Closed - old IVF thread

Now u girls are Making me nervous. I do tend to stick to 10pm each night but
Think on odd occasion I did it earlier as was working in parents shop on the night .
Thanks girls.
I've been mooching on line too and seems to be coming across as mostly 1-2 hours... Oh well. Looks like I'll have to try and discretely do my jabbing in the car! Let's hope no-one walks past and gets the wrong end of the stick! Ha!

GreekGirl - have you had any scans then yet? x
I'm really strict with mine, I do it to the second lol

You really don't want to be essentially overlapping your doses and making the growth less consistent.

Try not to worry though Greek, I doubt you'll ever know if it actually had any impact :)
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I have first scan on the 8th. Nurse said as long as it was between 6-10 every night that it was ok they essentially don't want one in the morning one at night. I did ask if I should do it at exact same time and she said it wasn't necessary . Oh well I suppose time will tell and I'll probably beat myself up about this if it doesn't work
Hi Tinks,

My clinic said 700 to 1600 for drugs, depending on your dosages!
I was on 225iu menopur, 3vials of 75iu a time, and get there pefered supplier to call you automatcally, , but I asked them for a private prescription as well and shopped about, and Ill dig out my contact details for you if you like, I have a company thats wayyy cheeper, it saved me 339 quid! I think mine came in about £700 I can't remember now, (for everything tho), and you may be on less menopur that me( "the old bird).
I have first scan on the 8th.

Fingers crossed for Wednesday GreekGirl :) I think it'll be ok no matter what as, if they're not happy with what they see, they'll just adjust your dosage :) not too long to wait! x
Yeah that's what I was thinking. Have been worrying since reading thread yesterday but suppose its still adaptable at this point if it's not right .
Greek, you can't obsess about it. It's your first cycle and you have no idea what you're going to get and I still believe you could get a string of perfect embryos so relax :hug:

I'm suffering a little :( Soon after taking the pills I'm still getting warm and even feeling a little anxious.

It doesn't last all day long but I'm just feeling rubbish. Blergh.
Greek, you can't obsess about it. It's your first cycle and you have no idea what you're going to get and I still believe you could get a string of perfect embryos so relax :hug:

I'm suffering a little :( Soon after taking the pills I'm still getting warm and even feeling a little anxious.

It doesn't last all day long but I'm just feeling rubbish. Blergh.

:hug:get yourself out for the day with hubby xxx

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We tried that yesterday, he barely survived after he got dog poo on his fingers and dropped an ice cream. It meant we had to go home instead of walking... Que a tantrum and sulking from me :whistle:
How are you feeling Scotch, any cramps and good signs in there with your two embies...?

Don't worry GG - all will be fine hun X

Rea , how are you coping with stimming ?

Sorry your feeling pants Lou, hopefully they should start to settle once your body has got over the shock or DR!

Well my period has finally stopped, 8 days .... hummm , Lots of over the top signs of ovulation going on now (i'm on cd10 now), boobs, nausea and ov grumbles, (I get them normally each month esp more than I ever did since my son), but think must be because of the cycle getting back to normal this month.. I don't care as long as my cycles are not too messed up. Although slightly late on the next one would be fine as I my cycles are weekends at the mo, and I would like a natural FET in late Sept, so would be good to get my cycles moved slightly off weekends, if you get your lh surge on a weekend, then you have to wait till the next month, as the following week they won't transfer embryo on a weekend, so need a weekday surge.....

Anyone got any tips on OPKS! Want to get started to be better at them by then, I have only used the online cheepys and never got a conclusive dark pos on them..

Myno switch cards - budget is going very well! Day two now, I have a weekly supermarket shop and any other purchases budget of £70 a wk, so splitting into £10 a day spending....(before you say that's loads there are 6 of us tho and one in nappies!) I have 0.83p left from yesterday and I went today with OH to get ham and forgot it was sunday hours so it was shut! so I have a whole £10 left.... whoop whoop.... (It's actually quite fun!)

I have the car being mot'd tomorow and have to ring and pay the £700 (from the overdraft) for the freezing Embie cost... arghhhh hope it goes through ok....
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Hi JJ - a lot of people find the period after IVF rotten. Mine was really heavy.

I have a lot of symptoms. I'm trying not to get too over-excited, but temperatures are looking promising, I've had lots of pinchy 'pains' in my abdomen and I just feel right about it.

Testing Friday to ensure we don't run the risk of false negatives, and also as my temps have always shown me what's going on around 12-13dpo so in many ways we'll probably have a good idea of the result by then.
Holy crap - THIS September?! What happened to being poverty stricken :lol:

I'm glad you have managed somehow... You don't need two kidneys afterall ;)

Will we be cycle buddies?! :good:

I tell you what, we've done the whole scrapping of the cards and just buying with money and so far we're spending 80% less than usual per week :shock:

Simple things like eating at home and packed lunches. For treats I just make a couple of biscuits with a bit of butter, sugar and flour :) I'm going to be wadded come next pay day :dance: Oh, of course I meant we. We are going to be wadded :whistle:

Regarding the OPKS, you can buy different cheapie sensitivities online so maybe try a less sensitive one? Also, keep them each day so you can compare. Comparison will help you to identify it more than waiting for it to be darker than control line xx
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Thanks for the ideas of pricing, gives me a better idea and maybe the prices my clinic have listed are correct and they're just cheaper than others I've looked at.

I was on the nasal spray and then Gonal F for this past cycle but I'm guessing the cost isn't much different and I actually have a brand new Gonal F pen left over as they sent me 3 and I only needed 2, was on 150iu for 10 days.
We don't have any credit cards etc we could just put it all on ATM so it's a matter of saving first but we've still not had a proper chat about what our plans are but I think once we have our follow up we'll have a better idea.

Gawd JJ, AF stayed around for a while didn't she? I was lucky and had the normal 2 day bleed I always get, infact the second day was quite light but she didn't show up till 17 after EC. Just waiting to see what happens this cycle now and when I'll ovulate, hoping the IVF doesn't mess up my cycles so OV is harder to figure out.

No advice about the OPKs as they never worked properly for me, I never got a positive just 2 lines for a few days so they were useless and I stuck with just charting my temps.

Thinking of you Scotch and hope Friday brings good news
Rea - when is your next scan? Tomorrow? xx

Yes Lou. It was this morning. A bit of a mixed bag... I'm very emotional too... have been for a couple of days... little things are setting me off :cry:

aaannnnnyyyyyway. the details.

My underdog left ovary is actually getting involved and is currently housing a 12mm folicle :)
My uber right ovary has 11 follicles ranging from 12-15mm (apologies in advance for the lack of precision Lou ;) hee hee)
Lining is looking good. BUT she saw what she thinks might be a very small polyp... When I asked her for a bit of information about what that would mean she explained that they act like a bit of a mountain making it difficult for an embryo to attach, and they would keep an eye on it... and if I didn't get pregnant this cycle they might refer me for a camera thing for them to have a look. Bit of a sinking feeling at this point. BUT I'm hoping by Wednesday it's either gone or just as small and that if we get an embryo it's still got plenty of attaching room all over the rest of my uterus!
Collection is looking like Friday still :) As ever, time will tell won't it girls x x x x
I'm suffering a little :( Soon after taking the pills I'm still getting warm and even feeling a little anxious.

It doesn't last all day long but I'm just feeling rubbish. Blergh.

:hug: x
Scotch -- sounds promising hun.... cautiously promising ;) x

JJ -- Stimming going ok thanks. Apart from being really teary I'm not having any real symptoms :) and the follicles are growing slowly but surely :) That was a mammoth AF!?! I never had any joy with Ovulation sticks!? Far too irregular. Great that you're getting back into things so quickly :) x
Good news about the follicles Rea :good:

Funnily enough a girl on another buddies thread I'm in was told she has a polyp too today so they said to her that come EC if they think it is a problem that they will remove it and freeze the embryos for a FET on a later date. Perhaps that is better than risking your best embryos on it?

It might be nothing though and ladies do get pregnant after being given news about a possible polyp.

I understand it being a stress that you don't need though :hug:

Try to focus on the good and that you are set to get a load of juicy eggs :dance:
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