Closed - old IVF thread

I love yooooooou. Sorry I've been shit on email. Please don't think am not bothered xxxxxx

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Well I wasn't really talking about the mummies or recently pregnant ltttc'ers, mainly people being onto their second and I'm still living the days when they were still ttc for number one.

Not trying imply they've done anything wrong of offensive either, just highlighting my own ttc situation when directly compared to theirs.

Maybe I should make more of an effort to get to know new ttc'ers :shock:
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I'm doing good. 3 days in and had my first hot flush yesterday. I ended up sticking to my dress (not wearing anything plasticy again for the next few weeks. Other than that it wasn't too bad. I've had mild headaches on and off as well, but again nothing major

injections are going surprisingly well to be honest. I still can't believe it's such a change from last time!

Yey :) glad it's so much better for ya Scotch :) :cheer:

Big hugs Lou :hug: I can't say I know how you feel because I've only been on her a short time... but I can imagine... you seem like such a 'solution focussed' person -- you're bound to have a wobble at times hun and then I can imagine you picking yourself up and getting yourself all informed and positive again!! :) :friends:

Good luck tomorrow Tink, hope all is exactly as they need it to be :)

I'm mentally busy at work at the moment writing reports... driving me nuts. I've been proper narky too over the past week - not sure if it's me or the pill?! I think I'll blame it on the pill. :wink:

ps Hi JJMum :coffee::good: c'mon in :)
I come and look at what's going on all of the time too. You'll be in tri1 one day soon Lou xx
Good luck tomorrow Tink :good:

I can't actually remember having one of these scans before starting stims, you have so many they kind of merge together plus I don't think my clinic do them :eh:, but I definitely know I have one for this upcoming treatment so would be nice to know what goes on with you :)

Are you a teacher Rea? xx
Are you a teacher Rea? xx

Yep. I teach primary age children 10-11 years old. I'm such a procrastinator with this part of my job - always leave it till later than I should and end up rocking in front of the computer!? ;) but it also always gets done! Currently tucking into a bacon sarnie and a cuppa tea -- only time truly justified to not be writing reports is when eating... dangerous... hee hee
Eeek, dunno how you can be a teacher lol

It's one of my nightmare jobs. Loads of kids running around but you can't kiss them when they're good or put them over your knee when they're bad :shock:

The reports I think I could do :) Reviewing, yes, I like reviewing lol Quality control and things like that. Me likey :good:

And eating bacon butties, yes, I'd be very good at that ;)

I'm waiting for my husband to get home and he'll be bringing me my medication to down regulate with :dance:
I think we should job share! I'll do all the front of class stuff, you can do all my marking ;)
It's not for everyone and it is quite full on at times, but it's also a great job :) a real privilege to be around children as they're trying to work things out.

Are these your smuggled goods you're awaiting then? when will you begin? x
The arrival of your drugs sounds exciting Lou, how long till you start? I always feel all grown up and responsible with expensive drugs, and like they need to be kept in their own special drawer or something lol.
I had my first injection this morning, it was fine but the nurse did it, got to do it myself tomorrow! She said I have thick skin because I'm tanned so I need to jab hard. I'm only on 50iu a day to begin with and 1st scan on Wed!
I dunno when I start - maybe in about 6 weeks but I wish I knew more about timings when using Microgynon, no one seems to know.
Well I have come over to the dark side then ladies, hello to your IVF/IUI thread, thanks to our lovely Lou for bashing me into submission... (she is very pursuasive!).:gun: Thanks for all being so lovely already:)

Please can I be added to your listing, IVF first cycle, (June/july) , i'm from berkshire, lower AMH of 5.3 , and age will turn 39 before this ivf is done! ( just to get this in the open - I do have children already, and this would be my last if sucessful).

I have started already so heres my backdated update! (apologys if I am a beginner telling you stuff you more experiance ivf ladies know already, but maybee useful to someone with ivf coming up perhaps).:)

I had my AF 19th May, waited 21 days and started sniffing Synarel 2x in the am and 2x in the evening to down regulate, (bit chemically after 5 mins in back of throat, but if you down loads of water soon goes). My period arrived on day 7 , 2 days early , (yayyy as you need to have a bleed when DR), it was heavier than normal for a few days and in total lasted 9 days!! arghh. I am now on day 18 of 20 days of DR, and so I have my scan on tuesday morning to check for cysts (due to DR drug) and to make sure I am menopausal! (Well the proper paddy this morning, when things were not going to plan - while tiling the bathroom, tells me I am there!!) :shakehead: Mild sideeffects - I have had headaches, mood swings, a bit of dizzyness, some tiredness after week one of DR and a few day hotflushes, and night sweats/hotflushes when I move suddenly, all those sound bad, but actually they were more than manageable , just a little odd! I really thought DR would be harder than that, sooo brilliant.

I can't believe I am nearly at the business end of IVF already.... Tuesday I may get the ok to start stimming my folicles...from wed. They should also show me how to mix drugs and inject. I am on 225iu doesage of menopur per day, comes in 3x vials so a bit of mixing involved for one jab, but hope once I have done one, it will fall into place. I still have the sniffing, just one sniff each morning and eve instead of two, to stop me releasing/ovulating with my stash of folic

The over welming feeling from the start has and is being excited, now i'm getting towards the other end, it's really dawning on me, how high up on this rollercoaster I am right now, and just how hard a fall it would and is for people when they get a bfn at the end of the cycle, it's so much more than just a normal month of TTC and waiting for AF. :pray:

IVF is not something that you really want to talk about to people around you on a daily basis, as it's a bit out there , unless your in that place too, (sure you all know what I mean!) , so having space in a forum to talk together is brilliant:wave:

I am wishing you all well with your cycles and upcoming cycles, Tinkerbell and myself are almost bang on close in cycle dates which is lovely...:cheer: and there sounds like loads of us started or going through this soon - I really hope we can build a stack of BFP's while supporting each other in this.. XX:love:
Lou - Thanks lovely XX I have seen lots of old faces arrive in tri 1 , I was mooching in there this week too. Don't be put off by it their plan and your plan are just different , no better or worse - you have your super mouse ASO plan thingy up your sleve this time and you can eat the real mackoy belguim chocys while your TTC over there!! And it's not long now till you start..... When do you start DR?

so pleased injections are going well, you sound in a much better place than last time, that hypnotheraphy must really be working

Rea- I agree with Lou - I couldn't be a teacher either, I mean I love kids, I can never get them to behave like a teacher can, you teachers have a certain way that get them to do it, that I have not got!! (you should bottle and sell it to mothers everywhere, there's def a market for it!)

Tinkerbell - Good luck tomorow for you baseline scan , such a lovely way of scanning via the floof isn't it!!:x - let us know how you get on...

Hope everyone else is doing ok
Hiya Jen, you took your sweet time :clock:

I'm glad that you included an update , gosh you really are in the thick of it :)

So you have a DR scan on Tuesday?

Lots of scans coming up with Blondy on Wed too!

Is it sick to quite like the vaginal scans lol :oooo: I hate the thought of pregnancy scans, you know where they cover your belly in cold jelly and smushing it around ;)
Is it sick to quite like the vaginal scans lol :oooo: I hate the thought of pregnancy scans, you know where they cover your belly in cold jelly and smushing it around :wink:

Your'll be getting plenty of those with your Sept bfp Lousie!

Blondy - good luck for your scan
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Oh, I've had plenty of vaginal scans Jen with my previous cycles. You get them when they check the size of the follicles too, I just can't remember having one before stims xx
Lovely to see u here jjmum . I am calling docs tomo to say cd 1 was Saturday and to begin ivf. So ur update was beneficial to read .
Hoping I have manageable side effects as they said low BMi can make drugs cause more side effects but I can't wait till July to build up BMi as egg transfer will be in September and new head / boss isn't so willin to give me time off .

Hoping we all have great cycles and ivf proves to help us get our longed for babies x
My microgynon plan is that I had to start on day 1 of my period and had to be on it for at least 12 days before taking the buserelin. As it stands I'll actually be on it for 31 days before down reg. I'm also having a baseline scan the day before starting the Buserelin (17th July) so I imagine you'll probably have one Lou.

JJ It doesn't always feel like that!? ;) how old are your children?

Blondy - when I start buserelin I'll be on 50iu too :) hope tomorrow's injection goes super smooth x

ps - as you can see from my new ticker, I have clearly been writing reports all day and haven't been sat here eating strawberries, finding things online and watching Columbo.
Nice to see you on here now Jen, but Louise is right you did take your time :wave:

So tomorrow is 'dildo cam' day, I have no worries about that even though I've only had it once before when I had my hycosy scan but it wasn't bad at all. I'm just really hoping everything looks as it should and my ovaries are 'asleep' and ready for me to start injections tomorrow too.

I'm slightly different to JJ in that i'll be on Gonal F instead and I'm grateful that they don't need making up, I have enough of that with other meds i'm on. Mine are in a pen prefilled syringe which you just turn the little counter bit to the amount you need, screw on the needle and inject - simple. If anyone is diabetic you'll know what I mean as it's exactly like the insulin pens we have.

I'm glad tomorrow is almost finally here so we can get another step towards hopefully getting our BFP, i'm feeling very excited and nervous. Excited that, as I say it's getting closer and after what feels like forever we could finally be getting to say the words we've been wanting to for ages but scared that it could not work, it might work and the baby not stick, we might not even make it to egg transfer because none fertalised which would also mean the 2 FET's we got funded are useless aswell. Gawd I have so many thoughts going through my head but for now i'm trying to keep my positive head on as much as possible.

Hope everyone is having a good day and enjoying the sunshine we seem to have having. x

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