Closed - old IVF thread

Well my 900 is left over from IVF, I was sent 3 but only needed two. They usually send people the 400 or 450's for IUI I think she said but obviously as I have this one I don't need to bother buying any, just the trigger shot that needs to be ordered. It sounds like my clinic don't use powder and are pen only.
I was surprised they didn't jump me today for payment but it hasn't even been mentioned yet :oooo: and I didn't think to even ask how it works with getting the 'bill'
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Keep your gob shut is what i say! As long as you have the money somewhere safe and aren't going to be shocked by a sudden bill that needs paying then i definitely wouldn't mention it ;)
JennyMarie - Wow your off again, Wishing you loads of luck for a bfp, and at the very least a transfer, to be in with a chance, and then yourll have def made really positive progress. Is it a nice feeling doing a different protacol? I must seem like you have a whole new page/new start on ivf this time..

Hi JJ! Yes straight back into it!! Yeah it will be great to get to transfer stage this time. They found out a lot about us in last treatment so hopefully that will help this time. They will also be doing assisted hatching as they found my eggs to be too hard!

What stage are you at now? x
I'm not sure about your adoption info. I actually contacted adoption agencies at one point and all except for one place said i had to have stopped IVF a year previously. I actually gave a social worker a lecture on how bs that policy is :whistle:

Hi Lou, it varies really. We've done some initial enquiries at this stage. We're going to a few talks on Sunday at the fertility show and will speak to a few agencies there too to get more info. It's something I now really want to do even if this ICSI is successful.

Did you decide to go ahead with London this time or did you end up opting for Belgium again?

Now that you mention it, I did get an email from Belgium saying they'd do 90% immunes and pICSI and up my dosage but it was all too little too late. They were supposed to contact me about another cycle and didn't do until 3 weeks after they promised soooo now I'm at London.

It's good that they have adoption stands at the fertility show :)

I felt the same way about adoption after enquiring, i saw a couple of kids that looked like me and hubby and could have gone and picked them up there and then, but then during research read a few horror stories and it really put my hubby off. There was one about a little girl who had been abused and she kept on using sex to try and get closer to her adoptive father. It's really sad but my husband freaked out a bit. I think if we have to adopt that we'd go abroad where babies get dumped simply due to poverty :(
Single dose of nasal spray was ok but the double before bed: bleugh! Can still taste it.
Yay for that! I actually thought this morning when I took my Norethisterone and folic acid and sniffed that this is really starting :)
I went to see an ex ltttc'er and her baby today and as i was telling her that i start tablets on Tuesday, i was thinking "crap that's only 2 days away!!!".

I think because i waited 6 months between my last cycles that this 2/3 months feels so quick.

I'm more excited about this one than i have for any them before. It feels a bit like the first one all over again - the first is definitely the best :lol:
Aww Louise I love that you're feeling excited for this cycle, hope thats a good sign :) are you doing a long protocal? just trying to figure out how long until you'll be on stims again?

I keep loosing track about whos cycling and when, we need to get some more BFP's around here. I actually worked out the my OTD for this IUI cycle will be right around my 2 year TTC mark :shock: i'm hoping that brings me some luck.
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Thanks Tinker :)

I should get my bleed around the 21st Nov and start stims about 23rd hopefully. I'm not sure how long I'll be stimming for with them changing my dosage and things but ideally EC 6th Dec and OTD around 20th Dec.

When are you expecting your OTD?
I've worked out that OTD should be around 30th Nov-2nd Dec or there abouts depending on what day they end up doing the IUI but have a feeling will be around Friday 16th.
Can I just ask anyone who has taken Norethisterone, how long did it take for the bleed to start after taking the last dose?
I used Norethisterone to delay my period once and took 4 days from last tablet till my bleed started. You'll feel like you're using the nasal spray forever in a couple of weeks, it really does go on.
Jacq - well done for starting down regs - now your an ivf lady!
I'm amazed how much your sniffing, that's a bit unfair - yourll have phone reminder alarms going off all over the place.. I only did two sniffs morning and night and then dropped to one sniff morning and night when downregged and onto stimming stage.. Yourll be downregged in no time atall!

Oh and Re your question - my history is messy, I have detailed it more in the secondary infertility section due to peoples feelings, it's a very sensitive subject. but I'm having surgery in 2 weeks tomorow like a c-section to make some repairs and then I can ttc every month naturaly, if it works then yay, if not It will be easier to move on in my head having tried the lot and had some pain... maybee we will all be testing at simular times in dec ....

Lou - wow tuesday you start tablets!! yayy , pleased to hear your all excited about the cycle, thats the way it should be. as for your OTD

Tinks - So pleased your off, hope you don't get too many clomid symptoms, it will be interesting for you doing it iui this time having all ready done the ivf route, to see the difference and how your body reacts.
yes I agree, don't be chasing the bill, just don't spend the money on xmas! ha

What does of the Gonal F are you going to be on ?
Ooh JJ just 2 weeks till your surgery, it's coming around quickly. I think I'll be having my IUI around that date, you know I like to keep my dates close to yours haha!
How will the recovery be, is it a long one or not to bad?

I don't seem to have any symptoms from the Clomid so far and only 2 left to take, certainly been easier than 10 days or so of Gonal F I had with IVF. It feel so much quicker and of course easier than IVF, it's certainly much better on my body. Just keeping everything crossed hubby gets similar sperm numbers as he did with the IVF.
No idea about the Gonal F, they usually give 150iu for 3 days but every other day rather than 3 days in a row but they don't want me going ahead with it till they've checked my response to the Clomid as anymore than 2 dominant follicles and we'll have to cancel. Looking forward to my next scan on Wednesday.
Jacq - I took my last Norethisterone on the 17th and got my bleed on the 21st according to IVF #2... So on the fourth day not taking them.

Woah Tinker! Your OTD sound super close! Run through what is going on with you and when, like the different stages of your cycle for me.

JJ - Oh you reminded me that I came across a pic of you the other day. I think it was a pic of your with your first baby, it just seemed really random to come across a pic of you from years ago :)
It does seem so close doesn't it, when I told hubby on Friday it will be able two weeks till he's back in the 'special hospital room' he was slightly thrown back with it being so soon. I think after having IVF and that feeling like a lifetime it's strange to get used to how quick IUI, it's basically the length of your regular cycle.

So Thursday was CD1 and Friday I had to have a baseline scan to check everything was ok to start, take Clomid to help give a nice strong OV from CD2-6 and on Wednesday CD7 I'll have another scan to check how my follicles are growing and depending on how things look on that I may need 1-3 injections of Gonal F which would be spaced out and done on CD7, 9 and maybe 11.
From around CD9 ill be scanned every other day I think and once I have one or two nice size follicles as with IVF I'll take the trigger then go in for IUI the next day.
I normally OV around CD17 but not sure if the Clomid and Gonal f could bring that closer so I'm ready to trigger more around CD14.

It all sounds so much quicker and easier than IVF doesn't it? I certainly haven't felt the stress and strains that IVF put on me which I'm hoping is a good thing.
I'm going to be on 300 Gonal F, is that a lot?

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