Closed - old IVF thread

Beach Volleyball looks like it has a great atmosphere! Friends of mine are going next week. I'm still checking the website just in case there are tickets for less than £100 a pop (yesterday only tickets were £185 each!?!?!)

I'm off for scan and bloods number two this morning :) will report back later. :wave:
With my last ivf cycle my temps showed the classic pattern but far more defined than usual.

Lou, I think you'll understand when I say this as you've said similar - I don't feel emotional or strongly at all, I just feel like we're going through the motions. Maybe this is the difference between a first cycle and a subsequent cycle, maybe this is the human brain protecting you. Failure doesn't scare me at the moment, success feels like it's in a league with dreaming about what you'll do when you win the lottery.

It's not that I feel negative, I feel calm and composed and emotionally ok, I just feel - I don't know the words but I don't expect much.

Nope, reading back that doesn't make much sense at all!
I know exactly what you mean Scotch, I'm just sad for you that you feel that way too :hug:

I think it's just an accumulation of everything that has gone on recently - ups and down, for others and for yourself. They cause so many different emotions that all clash with each other and it's just so exhausting. Nothing seems to matter.

Just strap yourself in and see where you end up when the rides over xx

Good luck Rea :good: I demand more and bigger follicles today ;) Oh, and measurements! xx
All set thanks Lou, I need to post lots of pics but my I photo won't open on my MacBook, I need to pop in the store and sort it :-(.

Currently sanding down wooden floors to varnish!

I'm always looking for posts and photos from you :)

Oooooooh, I'd love to see your nursery! Have you got your name picked yet? xx
Good luck Rea :good: I demand more and bigger follicles today ;) Oh, and measurements! xx

Well, it's looking like a slow and steady tortoise like approach. But that's ok, the tortoise won the race after all! She said that both ovaries had quite a few follicles and all looked ok for now. She reckoned that my meds should stay the same at 150.
When I asked her what had changed between Monday and today she said 'Absolutely nothing.' Which made me laugh out loud! No wonder I haven't really felt like anything was happening!? They're wanting to take it really slowly so that all the follicles don't mature at the same time as that would throw me towards OHSS. She reckoned that the likely Egg Collection day would now be next Friday rather than Wednesday. I did notice her measure one of the follicles on the screen and it was 5.7mm. Next follicle related instalment will be Fri :D
Just fixed my i photo now thank god! gonna do a big update, whilst I'm trapped on the couch while my varnish drys!:)

Hiya Rea :)

Well done for the one measurement ;)

As long as it's all going to plan then that is all that matters!

Is it self obsessed of me to always wonder where I'll be in my cycle at everyone else's next appointment? :oooo: I'm not upto much a week Friday, so you'll have my full attention :good:
Glad it's going well rea.

Just seen the embryologist - one embie has defrosted perfectly, the other isn't doing quite as well but they're going to transfer both anyway as it's not too bad. Happy news!

15 mins wait from here, have been allowed to do a small wee as I was busting for the loo. Apointment time was 45 mins ago!
Yay! Nice to hear from you Scotch :good:

Congrats on the embryos, I'm sure number 2 will plump up :)

Any info on the temp and lining concerns?

Are you sat on the toilet right now? :shock:

I'm so excited :dance:
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Still waiting and there's still someone ahead of us.

This is bladder abuse!
I'd go for a proper pee and then drink another litre or so. They wouldn't let me pee and I was bursting and since I practised how long it takes me to need a pee if I drink a lot and I could definitely have gone to the toilet :oooo:

Whats the hold up anyway :roll:
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No idea. I've had another mini-pee, we're next up.

So glad this happened now and not on full cycle as I was in so much pain if I didn't pee every 20 mins or so this would have been horrific.
Are you all suited up too with your backless gown on?

Not much longer before they'll be wanting to close!
I gave up and peed at 4 having needed a wee for 2 hours. Once my bladder stopped hurting I stopped the flow. Amazingly after that much liquid coming out there was enough left for transfer!

Here's our babies, you can see that one's rehydrated fully and the other's a bit behind.


Good luck little embies xxx
Yeah for the babies! What a fab pic ! Fingers crossed scotch !!! Away but managed to get wifi for a hour and glad I logged in to this x
Aw, ain't they cute :love:

I bet your glad that is finally over :)

Soooooo OTD is when? :good: Are they still day 5 embryos or are they now say 6? :eh:
They're day 5

OTD is 12th but that's 16 dpo to cover all eventualities, 14 dpo is the 10th although I'll probably test early again - it softened the blow last time and what's the harm if it's positive?

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