Closed - old IVF thread

I've had enough :(

I've been on this forum for a couple of years and recently there has been an influx of people coming back for their seconds, and getting pregnant and I just think "typical" to myself.

Then I randomly check on Tri 1 again and there are even more names I remember. They didnt even bother with ttc or am I pregnant or BFP announcements or anything like its so trivial now. They just appear in Tri 1.

I remember everything about them. Everything.

Here I am still rattling around in ttc, totally forgotten about. Not that we was bestest buddies or anything, but even the ones I got on really well with don't bother with me anymore. Not that I've got anything to say that might be interesting because I'm in the exact same place!

It's so depressing.
Oh Louise! Im sorry your feeling this way! It is such a hard journey!! BIG HUG! Xxx
I do sometimes feel like we are the forgotten ones hiding in here :(

I see girls who I joined with announcing their second pregnancies and it makes me sad as they are living what I originally planned for myself but I haven't even made it out of ttc!!

Infertility is cruel and it sucks I can only be thankful for you ladies as I honestly don't think I would of made it this far without you xxx
My hubby and I were chatting the other day and he said as a
Teenager u are told to use protection as the first instance u don't u will ed up pregnant. How easy is it portrayed. Look at us all now. 28 cycles later an due to start ivf this cycle . :( think we all feel the same
During my time TTC I have watched every one of my friends (except one who has PCOS and fertility issues) get pg, and some have even got pg with a second. On here too it has been the same, I feel like I am stuck in a bubble and the rest of the world is on fast forward and leaving me behind.

i am 30 in 3weeks, think just gonna hide in bed that weekend, had always imagined would hve a baby of my own by now.

I guess we just need to keep going until we reach whatever point is our own "end of the line". Although I'm not sure how to deal with it if that day ever comes. At least we all have each other :o)
Thanks girlies, your the best :hug:

I need to stop checking up on people like a sad stalker lol

I really hope that when we come out the other side of this that's it's all just like a bad dream that never really happened :)

I'm definiately glad that there are still familiar faces in here :love:
Ah Lou so sorry you feel this way. It is so bloody hard and you've had a particular difficult journey. I think we all feel exactly the same and at least we have each other.

I always used to imagine a few months forward having a bump etc but it's just not happened. Feels like its so easy for everyone else as all hubbys family pregnant just like that :( I hate the person it makes me too.

If I EVER move on I will definitely keep in the lttc and see how people are progressing. I don't think Ill ever forget how hard it is.

Hugs xx
Louise I'm sorry to hear you're feeling that way, I know what you mean though :( I remember when I first joined and all the girls that were TTC at the time have now all moved on and had their babies and I'm still waiting to even get pregnant.
I haven't been trying as long as you though so feel a bit of a fraud saying I know how you feel, but I do understand what you mean :hugs:

I really hope all of us will be moving over to Tri 1 really, really soon x
Thanks, I'm alright :) Just a bit of a wobble when I recognised a name I haven't seen in what feels like forever xx
None of you ladies have a problem with JJ Mum posting in here do you?

Shes having IVF atm but she's hurt about the pitchforks that came out about her needing IVF and the section she was allocated is dead :(

She's had to try another forum with a load of strangers :shock:

I'm trying to welcome her in here but she's shy, bless her :)

Tinkerbell - how's the DR going?

Scotch - how about you and your drugs?
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Come on JJ mum, join us here. We won't bite, well I won't but not sure about the others ;)

DR is not too bad, thanks Louise and I have my scan on Monday to check I'm ready to start injections :) I almost got through the DR side effect free but starting having a few hot flushes and headaches this last week.
I hope JJ does move come here (to the darkside lol) she was a massive help to me when I first joined with all my annoying newbie questions, she is more then welcome from me xx
I've actually gone in the secondary fertility just to see how she's getting on. She should come in and those that don't like it don't have to read it or talk to her x
I'm glad the drugs are going alright Tink, you should keep us more updated. Just jump right in and talk about you ;)
JJ come in, the more the merrier in here and we need to bump up our bfp's hehe!!
Glad you're feeling better now Lou xx
Way to go and expose my ulterior motive :roll: I thought I was going to get away with appearing to do a good deed purely because I'm a nice person for a second :whistle:

I can't afford to whinge for too long, in case I actually convince myself life isn't fair and I chuck myself of a bridge or something :) Plus I've got the attention span of a...

...I wish i hadn't had that hot chocolate. You know when you know that you've put twice as much powder in as required but you drink it anyway and it's like syrup? Sick bag please :x
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Aww big hugs to you Lou, I have noticed it too, I knew it would upset you girls...:hugs:

I know it sucks big time but the only advice I have is to have faith that it WILL happen, and don't worry so much about when and about where other people are up to.

I had 2 good friends get pregnant and have babies together last october and although I could have easily crumbled and struggled with this but I had a word with myself and told myself to be happy for them and to be patient, I remember two times we met for lunch on testing day and AF came both times so I sat there with AF in full force chatting about their pregnancies and because I made the effort everything was fine when the babies arrived and now with me nearly due I don't feel left behind, there's only a hand full of my friends with children already and there will always one friend or another having a baby with you.

I hope to see JJ Mum welcomed here too, I'm sure she will be.:)

come in JJ, we love you!!!

I'm doing good. 3 days in and had my first hot flush yesterday. I ended up sticking to my dress (not wearing anything plasticy again for the next few weeks. Other than that it wasn't too bad. I've had mild headaches on and off as well, but again nothing major

injections are going surprisingly well to be honest. I still can't believe it's such a change from last time!
Hi lou, just wanted to say I regularly come back and check on you girls but don't always post because I worry I might sound patronising having not been in your position but I think of you (and Vicky) and the others all the time. Not sure if any of that babble made sense?! Just want you to know people still care xx
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Thanks Pos :)

Scotch - I remember the hot flushes lol I'm so glad that you are coping with it better than last time xx

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