Closed - old IVF thread

oh thanks lou, I had no idea of those icsi risks, other than the risk of damage on needle going in... that doesn't sound half as appealing now..... and there is the extra cost.... I wonder if your body gets more open to stimming on each cycle, or perhaps they would upp my dose ?

I am so very lucky that I have one frozen blastocyst, (higher qual/ further developed than the one I had back). Do you know anything about the risks , chances of defrost issues, not surviving the thaw Lou?
I would do what scotch is doing now and as long as we can get together the money to pay for FET and drugs if we go for drugged one, or natrual is an option. we could do that as soon as we could afford it.

I have just no idea how we could afford another fresh cycle, esp with age not being on my side, so I have brought 3 x lucky lotto tickets for fridays big draw this week, same day as testing day, and we went to buy them on monday as we saw 6 magpies together , so 1 for sorrow, 2 for joy, 3 for a girl, 4 for a boy, 5 for silver , 6 for gold !!!!!!!
So either I will get a shock bfp, win the lotto bigtime and pay for cycles all round.... or it could just mean gb gets lots gold medals!!

But yes , not ready to give up yet
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Oh JJ are you not going to be tempted to test a day early tomorrow?
Your official test sounds a bit random - do you have any proper ones to back it up with in case there's any doubt?
I have a great feeling for you - AF type rumblings can be a great sign, especially if you're still on progesterone.
I will be stalking you!!! Cornwall sounds fab - hope the weather stays nice for you!!
Thank you for asking after me - it has definitely sunk in now, my boobs hurt and have grown already, and I am soooo hungry constantly!! I'm just scared its twins or triplets making me eat all this food!!! Scan is 9th Aug so 2 weeks tomorrow!
How is everyone else doing?

Oooh wouldn't that be amazing tho Blondy!! twins would be perfect, triplets, would be a miracle and a handful! ha :dance:

No i'm not wanting to test at all now, the moment has past, did last sat and sunday used a whole two pack of first responses (like who keeps the spare one for spare!!), hoping was too early, but still pants to see no line, I stared at them for hours, even made oh stare at them to see anything, he could see nothing, and you could see how puzzled he was at the extent of my staring and moving between windows!!!:wall2:
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Hiya Blondy :wave: I'm glad everything is going well for you :) I'm good thanks :good:

Oh of course Jen, I completely forgot about your frostie :oooo:

It seems that the survival rate for blasts is 85% which is good and the implantation rate is 38%, but that is lower than that of zygotes and day 3 embryos.

Apparently your body may become less responsive to stim drugs over time, but they won't assume to increase your dosage. They will have to see a poor egg number cycle before upping your dose.

I got 5 tickets for Friday's lottery :good: I think it's a 100MIL jackpot and then 100 UK millionaires too :) Oh wouldn't it be lovely to win :dance:
Can you imagine 100mil jackpot!!! just for one person....... that's way too much.

If I win 100 million , I shall start a fertility charity to help people who can't afford further treatment...and have come to a crossroads.. I think everyone can stretch to one go themselves for something soo inportant even if it is cred cards ,loans etc like we have done, but after that options run out...and that is just heartbreaking
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Yeah 100MIL does seem like too much. That is crazy money! :shock:

I dunno what I'd spend it on. Everything that I can think of that i'd ever want would only be about 30MIL.

I play online and occasionally get an email saying there is some exciting news about one of my tickets so I rush to check and it's always only a couple if quid :roll:

I hope that doesn't happen on Friday because I'm practically convinced I'm going to be a millionaire already so I'll be very disappointed :shock:

If you won, would you go public?
Hmmm, sooooooo a bit quiet today :oooo:

JJ, good luck for tomorrow :)

Scotch, Tinker, Gizzy, Emma, Penny and whoever I missed out (gotta be someone, right :shock:), I hope you're all alight xx
I'm good. Last injection done, onto bum bullets tomorrow.

Just waiting on JJ really. Got everything crossed for you xxx
Hey, that's awesome Scotch! :good:

Could you have ovulated this cycle too? Have you been told no sex?

Ooooooh, only a few days :dance: Are you getting excited yet? xx
I don't think so - I think the combination of the patches and the buserelin stops you growing a follicle although I'm not sure

Haven't been told to lay off the good stuff so I guess not.

I'm very excited. How about you - DR in a week...
Yeah I'm getting excited, kind of.

I know this is going to sound a bit weird, but I'm not sure how much I actually want kids anymore. Or should I say need kids anymore.

I don't know if it's some kind of defence mechanism because this cycle could be conclusively our last, but me and hubby are already talking about the "life without children" plan and it actually sounds pretty good.

I live in a big house with a big garden but I'd love to have lots of land and animals and maybe some kind of outdoor experience/bnb type business and we're talking about getting that started if we're stuffed.

Hubby was actually saying to his parents today what our plans were if the cycle fails and I expressed how sick I am of going through ttc, and it made it feel like an official plan.

I still reserve the right to be devastated if the cycle is a disaster, but I'm feeling ok about it today and even perhaps a little sad that my plan B might not happen until retirement.

It's like if someone offered you a choice of ice cream or apple crumble and custard on a scorching day and you desperately wanted the ice cream. And then they told you that all you have to do is climb to the top of the biggest mountain in the sweltering heat for it and after hiking for what feels like forever, you realise that the ice cream will probably be melted by the time you got there anyway and even though apple crumble and custard is not ideal considering the weather, it still tastes very good.

I dunno. I just don't feel much of anything. Flickers of excitement. Hints of despair. Overall, a big fat nothing.
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sounds like a really good approach. I know what you mean - we talked the 'what ifs' after the first cycle and our alternatives were so obtainable and we wouldn't have to wait and they gave us reassurance but also they were good alternatives and it was a bit tempting

But I think that's good. Life won't end if we can't conceive, it'll just be different.
Hi Loub, totally get what you are saying there are times when you think 'there has to be life after TTC'??? Because there is and it will be fine whatever happens because it has to be. I still think this cycle is yours though :-) fx

Thanks for asking after me. Had a slightly shit day when the early birth centre called me about my early scan next week. It felt like taking a bullet but it is cancelled now and done. We have booked 2 weeks in Taba Egypt going next Tuesday and for the first time in ages I am getting excited about going away. Mega excited that we are near the pyramids. Time out will be good. Need to get my day 3 bloods fine but it looks like I will be away on holiday. Phoned Barts today and told me not to worry that it can be done next cycle. They told me to enjoy my holiday and it won't forget my IVF timetable. My
Ovulation this month is shy.. Would normally get a positive by now but totally negative. My body is clearly annoyed!

Goid luck to all the girls in this section this month... Jj best of luck
Tomorrow i will be thinking of you xxxx

Gizzy xxxx
Morning JJ- any news?! I'm excited for you!

Lou- I think that's great you have a plan B, I love the idea of animals and having your own business etc. I am still hoping that this coming cycle is it for you though. 6 days till DR!!
Thanks ladies :)

It doesn't feel nice saying stuff like that around people who are ttc or who already got pg so I'm glad you understand.

Gizzy - I'm sorry about the early scan thing. If they can sign you up for all these things at a click of a button you'd think theyd be able to unsubscribe you too :roll:

Oooooooh Egypt! I'd loooove to go to Egypt but the heat has put us off so far. You'll have to let me know what it's like :)

So when are you looking at starting now? Will you be due AF on the trip, so starting the cd21 afternoon that cycle?

Good luck JJ! xx
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Morning ladies , thanks for all my good luck wishes -

I'm afraid I'm also unlucky in the ivf lotto and it's a BFN:bfn:

I had expected it since 5 or 6 days after transfer and I started lightly bleeding/spotting on wiping last night with browny/pinky blood so that was a big clue too, but it's still a big slap round the chops with a wet kipper, but not as bad as my mini meltdown last week, think I did my upset bit then for the cycle result, just feel a little numb, if not lighter in the shoulders! actually.

Well as I don't need to do my cylogest pessaries now today, my low mood should lift and I will be able to have a lovely holiday in cornwall , I have to finish ironing/ packing, picnic and we leave about 10/11am hopefully.

My future plans now include finishing the diy, (I left all the stuff in the kitchen when I stopped for EC/ET as I felt nothing preg related after), as I knew I could quickly get back on it after holiday, were nearly on the home run now.

I am going to get more in shape, I'm slim and 9.5 stone, but getting a little out of shape, I was much fitter when preg before, so worth a try and will make me feel good.

And I will be only spending with cash, we really need to rein in spending esp food shopping, and try to pay back some of this money we now owe, or at least try to find the £700 for a FET for maybee sept /oct onwards , it's up to me to find it , and the harder I work on it, the quicker we can try this option.

I'm sure all ivf cycles won't end the way Tinks and mine have
So hang in Scotch Egg, Greak Girl , Rea, Penny and GizzyKelly
We have been very lucky on the odds in lttc for a while now , so I guess we will havesome negs - wishing you all fantastic luck for your cycles -

Scotch good luck for your FET, yourll be in the 2WW with your babies when I come back! Lou , you will be starting treatment too. Keep going GG and rea. And I hope your IVF can start soon Penny and Gizzy.

Sorry Jen :hug:

I hope you have a fabulous holiday with your brood and soon manage to find the pennies for your FET :)

I've just been for a walk/hike/jog myself - trying a bit of the old exercise. All this healthy fatty IVF food is making me, umm, fat!

It sounded a bit like a goodbye post, don't be a stranger! You don't to be actively cycling to contribute xx
Arh that is do dissapointing and I am really sorry. Big hugs!!!

You seem so together and i felt refreshed ready your post. You deserve the best holiday and time out not plus you have Fet to focus on. Have a nice break and see you when you get back.

Sorry again and big big hugs

Gizzy xxx

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