Yayy Greek - well done, thats great you have one grade one embie back inside you! and also two grade one emies in the freezer, that's a great fall back plan... You must be over the moon tonight. Enjoy the clam after the storm while you can. Just think potentially you have had the last period you will have in the next 38 weeks......
Rea - hang in there, I found the 2WW the hardest bit of IVF totally, I played mind games on myself, turned phsyco and lost the plot totally, so not what to do when trying to concieve, so see it as it's out of your control and forget about it, anything is a bonus , glad you had a nice time with your mum, keep yourself busy till tuesday, it is best to wait to test anyway to save needless ups and downs.
Lou - Two days till stimming !!! And totally agree with leaving the uk based AOA clinic to sort out teathing problems, get more with it, before you pop your embies life in their hands, well worth the trip to belgium even if hard work for you.. At least your a pro with the neadles now, what does are you on of stim drug?
LauraT - yayy for your sniffing!! Are you taking Synarel? I had that one, it's fine actually, and the side effects were there, but were not a major prob, hot flushes (esp at night) and headaches were the worst ones, but very doable. If you haven't already start drinking your 2L + of water a day. I gave up my decaf tea as I couldn't drink enougth water with them too, and funny thing is I haven't gone back to it!! I still have 4-5 bottles of water (sports tops) refilled each night in the fridge and easy to grab, nice and cold is more tempting...
Tinks - Well I went an stocked up on Lillets and super long pantyliners today , how depressing is that, and what a waste of money... Still spotting, but it's got less and now don't feel like af coming yet, so I guess it will be quite late now... hummmm. Ahh so clomid use in iui then, like blondy had it, so you could follow her sucess story, and if your ov'ing anyway, you really could have a multiple bfp then with clomid too.... fingers crossed for a quick start for you..
Me -Brought a pack of pregnacare conception today, I'm gonna try the proper vits instead of my folic acid plus my normal multivits I had left over, you never know, then I won't blame myself if I have tried everything... Will start taking tonight till I know if FET attempt works or not. Going to go on amazon in a min and order some opks too, (I have a "30 quid birthday voucher from my mum) feel nicely in control when I'm making a start... (sure you all know what I mean!)