Rea - sorry behind on this thread at mo! Yayyy well done on your embies - you have the same as me, I had 6 fert, fingers crossed you can go onto blasto stage for sat instead of tomorow...
GG - wow things are moving for you too now, lets us know how your folicle scan goes on friday? feels lovely to be right at the business end of ivf doesn't it.. (There were loads of ladies on my other forum that had day 2 transfers and got preg in the same cycle as me... wether they were just lucky I don't know, perhaps your body is just a good place to house the embies.. but like Lou says they like to go to blasto if they can normally, having said that , my front runner didn't make it... but who knows if it actually even got to blast as was only a nearly blast when it went back.
Lou - oh wow not long till your DR scan then, brilliant. You mentioned more natural things, I was on menopur this time. I was thinking more of being DR'ed before a FET, so a non stimming cycle? wonder if they ever do that, drugged other than the dr bit?
Hello Tinks - well I had loads of ov symptoms, but never did temps , and refused to waste money on ov sticks this month , so don't actually know if I ovulated at all yet, but I think I have as symptoms starting to ebb off now, tum not so tender anymore etc. I'm on cd18 today. You might just find it changes your cycle a little bit, and gets back to business next month. Actually I'm wishing for a late period to move my dates slightly, so maybee I will do a good bit of stressing around af due day to see if I can delay..
Hello and welcome Jennymarie - Don't worry, ivf seems really scarey at the start and actually it's so staged in step by step bits, as you get to each one, it all then makes sense and your like oh is that it, thought it was more that that/worse than that! My top tip (have only done ivf once tho), is to use a small freezer ice pack on tum , for 20 ses before actually injecting - nothing!! yayy Good luck to you and do make sure you give us all updates how your doing....