Closed - old IVF thread

Urrrrggghhh. Feeling sorry for myself today :(

Hubby has abandoned me on his jollies and I'm stuck at home ovulating and I'm really suffering with it this time.

I'm bloated (2lbs worth) and because I've been on a diet I can see the bloat too.

Plus I normally get OV pains but it's normally on my left side and bearable but this cycle it's on my right side and it's really smarting.

And it's raining.

And there are builders drilling next door.

And I need to clean.

Today sucks.
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Smile Lou Lou xxxxx

Where is everyone tonight... Must be the weekend or something. I hope your not all getting sloshed! (without me)

...when I was young, I never needed anyone... And making love was just for fun. Those days are gone.

Living alone, I think of all those fiends I've known... And as I dial the telephone, no body's home.

Allllllll byyyyyy myseelllllllllllllllf, don't wanna be, allllllll by myselllllf anymore.

I really need to stop singing that to myself, it's constantly in my head. It must mean something - like it's become reality or something :shock:

I tell you what, I've been having a recurring dream/daydream/sensation. I keep imagining myself giving birth. Not the whole thing, but just me feeling wetness down below and looking down and seeing a head pop out. The same scene again and again, every time I suddenly become aware of any moisture down below that image flashes into my mind.

That's weird right? Anyone have anything similar?
Is that a Celine Dion Song? Was it in Bridget Jones? Its just given me a flashback to a uni night where me and a flatmate got sloshed, ate a while tub of Chunky Monkey and Phish Food Ben and Jerry's between us as we had been dating a couple of numpties!!!!

Oh and the dream I keep dreaming I need to wee really badly and have had to go in pots and people plants etc. Then wake up desperate but no babies popping out!
yup, you're both weird :)

you know how nail varnish normally chips at the top, well I've got a nail that has chipped slap bang in the middle of the nail

There you go, I'm both here AND full of fascinating insights
Yeah, Celine Dion and in Bridget Jones :)

I'm quite into the name Bridget atm, my mum hates it so I like it even more. I just wish I had a more posh accent to say it with :eh:

That's a weird one Laura :shock: Freak :whistle:

Scotch, you mean your nail varnish has chipped in the middle, so it's like a donut pattern?

I can never get nail varnish to last, ever. I looked at my hands earlier and they were really dirty and I still haven't figured out how they got like that :oooo:

In other news, I ate a full pack of bacon to myself tonight :(
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pretty much - like a weird freaky silver donut

just noticed it's the same on two fingers

think they need redoing...
I think you should paint the chipped bit in a different colour. I saw it on TV once and it looks neat, it'll probably look crap in reality though.
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It is weird isnt it!!! 🐳

Im really into my nails at the moment and have just got these almost like stickers that you put on your nails then put nail varnish etc on top. Got stripes etc! Look cool as anything! Dont think Ive ever had my nails chip in the middle mind you Scotch!

Can you see my wee icons?

nope can't see them

i've got into my nails recently as another thing to be able to talk about! got all sorts of nail art pens and stuff

did different colour stripes once using masking tape like when you paint your bedroom and they looked awesome
Oooh Ive got a whale and duck and stuff. Its an app on my phone and I can see it. Think it might be i-phone compatible only!!

Ooh the masking tape idea sounds quite good!
it's genius - i found it on this blog although most the pictures seem to be gone now
(seriously though how does she get her nails so neat???)
Wow they are neat!!

I have to admit Im a nightmare with doing nails I don't do them myself my hubby does. He is a great artist and is pretty neat!
Have you ever tried Gellac nails? You get them done at the salon but it lasts ages- perfect for holidays! Also nail wraps are amazing, I had my toe nails in zebra stripes for our wedding!
Mmm Lou a whole pack of bacon, I love anything porky. We had greasy takeaway pizza last night from a place called dial a pizza, we weren't even drunk lol xx
I was just being a pig (lol) with the bacon :oooo: Regretting it today on the scales. Must. Starve. Today.

Ew at the takeaway pizza :oooo: I always expect to find a hair in them :) Hubby occasionally tries dragging me into places like that because he's craving a kebab, if that's not gross I don't know what is! Yes, he's sober.

Ah well, another weekend. Hate weekends, it's like the world stops.

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