Closed - old IVF thread

Oh this thread is really hotting up again ladies - yayyy

Hope all went smoothly and happily today for you Rea - look forward to your news X

Greek - yayy your folicles are looking lovely now, and three more days should boost the sizes up nicely - good luck tuesday incase I'm not on again before then X

Laura, Skeando and Jenny - yayyy your the next wave of ladies then - all very exciting or you now, I loved it when the drugs arrived!

Louise - Good luck for your DR Scan in Belguim, bring us back some good news and some belgium chockys.... X - Sure the people over there have seen one floof , theve seen them all tbh...

Atullett - welcome to the group - I think one of my issues with my ivf cycle was being mega stressed, so next time when I have a frozen cycle (we have on embryo frozen), I am going to be mrs laid back...(well thats the plan). I really hope it does get easier, but can only imagine it gets worse, but better to be in the game than not eh? We all have a chance that way I am def going to try to be more positive next time.

My hubby doesn't talk about it either , I talk he supposedly listens, so he loves me using forums to chat , save him lots of hassle, so don't worry about your hubby, talk to us instead, were all here for every step of your journey. When is your next appointment, date your working towards?

Blondy, congrats on your brilliant scan, I so thought you had triplets in there from your three folicles!! ha
sorry if I missed anyone? I bet you welled up when you saw the little hb flickering, lovely news x
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Thanks :)

Have you finished on clomid now KK? Should I add you to the list?

Oh, and good luck for your review consult on Monday Tinker xx

And OMG! Hope ET went well today Rea :dance:
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Wishing you loads of luck in Belgium Lou and I am sure the doctors wont mind your spotty groin they have probably seen a lot worse :sick: lol
Hi girls,
ET went well this morning and we have an early blast suitably installed in my uterus! :dance:
I've got friends staying and we've been out all day and i don't have a fancy phone I can use for updates; hence the lateness of post :roll:
We had 3 embryos that had been growing, one was an early blast the other two were lagging behind and not suitable for freezing. Neither of us felt disappointed about the lack of freezing, we were just so pleased to be having our embryo transfered :)
Hopefully our little embie will have a good grip ;)

Bon voyage Lou! Hope all goes swimmingly x
Oh well done Rea - thats brilliant news your now in your 2ww , grow embie grow.... try to stay calm and enjoy the calm after the storm
Rea I'm really pleased for u. Now snuggle up tight little embie . We are only 5 days apart how exciting.

Thanks for wishes everyone. Louise good luck in belgium.
Thanks :)

Have you finished on clomid now KK? Should I add you to the list?

Still on the clomid hun, round 2. Have 2 more packets left for rounds 3 & 4. Hoping IUI will start Oct/Nov so will continue for 1 more cycle then wait for my appt eeeek xxx
Oh well done Rea - thats brilliant news your now in your 2ww , grow embie grow.... try to stay calm and enjoy the calm after the storm

Thanks Jen, I understand what you mean by that... It is such a whirlwind of 'what ifs' and chemical cocktails and then that's it. The embryo is in. It could happen...:shock: I'm pretty calm at the moment :) The way we're currently thinking about it is if our little embie can latch on then they've got a chance at growing into a healthy baby; if they can't latch on it must mean they wouldn't have managed the growth... Time will tell! x
Rea, sending the little embie BIG growing thoughts.

Lou, GL in Belgium

It really is all go in here atm, its great :eek:)
Good attitude rea and congratulations for getting this far, so excited to hear your news in a few short days
Well I was brave and told my mum about us TTC, hope I have done the right thing.
Well done Skeando - sure she will be there for you when you need it, it's good to have someone close on board, do you feel better/lighter now you have? X

Made my first switch shopping blunder this week - doh, lasted till into week 3 tho, so back on straight and narrow till sat, new weeks shopping... oooops :wall2: It really is making a difference tho, I can really see it giving me financial freedom in the longer term.. look after the pennies and the pounds will take care of themselves eh?:lol:

I'm so bloated and uncomfy now, I'm wondering if I didn't actually ovulate when I thought and maybee I'm in for a long cycle now..

Tinks how is your cycle doing now? You thought you were still waiting ov last week? are you due on midweek?
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Made my first switch shopping blunder this week - doh, lasted till into week 3 tho, so back on straight and narrow till sat, new weeks shopping... oooops :wall2: It really is making a difference tho, I can really see it giving me financial freedom in the longer term.. look after the pennies and the pounds will take care of themselves eh?:lol:

My OH is much better at bring mindful of money than I am, I'm a bit of a fritterer. But you're right Jen, it does make a difference in the long run. It's great that you're already noticing a difference :dance: xx

Bummer about the bloatedness hun :( hope it improves for ya soon x
Well I was brave and told my mum about us TTC, hope I have done the right thing.

What worries you about having told her Skeando? Is it that she'll hassle you for info or tell others.....or something else? xx
Good luck tomorrow Greek!
Hope EC goes smoothly hun - shall be looking forward to your update :)
I do sorta feel better now I have told her, but yeah I am worried that she will ask me about it constantly, and I'm stressed enough without that.

I felt that now we're starting IUI she would be upset not to know, and also she knew something was up, and it wasn't fair to let her worry in general
JJ - my cycle is completely messed up, I have however finally ovulated though and am now 3DPO but it was day 23 when I ovulated (normally 15-17). The Dr said today though that it's pretty normal and within a cycle or 2 should all be back to normal.

Had my follow up today and we came out feeling quite happy & hopeful but it was horrible being back up there again.
They were extremely pleased with how i responded, the qauilty of my eggs, fertilisation rate etc and up till day 3 they all looked to be growing very well and most embryos were great quality so the Dr we saw thinks it could be just a matter of them not liking where the had them growing, cant remember the words he used (its all alot to remember and take in) and said that next time they would put one or perhaps 2 back on day 3 and certainly not try and take me to day 5 again. He said he actually feels extremely positive that the next time the outcome will be much better and he feels that he has no doubts IVF will work for us as everything on our part worked so well.
As we can't afford another cycle atm (1 funded by our PCT) we mentioned IUI,
you may remember I said I was going to ask about it as hubby's count was alot different to his SA test. The Dr was happy for us to give IUI a few goes, and said if all samples were like the one on EC it's certainly an option that could work for us but we do risk hubby giving a bad sample on the day because the previous low one.
It's much cheaper than IVF but we'll only give it 2 goes because of not wanting to spend lots and then needing to try IVF again anyway.
Due to how well I responded on Gonal F for IVF and that my cycles are regular, he gave me a prescription for Clomid rather than doing injectable IUI for now although I have a Gonal F pen left over if I need it. So we're giving it a few months for my body to get back to normal after the IVF, try naturally etc and if I'm not pregnant by October/November we'll be starting.
I do sorta feel better now I have told her, but yeah I am worried that she will ask me about it constantly, and I'm stressed enough without that.

I felt that now we're starting IUI she would be upset not to know, and also she knew something was up, and it wasn't fair to let her worry in general

It's a good sign that you feel better about having told her... I know what you mean about not wanting to be constantly questioned as it wouldn't help your state of mind at all. Hopefully she'll be able to be sensitive and it'll feel supportive to have someone who knows and is wishing the best for you x
That all sounds pretty positive Tink :) it's great that the Dr felt that IUI was worth a try too xx

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