Just realised, so you managed to get your dates moved forward the GG! yayyyy , that will keep your head teacher happy, well at least till you tell her your pregnant.... ha ha ha
Friday 29th Stim day 3
So day 3 of stimming yayyy its going so fast I know my journey with the clinic only started in march, so thats only 3 months ago but this IVF is like a whirlwind
Today the injection wasnt hanging over me at all, I actually lost track of the time and bam it was 7pm! The actual Injection went well. I seem to make a tiny mistake every night, I will have cracked it by the time Im finished
This time I pulled out the needle and there was a tiny drop of the liquid on my skin, so it had come out, not sure how that happened, maybee I counted to 6 to fast or had pulled the needle towards the surface too much when trying to hold it still and count
Next time
..ha ha
How are your jabs going Tinks? Are you feeling any different. I have had only 3 jabs now, and yesterday I started thinking it felt a bit different in there in the ovary area, but thought it may be my imagination or my dinner!. This evening, that are feels a little AF like , so i'm sure somethign has started to do something! Hope my folicles are all coming out of hiding and growing.
Anyone heard that hotwater bottle/hot wheatbag etc (although I assume not too hot), on tummy each day can help folicles grow , or is this another old wives tales? As I will try anything.
I have eaten bags of protein today....I have been spreading it out over breakie, snack tie, lunch, snack, dinner and before bed.... nom , nom...
Hope everyones doing ok, Scotch, rea , Blondy
Lou , Tinks and I will still be part of this thread when you start your 4th cycle and get your BFP.... I want to see that lovely post personally......