Closed - old IVF thread

i remember thinking the same - that I'd seen posts on other forums where people had 20 or 30 but they're not the norm. You're day 8 of stimms right? I had my first scan on day 9 and the biggest were 15mm with the majority about 11mm. If I remember right they grow 2mm a day from this point so it's not about whether you get there, but about when. I had egg collection on day 13 so they'd have had a chance to grow to about 18-20mm

I'm not trying to make you feel better for no reason. You are responding just fine. As I said I got 14 eggs, 7 embryos and enough to freeze so you're easily in line with where I was.

I'm day 9 but had only taken 8 injections at the time of the scan, glad what I have is more normal than the people with lots more then.
Thanks Scotch, feeling much happier now. I guess I was just hoping i'd go and be told they're nearly ready and I'd get told EC would be end of the week but I need to slow myself down and stop being so eager, hopefully there will be some beautiful, strong developed eggs come collection day.
Hi Tink,
I'm glad scotch and Lou have all that reassuring experience as I haven't a clue! Great that you're moving in the right direction hun :hug: xx
Really? you girls ain't just trying to cheer me up? ;)

I'd love to be one of those kind of people, i really would, but I'm just not the kind of person who would pander to anyone's feelings - especially people I like :shock:

It's why I'm so, ahem, popular :whistle:

The real test will be when you see how many immature eggs you get. The fewer you get, the better the quality of the mature ones :)

When I got 16 eggs, 14 were mature and 2 were immature. When I got 9, all 9 were mature. I bet any consultant would aim for me to get 9 on future cycles xx
Tinks - you sound like you did great, I agree with Lou and Scotchy there , I've been on another forum where loads of IVf ladies post and lots of ladies right now are getting 5 eggs at EC day.... but really good quality ones, they have only been loosing 1 egg by ET day... like scotch I also nottice d how close in size you folicles were, which is good, you don't want large ones and small ones , as by the time you get to ET , you might loose the big ones waiting for the little ones to catchup, so all positive, so cheer up. There was also a lady on this forum, who had loads of folicles, and on EC day , less than half contained an egg, so don't worry, you sound like your responding lovely..

Lou you made me chuckle bigtime- with your "That's why I'm so ahem - popular" bit , ha

I've just completed day 7 of stims now, off to grout my lovely new bathroom tiles , so night night ladies
When is your next scan Jen? Day 7 already :shock:

Get to bed women! :nap:

What colour tiles are they? xx
Jenni- I hadn't even thought about it being bad if there were noticeable differences in follicle sizes but that really makes sense. First thing I noticed on the scan when she was counting my left ovary was how simular the follicles were in size.

So, we both have scans on Friday now :) excited to hear how you're doing, perhaps we'll have EC at the same time.
How are you feeling? Injections going ok? 2 more days to get through till scan day :dance: I feel like scan day is Christmas.

Hope the grouting went well and the tiles are looking nice.
Ooh it's getting exciting now!

I have my first suppression scan tomorrow. I'm not expecting much from it as I still haven't had a bleed, but we'll se what happens.

My side effects have eased right off and my cold's almost gone too so I'm feeling really perky today :)

Hope everyone else is doing good. We're getting closer to having bfps in our thread :)
Good luck ladies, I am predicting an abundance of BFP's and then we can all have our babies together yay :dust::dust::dust::dust:
Hiya Vicky :wave:

I hope everything is going alright, I keep checking Tri 1 for your posts :) xx
hey Lou :wave:, I haven't really been posting much in Tri 1, I dont like it in there, it's to scary ... so bloody hurry up and get your BFP so you can come and hold my hand :blush:
Oh and tink the other thing I meant to say was that I was on the same dosage as you and told that average time for stimms is 12 days. I stimmed for exactly that time in all
Let's hope so Vicky, I really hope we can all head over to Tri 1 with our BFP's in the next month or 2 :Pray: hopefully it's less scary as a group.

Good luck for the scan tomorrow Scotch, how comes you have one after 14days? I thought the first one wasn't untill around day 19/20.
Ooh that's good to know, I wasn't told that so was beginning to worry I'm taking longer than expected to respond. I think if the nurse yesterday had been a bit more 'helpful' and explained what she was seeing, thoughts on it etc I would have left feeling more happy but she didn't really say much apart from 'you haven't responded enou yet, we'll need to see you again Friday' and that was it, oh and her face sort of dropped when she only spotted 2 follicles on my right side which made me disapointed straight away.
Well we'll see what Friday brings and hopefully they're growing nicely and almost ready.
Don't know about my scan dates, I guess every hospital's paperwork says one at 2 weeks dr then once a week unto they decide you're suppressed
I noticed you haven't posted much Vicky :(

I suppose it is the flip side. In ltttc things can only get better and in Tri 1 it can only get worse - or stay the same of course :)

Have you thought of findng a larger forum where they all seem to have it easy and Tri 1 is all about giggles and morning sickness? There must be one out there, just to rub off some of that blind optimism on you - that's what you need, some blind optimism like when you first started ttc.

I've promised myself that I'm going to go all out when I get my BFP and make the absolute most of it even at the risk of getting egg on my face. I've already been robbed of a happy ttc and I absolutely refuse to be robbed of a happy pregnancy. I'm sick to death of infertility controlling my life!

Ooooops. Sorry for ranting :blush: I've been thinking about it a lot recently :oooo:

Good luck at your scan tomorrow Scotch :good:

Anyone heard from Blondy?
Hi Everyone!

I just wanted to pop my head round the door and say hello!

Im new here and am going through my first cycle of IVF. egg transfer booked for 1st week of September! eeek!

Very scared as have had 6 losses and no real understanding as to what my infertility is.
Im glad to be here, and looking forward to chatting with you all!

Hi lovelies!

Jen - well done on all that tiling!?! We've been doing our flat up for ages. It needed everything doing when we bought it. Tiling our kitchen nearly tipped us over the edge though :trouble: at one point I downed tools and refused to carry on as 'every time I look at the bloody tiles I'll be thinking of us arguing' As frustrated as my hubby was we did somehow manage to sort it and now it's an amusing memory :) the grouting's a good part though... the masterpiece is revealed... :dance:

Scotch - good luck with tomorrow's scan xx

Lou - rant away... I'm not surprised you get a bit sick of it all.. it's all consuming.. a wise person once said said to me the key was to 'give up the illusion of control' ;) hope you're feeling a bit better hun :hugs: xx

Just thinking about what Scotch said about not expecting much from her scan... once I start injecting the down regulating drug (buserelin) will I have to have a bleed before they let me start injecting the stimulating one?

It's nice to have guilt free PF time :) my reports are done :yay:
Hi Everyone!

I just wanted to pop my head round the door and say hello!

Im new here and am going through my first cycle of IVF. egg transfer booked for 1st week of September! eeek!

Very scared as have had 6 losses and no real understanding as to what my infertility is.
Im glad to be here, and looking forward to chatting with you all!


Hi Pennie, welcome :)
sorry to hear you've had such a rough time... I can't imagine... not knowing what the issues have been must be really hard. Hopefully things will work out for your IVF cycle :)
I hate it when people use my own wisdom on me! ;)

Urgh, I'm so right. Thanks me :hug:

I should start my own fortune cookie business :lol:

Yes Rea, you'll need to wait for a bleed before starting stimulation which of course will take forever to arrive :roll: Well, mine did anyway :blush:

I think mine was 3-4 days late off the top of my head, felt like a lifetime.

I can't believe it's nearly school holidays! Where is time going, it'll be xmas next. Do teachers actually get 6 week off or do they still have to go for the majority of it?

Welcome Pennie :wave:
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I'm with you Louise and making the most of my BFP (if I get it, I keep talking as if I will so could even end up with egg on my face before then) but I'm pissed that TTC wasn't a short, easy thing for us that I could get all excited about so I'm ready to jump of walls when I get my BFP :whistle:

I was wondering about Blondy too, she hasn't been on to update. Hope you're ok, if you read this x

Welcome to the group Pennie, sounds like you've been through a really hard time :hug: wishing you all the best for your IVF cycle

Rea, yes you'll have to have your period before starting stims. When I went for my scan to check I was ready before she even scanned me she asked if I had, had AF yet. The bitch had turned up early, and I started spotting for about 3-4 days a couple of days after she had gone though I was told to expect that as on my scan they could still see some lining shreading.

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