy for the next week and then I'll have my next scan and more of an idea of EC day.

Yep, they ask you to bring up your injection on that appointment so they can explain how it all works, what to do and then watch you to make sure you have it right, obviously I had no problems as apart from the needle being about double the length it was all same as my insulin pen and I showed them what an expert I already am haha ;) not enjoying the fact I'm now injecting 5 times a day, hopefully I don't look a bruised mess by the end o the week :roll:
Good luck with your scan tomorrow, hope all is perfect to start stims x
Yeah Tinks, nothing for you to worry about - just something the clinic might keep track of more closely than someone with no follicles :)

Good luck with you scan tomorrow Jen xx
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JJmum and Greekgirl I am another that had to increase my bmi for treatment, I was about 18.5 before and have managed to get it up to 19.5 now but I think they'd prefer me at 20. It's annoying when you're naturally slim though and were healthy anyway, but I guess if it will increase success chances then that's ok! I was told to eat full fat dairy etc, ice cream is my new best friend!!
Good luck today JJ
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Hi I called te clinic to bring it forward to June as July would mean transfer in sept and work aren't happy about that as start of new school year. She is calling me tomorrow as I'm half day tomo so can chat while clinic still open.
I am naturally small , never weighed more than 71/2 stone so think this is just me. I was told only thing it affects is the side effects from te drugs can be worse due to being smaller. She said makes no difference to success. Mine was 18.7 ( after 2 stodgy weeks in America - lol)
So see what she says. Hope we can support each other on our journeys x
Blimey how odd that your the same as me Blondy and Greekgirl well done for gorging in america then... Hope your call went well today. I'm actually tall at 5 foot 10 and so i'm 9 1/2 stone, so I sound wayy heavier than you, your tiny Greek!

Blondy where are you at then with your IUI, I'm not very familiur with that one, how does it work?

Lou - did you get your smuggled drugs then?

Well I had my DR floof scan, she was a lovely lady, the third different one I've seen, and they have all been sooo nice. I have no cysts and she said I had a lovely pair of ovarys with lots of folicles all hiding there , and she said hopefully some of those will come out nicely when I start stimming.

I had my injection training, but they don't do any actual injections, we practiced on a little pink leatherlike tummy pincushion!! We had fake vials of dummy powder and so she mixed and I copied , it was quite reassuring to do it, but I was so nervous my hands were shaky. I wasn't firm enougth with anything she said, but I didn't want to break them....(they were pretend), but at home I could just see a £ value over them..... So I drop to one nose sniff am and pm from tonight and then do first injection tmoorow night myself.

If all works out, in two weeks I could have embryos in the lab getting jiggy....... yahooooooooo

Scotch and Rea - hope your DR is going smoothly?

So there are 5 of us cycling at the moment then? and 3 more in august, and hopefull a few more will join them from the "soons", that's quite a good number..
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Yeah I got the smuggled goods thanks Jen :)

I'm glad you are good to go and ready to start on the menopur asap :good:

Same to you, time is going to fly from not until the egg collection... I was thinking though, five children is not an appropriate number, I think you'll have to have six. Children should always be in even numbers :whistle:

If you need any help with the menopur, ask away.

Some things that I learned from experience:
- the glass vials have a dot on them. Face it towards you and push away from you and it snaps easily.
- Hold the plunge tightly when you stab into the menopur because it will suck the water into it really hard and cause bubbles (nightmare).
- When you flick to get the bubbles out make sure you pull back again because you will have flicked some of the liquid into the needle and it'll escape.
Well i think my long bloody wait seems to hopefully be nearer today! I phoned up and I will apparently be getting my letter for my first consultation for my IUI!!! Now not getting over excited as from this letter its still a minimum 3 months wait but a date for something/anything is worth me feeling happy!!! Yeah!!!
Woohoo that's great news Laura, let's hope you get that letter soon!

Glad the scan went well JJmum, now get stimming!!
IUI is where washed sperm is placed directly in the uterus next to tubes. Because I don't ovulate at all, I am also having superovulation treatment with it- I am on gonal f low dose to try and get 1 or 2 follicles released.
Louise - thanks lots for those tips, I will test them out tonight.

Laurat - Brilliant that your letter is on the way, that's def progress , once you start having your appointments , things will really be underway, bet your over the moon!

Blondy, ahh so IUI plus your super ovulation thingy is pretty much a complete set of all the perfect conditions and goodies needed for baby making...sounds really positive.. How long do you have to be on Gonal F, are you on it now? Whens put it all together day for you?.... If it doesn't work first time, do you get to go again straight away next cycle? (sorry look at me with the 20 questions!).

Last night I lost the plot a bit, I was super stressed and when a fight broke out between my bigger boys 5 mins after they were home and they ended up breaking each others stuff,, I couldn't cope at all, I lost the plot, banned them from everything they ever had or will have and had to go into the garden with Devon, before I practically threw them out! After being still stressed late at night, and on reflection today, I think the jabs must be worrying me, and once I had ordered the correct things drugwise (my initial worry), I had put it out of my mind and then yesterday, put it right back there!! So tonight about 7pm, I shall get my worry out of the way and then I hopefully Psycho Mum will go back where she came from....

Oh and I started eating fish last night, little cans of sild, (like sprats) in oil, full of omega 3 , yummy and worth a shot, (nothing Iv'e goggled , but full of protein for eggs) (it's not fish with mercury in their tiny), and I have another 12 cans in cupboard , one per day when stimming.....nom nom

Hope yours went well last night Tinkerbell?

Scotch and Rea - How are your hot flushes ?
Mmmm I love tinned mackerel and sardines and things - not tried those teeny fish, I always think they'll be more bone than meat but I suppose the bones are good for you too :good:

Omg craving alert lol

Sorry you are feeling a bit hormonal, but it's good for lads to be exposed to the extreme complexities of women from a young age ;)

Who has a scan today? I'm sure there is someone?
Ignore previous 'non-post'!?!?!?!? pressed the wrong button and couldn't get back in to forum properly as my internet started to spanner!! grrrr :dohh:

Hi ladies! :)

Jen - I don't think I am down regulating yet... I'm only taking the pill at the moment and no injections until 18th July so I think the hot flushes and stuff will probably start then. Fortunately I'll only have a few days left of work so won't have to make things up to the children I teach! I can totally see why you're going for number 5. It'll be good for your little'n to have company :) Hope tonight's jab goes well xx

Nice that things are moving along for us all... little by little we're gonna build up those BFPs!!

I best get back to pretending to write reports.... after next Monday I'll be free to chat away - yey!
no hot flushes today for me :) (so far)

JJ how was the jab?
Day 3 of stimms for me today and going ok so far although had a headache pretty much all afternoon and still won't go and feeling sicky :( but apart from that all good.
3 injections down, 6 more to go till next scan. Roll on Tuesday.

Hope everyone else is ok x
Hello everyone - phew I did it......It took me over 15 mins to mix it (was following my notes carefully!)

and doh forgot that last tip you gave me Lou, until I did it, not pulling back after flicking inj needle tip... only lost 3 teeny weeny drops, but even so....hummmmph.

I tried the lunch cooler ice pack on tum for 30 secs before injecting and it worked a treat , I couldn't feel the flabby bit I was using... the needle tip was wayyyy smaller than I thought it was... yahooo

Felt sick afterwards, just from relief I think.... what a woosie I am.. Was a bit annoyed that OH didn't even pop up to look at what I was doing, he just said alright? after - men....

Rea- that will be perfect running your cycle in summer holidays.
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well done JJ - so proud of you. Might try the ice pack thing!
Tink - cant believe your stim day 3 already :shock: Sorry your feeling a bit rough :hug:

JJ - well done you :dance: To be honest I always feel a bit woosy after the first couple, something about knowing you've just put a medicine in your bloodstream... Well I think that's it for me anyway :)

Urgh, you ladies all taking something makes me feel left out! Peer pressure ;)

Let's see... By the time Tinks and JJ have their BFPs, it will almost be August? :eh: I think that's right anyway :)
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