Closed - old IVF thread

Plus I NEVER tested early when ttc naturally and I want to live on the edge a bit!
Wow Scotch, you're so wild ;)

Just dip em and bin em though if you're testing early. I always get bloody evaps, some are real strong ones too - but I did bend the rules though to try and encourage a BFP to show.

I hate it when people say "I did my test about 20 mins ago and I can see a line!" or when people post a pic and they've torn the strip out of the cover lol but I better stop now because I can feel a rant coming on... I am due AF afterall :blush:
Amazing pictures Scotch, wishing you loads of luck hun xx
I think they look like little scotch eggs with the bit in the middle and the breadcrumb-encrusted case

PorkPie has named them Pinky & The Brain as the little one looks brain-shaped

So this is what our babies will look like:

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Which one looks like its mummy and which like its daddy? Lol

Oh and I got a dot of AF! I'm going to jump hubby tonight and see what I get :good: Looking good for tomorrow though!
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good stuff lou, get him to give a hand getting things going ;)
Woop woop to your babies being on board!! And not long till you can test :)
I love pinky and the brain, pinky is my favourite, go pinky!!
Enjoy the Olympics tomorrow scotch xxx
OMG I'd almost forgotten about that!!! I'm going to the OLYMPICS tomorrow!!!
Haven't been on in a little while so what have I missed? Where is everyone upto in treatment?

Nice to see you have your two little embies on board Scotch, keeping everything crossed for you x
hey tinks, how are you doing? what's your plan now if you have one?
Your little embies are looking great Scotch!! :D
Get multiplying little'ns x x x Going to the Olympics will be good inspiration for them! ;)
hey tinks, how are you doing? what's your plan now if you have one?

Im feeling much better now thanks Scotch, well apart from when I have to see the daily 'im pregnant' FB announcements or people moaning about being pregnant :twisted:
No real plan as yet, just keep trying and see what is said at our follow up and keep fingers crossed IUI may be an option but if not we're considering paying for 1 IVF cycle and at least giving it ago but its going to take a while to save and mean we'll not have a deposit to buy our own place as soon as we were wanting to have it saved.
I just don't get why treatment allowances can be so different according to where you live. Makes me so cross.

Facebook is a killer isn't it. I'm having my 2ww off facebook as I can't face any announcements and need to focus on me.

Big hugs to you both xxx
First app today at Glasgow royal to discuss IUI. Think it's gonna just be a form filling in exercise with blood tests but i think i get a chance to ask questions about the process.

Is there anything I *need* to ask?
I don't know that there's anything other than a guideline on times, and if there's a contact you can use if you have questions after the meeting as they often come up afterwards as the appointment's so short.

Beach Volleyball this morning was amazing. Such an atmosphere and I never thought the game would be that enthralling!

Lots of tummy twinges today, but I expect they're from the procedure yesterday.
Hiya ladies :)

Nice to hear from you Tinker! :hug:

I hope the IUI app went alright Skeando :)

Scotch, I'm sooooo jealous of you going to the Olympics :shakehead: I'm glad you had a nice time! I'm hoping it inspires your embies to achieve gold too ;)



Officially DR!!!! :good:
you're on the pill to start, aren't you?

so glad to hear you're on your way AT LAST!!!
Thanks :)

Yeah, I'm on the pill so just popping one every morning for the next few week. A bit boring really as I pop loads of pills anyway lol

But definitely started xx
Hiya everyone
Sorry ive not been on for a while, been very busy with wedding plans as we get married in 7 weeks, and sadly my auntie died a few months ago so have been bk to uk etc. Well we have our date for ICSI at last, Nov 27th is when we are back there (they actually said sept but due to wedding we put it back) so they said we go 27th Nov then they wait for next cycle and go from fingers crossed BFP can be dec or jan, really really hoping it is!! Over here in spain we get 3 goes for free which is positive and i can have 2 eggs put back if i want rather than 1. Theres alot of stress goin on at the min, my fiance has been waitin for a serious op for years and we have got the date, right before the wedding!! so we have to move it and we could be lookin at waitin a long time again its so st ressful. My brother and sister in law have just found out they r having a baby after there 1st try of IUI aswell which is great news, really gives you hope... Cant help feelin that we may noy be that lucky though so even though im happy for em does make me feel abit down still... but oh well some good things on the hotizon! xxx
App went better than thought, was given a breakdown of whole process, had bloods done for AMH and standard HIV/ Hepatitis tests for me and hubby and a lovely swab taken from me. Hubby has to do another SA, just cos the Royal like to have one of their own done. Was in there for at least an hour and half!

Basically i have to call them when my next period starts (in approx 2 weeks) to arrange nasal spray, and then start taking that on day 21 on that cycle and then I guess we're started. Wasn't expecting to start so soon after so many appts that have been dragging things out over last 3 years.

Excited, but scared!

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