Itis - no big deal, i was just playing
JJ - thanks for the advice re the treadmill! I could definitely do with some fat burning

I think i've got a heart rate monitor watch somewhere too!
I'm worried i might not get it for another couple of weeks. They said 4 weeks but during negotiations i told him i wanted it in 2 weeks and he said he should be able to manage it and he'd try his best which probably translates as "thanks for the money, sucker"
Jennymarie - Hiya

I'm glad you've had some breathing space and are back ready and raring to go again!
I'm not sure about your adoption info. I actually contacted adoption agencies at one point and all except for one place said i had to have stopped IVF a year previously. I actually gave a social worker a lecture on how bs that policy is
One of the girls that used to come on here has recently been approved to adopt after IVF and then the process itself took over a year (it seemed like forever). She is all set to be a mummy now though
Oh, you'll be very close to me in my cycle too - a buddy!!!
Jacq - i'm glad your drugs came, strange no stim drugs yet but maybe that is normal for the clinic. I've not tried the sniffer thing. They actually offered it to me this time around and i said no thanks - i prefer to stab
I had a drama involving a vicks nasal spray once and it's really made me very wary. It was the middle of the night and i woke up with a very dry soft palate and i thought maybe the vicks nasal spray would moisten it. Instead, it essentially set it on fire and i felt like my head was melting from the inside and because it was behind my soft palate where the burning was, i couldn't get at it so i just had to scream it out. It was definitely a traumatising experience.