Closed - old IVF thread

There are LTTTC IVF twins on the way!

Zoziebubly who got her BFP after IVF in September has posted in TRI1 after her early scan!

Lovely news!!
Thanks for the update Itis, waaaaay ahead of you - already updated the first page ;) Isn't it amazing :good:

Jacq - did you get your drugs? I think it's basically Gonal F that can come in a pen, but Gonal f can also come in a powder so it might be exactly the same drug. It's hard to say really but I've never really experienced any symptoms from stimulation, except for the discomfort from growing follicles which you'll get anyway :)
Thanks Louise, yes they did come today, but just the norethisterone (?) tablets and the nasal spray. Three bottles of nasal spray - I guess I'm going to become an expert at that!
Hope they arrive asap for you Jacq, nothing like having a relaxing start from your clinic is there! When you see your clinic get them to show you both types of drug and then you can see what is best for you.
I had the powdered form that you make up with diluent (solution) and then change the needle tip from a big fat mixing needle to a injection needle for jabbing with, but looking at the two videos my clinic have on utube, I actually prefered the look of that way of doing it, even if a little more time consuming, they should help you decide, as it's silly to have to decide without being properly informed and a visual way is better sometimes so you can get your head round it.

Lou- yayy for the treadmill, I have one and it's great, esp on rainy nights like tonight, and you don't even need to have any respectable gym stuff as no-one sees you when you at home! If you fast walk 5K , it will take you 10 mins ish per 1K and so 50 mins in total unless you run some of it, but walking is actually better for fat burning, you want to keep your heartrate at 120-130 beats per min to burn fat, any higher and you are working on your fitness/cardio.. So if you can just about hold a conversation while doing it, that's the perfect rate.... you will burn 400 calories doing that 5K, which is about 3 miles, and as it's walking you shouldn't ache too much after the first few times... You could still keep it going during DR too and yourll be well on your way to target by stimms..
Soz louise should have checked, I'm just to used to clicking the wee blue icon to take me to unreasd posts!
Hi all - back again! Had a few weeks away to get myself back together after the last treatment. I'm jumping straight into round 2 so should be starting the pill again this weekend. They have me on a short protocol this time so we should be due for EC on 17th Dec. If we get failed fertilisation again then that's it, we're calling it time. If we get further but it doesnt work we will try one more, but we need to feel that there is a chance of it working before we put so much energy and finance into it again.

We've also been looking into adoption, and I know you have to wait at least 6 weeks after a failed treatment before you can apply. Who knows what the future holds!

Hope everyone is doing well. I've got quite a bit of reading to do to catch up!! x
Itis - no big deal, i was just playing :)

JJ - thanks for the advice re the treadmill! I could definitely do with some fat burning :shock: I think i've got a heart rate monitor watch somewhere too!

I'm worried i might not get it for another couple of weeks. They said 4 weeks but during negotiations i told him i wanted it in 2 weeks and he said he should be able to manage it and he'd try his best which probably translates as "thanks for the money, sucker" :roll:

Jennymarie - Hiya :) I'm glad you've had some breathing space and are back ready and raring to go again!

I'm not sure about your adoption info. I actually contacted adoption agencies at one point and all except for one place said i had to have stopped IVF a year previously. I actually gave a social worker a lecture on how bs that policy is :whistle:

One of the girls that used to come on here has recently been approved to adopt after IVF and then the process itself took over a year (it seemed like forever). She is all set to be a mummy now though :good:

Oh, you'll be very close to me in my cycle too - a buddy!!! :dance:

Jacq - i'm glad your drugs came, strange no stim drugs yet but maybe that is normal for the clinic. I've not tried the sniffer thing. They actually offered it to me this time around and i said no thanks - i prefer to stab :shock:

I had a drama involving a vicks nasal spray once and it's really made me very wary. It was the middle of the night and i woke up with a very dry soft palate and i thought maybe the vicks nasal spray would moisten it. Instead, it essentially set it on fire and i felt like my head was melting from the inside and because it was behind my soft palate where the burning was, i couldn't get at it so i just had to scream it out. It was definitely a traumatising experience.
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Oh dear Louise! I also had a bad experience with the Vicks: my mum used to come in in the middle of the night when I had a cold and stick it up my nose!! So not looking forward to that really.

The clinic haven't ordered the stimulating drugs as they want to talk us through the options tomorrow, and normally we'd have had the nurse consultation before starting drugs, but things were a bit hectic and I was away for a few days with work so it was the only way we could do it.

Just enjoyed my last glass of wine hopefully for the next 10 months : )
Exciting you got your delievery Jac, even though it was minus the stims :( I remember the delievery being one those 'woah, this is actually happening moments' throughout the IVF.
I had Gonal F in a pen and so glad, I'm on insulin through a pen so I had already been used to using them and stabbing myself that way so just felt like an extra insluin injection or something to me. They are so easy to use aswell and none of the messing about mixing up, worrying if you've done it right etc

Well, I have called my clinic today to let them know its day 1 and I want to start IUI. I can't believe we're about to start on another treatment though obviously not as intense as the IVF was but still feeling all the same emotions again.
I have to go in tomorrow for a baseline scan, even though AF is here :shock: I feel mortified at the thought.

I'm feeling much more nervous this time, with the IVF cycle I had such high hopes (probably a silly mistake) that it was going to work and now I'm kind of feeling like we're just about to chuck £1000 down the drain, you're welcome to slap me ;) I'm just scared to pin all our hopes on treatment again and come back down to earth in a months time with a big bang. Plus I've been going over in my mind, if the IVF had worked then I'd be half way through the pregnancy now :cry:
Good luck tomorow Jacq - I remember getting into the car after being shown the drugs and writing mad notes, as when I'm nervous I don't take anthing in!!

JennyMarie - Wow your off again, Wishing you loads of luck for a bfp, and at the very least a transfer, to be in with a chance, and then yourll have def made really positive progress. Is it a nice feeling doing a different protacol? I must seem like you have a whole new page/new start on ivf this time..

Lou - get on that phone and remind him and ask for his eta on that runner, if you pest enougth, then he will deliver it to get you off his to do list!!

Yayyy Tinks, I'm so pleased your off again
- don't worry I was actually much more chilled second time, other than the money, as what have you got to loose, as it failed last time, but you have everything to gain, and this is a different approach for you, so who knows, it may suit you perfectly - good luck hun X We cycled together , and I have a friend who has just had her 20 weeks scan, and I would have been able to say I was just a week different to her if I had got preg with my 1st ivf too, It's a funny feeling isn't it.

I'm looking up travel arrangements tonight for my trip to nottingham for my op - very excited...
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Well the first dose of Norethisterone is down the hatch and the Gonal F is on order. Apparently you're allowed Gonal F in the pen needle when you are self-funding so we went for that. We're booked for a blood test on 16th and scan 23rd then go from there.

It sounds as if they've been rushing our case through the clinic as a few forms had not been filled and the nurse said at one point that they're not taking any periods after 25th. My face fell at that point and I nearly threw my rattle out of the pram as I was certain we were starting today. So the nurse checked and I am all booked in. Phew! I think it was just that our case is being rushed through before Christmas as they shut for a bit and don't take many new cases.

Anyway we're feeling very positive about it.

The funny thing was that both the nurse and the doctor separately gave me wide-eyed looks when I told them I had been in 150mg Clomid. Hmmm that is now the consultant, nurse and doctor!!

I start my nasal spray Saturday but can't wait for my scan on 23rd :)
Had my 3DSIS today and everything was "perfect" - PHEW! :good:

And Jacq, you wouldn't Adam and Eve it - they've stuck me on Primolut (apparently like Norethisterone) and I'll be on Buserelin and then I get a Gonal F pen too :good:

I haven't been on Gonal F before so it should be interesting and they are sticking me on Merional too which is v similar to menopur. I think they are basically mixing up their own FSH/LH ratio.

Menopur = 1:1, Gonal F = 1: 0 so I think by putting me on both ill be on about 3:1 :eh:

I start on my Primolut on Tuesday the... 6th :good:
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Blimey that sounds like a bit of a cocktail! We'll be able to compare Gonal F side effects and Vicks Sinex flashbacks!!
Yep! :lol:

I'm now left waiting for the drugs company to arrange delivery. I wonder if I can phone them on weekends :eh:
I had my call today! Gonal F is being delivered next Friday. The Sinex nightmares start tomorrow ;)
Ooh well done ladies - you both will be choc full of drugs by the sound of it... Louise, great news about the 3dsis results, one more thing to knock off the list, and maybee this cocktail of stims drugs, will produce something quite extrordanary!
You know... i thought it was Friday yesterday - so phoning them today which was actually Friday was fine lol

My drugs should arrive on Monday morning :good:

They say between 8am-1pm but the guy always does ours first because i think it's way out in the middle of nowhere... so it's exciting :dance:

Good look with the sniffing tomorrow! Do you just do it once per day? How do you know how much you've sniffed?
That's great news Louise.

Sniffing once a day? That would be nice, but it's actually every four hours then two sniffs at bedtime! It is like a pump so you just do one pump up your nostril. Sounds simple but not so sure. We'll see in the morning.
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Glad everything was perfect on the scan Louise :) I can't believe you're getting delievery of meds again already, it's come around so quickly again.

Jac good luck with the nasal spray, I think it was about 7 days into it I started feeling a few side effects like hot flushes and a few headaches but nothing too bad. Oh wow you're sniffing quite a bit, I was just doing 2 'squirts' twice a day then just one before bed during stim phase.
I feel lucky to have had the pen then as I was NHS funded for my IVF and thats what I was automatically sent.

Had my baseline scan today, all looks good and no cysts so all fine to go ahead with IUI this cycle. Took my first clomid today and will take that till Tuesday and then they want me to have another scan on Wednesday to see how I respond to that. Normally they'd then tell people to take Gonal F on days 6, 8 and 10 but because of how I responded during the IVF cycle they want to check my response before any injection stims are given. Plus she said she doesn't want me to use my pen until they know because its 900iu and if I only need one dose it would be such a waste to use it.
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OMG four times per day Jacq?! :shock:

I'm so glad i've asked for the injection. I honestly feel like clock watching is such a strain on me, to have to do something four times and then at bedtime sounds like a real pain in the backside.

Hiya Tinker, i'm glad the baseline scan went well :)

I wonder why they didn't give you powders. Surely the minority of people would actually use an entire 900iu over three days :eh:

I can't believe your IUI is already kicking off, it seems like so recently that you didn't know if you'd be able to go ahead with any more fertility treatment. Good luck! :good:

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