Closed - old IVF thread

You're only a dick if you have worries and find yourself in a situation where if things don't work out, you are full of regret. The nurse isn't going to lose any sleep if you get a BFN.

I just don't know the ins and outs of temperature monitoring... Maybe the temperature rise is caused by the corpus luteum rather than by the progrsterone which might explain it?

If I was you, I'd read up about it tonight and maybe ask on the charting forum and on FF and see what people say and sleep on it.

I'll have a look too.

Maybe tomorrow you'll feel bit more relaxed about the fact that it didn't register on the nurses radar and you can forget about it :)

If not, then you need to start getting a bit more direct and doing whatever it takes to get your concerns acknowledged and explained xx

Rea - ah, 9 days seemed like too long but it's only about 14 days isn't it lol Duh :oooo: So it's going right on track for you :)

We booked the ferry for the treatment fortnight now. I think P&O are trying to sneakily phase out AMEX though because even though you can use AMEX online when we phoned up they told us that the AMEX machine hasn't worked for a couple of weeks but when we told them that we had to book by phone because we can't book for pets online, it suddenly worked again. I smelt BS... :eh:

I've bought some stuff for the dogs too - muzzles, harnesses, coats and a car hammock. Expensive! :shock:
Phew, what a relief :)

All set for TOMORROW then :good:

What grade are your frosties?
Average grade. Only get good/average/poor at my clinic. One was very average, the second only just made it to the freezer. Today I have high hopes for both.
Eeeeek, getting exciting :dance:

So the plan for tomorrow is that you get to the clinic and then they pull them out, or that they'll do it in advance and let you know before you get there?

What time are you booked in for?

Are you taking some time off or sticking with your usual routine?
Not sure. I think they defrost in the morning but didn't ask. Appointment is 2 pm so I won't go back to work. We have olympic tickets thurs so no work but a fun day out then back to the grind friday.
Oh what are you watching at the Olympics?

I swap you my tickets to see Mickey Mouse! ;)
Lou - All the most important bits done then :) hurray:dance:
I had a similas BS situation at Next the other day. I'd ordered stuff on line and went to take it back to the shop. As I walked in the girl at the door said that they didn't do returns on Sale days as there 'tills wouldn't put them through'. I wasn't impressed as the bag was awkward and heavy and I was on the bus. I questioned her, explaining I didn't want to be charged for the goods by not returning them quickly enough. Quick consultation with her manager and low and behold the entire machinery at Next suddenly works for returns - Amazing :roll:

Scotch -- fingers and toes crossed for tomorrow hun! I was looking at tickets for the Olympics this morning to see if there was anything we could snaffle last minute. No luck so far. That'll be a great fun distraction for first day after transfer :) (ps for what it's worth I think you did the right thing calling them, it's only 5 minutes of their time and could have had a big impact on your success xx)

I got a call yesterday to up my dose of Gonal F as my oestradiol level was too low. So on 150 as of last night.
Don't really feel like anything is happening yet... even though it's been 2 weeks of buserelin and 5 injections of Gonal F.... I feel exactly the same (apart from bruised stomach) I'd imagined that I'd be more aware of the changes. Ahh well all in good time I suppose. Off to get my hair done now - to chop or not to chop.... catch you later ladies xx
I think I started to feel gonal f at about 6-8 days, started to get bloated and sore.

Yay my babies will be home in just over 24 hours!

Lou, I'm going to see the beach volleyball. Not sure what to expect but really excited about it.
Hey Rea :)

It's good that they've upped your dose, at least your count is only going to be heading in the right direction :good:

Oh Scotch, I might see you on TV lol! I was watching the volleyball yesterday :)
Going to bed soon so I thought I'd just you wish you all the best for tomorrow Scotch. Keep us updated xx
Ta Lou

You know I said I'd emailed and phoned yesterday? I'd forgotten about the email I hadn't had a reply from until I got the reply today. This is why it's so hard to ask questions when you're concerned about what's going on with your cycle:

Dear ScotchEgg,

I have discussed with Dr X, and he says that you should stop monitoring your temperature. Progesterone suppositories are administered twice daily into your rectum.

If you have any further questions, you can ask on the day of your embryo transfer.
At the risk of repeating myself... PFFT! :shock:

That's outrageous. At least they asked the doc, but how detached from his patients can he be to just dismiss you like that.

Translation: "because I don't know about temperature monitoring it is clearly bullshit, you silly women"

No acknowledgement of your concerns or feeling or anything. No reassurances.

Just be grateful you got your temp rise or you'd be in a right state xx
Temp dropped back again. It doesn't fill me with hope...
Scotch! Good luck today lovely! :)

Lou, 1 day til your cycle starts, I can't wait! :)

Didn't you hear the doc?! He said you should stop temp monitoring ;)

I know he didn't reassure you very much, but maybe he was basing his advise on knowledge but simply didn't bother to explain it to you?

Try not to worry, there is time to ask them about it - maybe arrive early and ask to speak to someone and explain to them that you are worried that you lining isn't thick enough and you'd like to have it clarified before the embryos are transferred. Maybe they can show you on the ultrasound when you get into theatre? :hug:

Hiya Maybe :good: Thanks :) I was hoping it might come today but probably tomorrow ;) I can't believe how far along you are already! Are you all set? xx
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Hey Scotch, I don't know enough about temperatures to be confidently reassuring hun xx The only thing I can think is that our natural cycles must behave differently to our IVF cycles... Maybe the inconsistency with your temperature is related to the fact that it's not a natural cycle...
Either way luv your babies are coming home today and fingers crossed your body recognises them and scoops them into a cosy lining. :dust: xx

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