Closed - old IVF thread

2 days tomorrow :shock:

I'm waiting for Thursday but Wed is possible too :)

Luckily I've somehow been roped into seeing Mickey Mouse on Thurs so hopefully that will help time pass ;)

Do you have any more scans or just jumping right into transfer now?
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Lou, any thoughts on this? Been on the progesterone 3 full days now and no temperature rise. Last ivf cycle my temp fell right off 8 or 9 days after egg collection where normally it's 12 dpo on a natural cycle. It doesn't feel right to me.
Morning Scotch :)

I'm not really into BBT charting so I've had to do a bit of googling, but I think that I'd be concerned too because it would seem to me that you aren't absorbing the progesterone.

If it was me, I'd get on the phone and see what can be done ASAP. Maybe a blood test or an ultrasound just to double check.

Perhaps they can put you on different pessaries or even give you the injections? I don't think a few extra days building up a lining will make a difference :)

I know for a fact that I wouldn't be transferring any embryos until you KNOW that you have a decent lining for them to go into, so get on the phone and have a chat with them xx
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Ta, that's what I thought but I wanted a bit of reassurance I wasn't being a hormonal nutter!
Message left on helpline to call me back and email to my named nurse. When things scare you it's so hard with the way communication works at this hospital to wait for responses!
Scotch good luck with them today. Know what you mean about the responses. Barts drive me insane with their help line and their email system. I hope you get some answers.


Gizzy xx
It would drive me crazy too, so I'd phone back obsessively (via the receptionist) who would eventually get so sick that she'd give me the direct number that apparently didn't exist when I asked for it initially :eh:

I hope they get back to you soon :)

I was thinking though, that I don't think it would have impacted you first attempt because your progestone dropping around 9DPO sound about right for a controlled cycle.

Also, estrogen will make progesterone lower so I'm thinking about the cysts and wondering if they could be doing it. Another thing for you to get checked maybe.

What a frickin nightmare, hopefully it's just your temps being off :hug:
Just did a bit of googling and apparently progesterone can't be picked up very well in bloods as it's deposited locally by the suppositories so not sure how they'd check

I was so cool about my first cycle but I'm watching everything like a hawk this time!
They could just check your lining with an ultrasound and maybe your estrogen levels again.

I have no idea what I'm looking for in your chart :oooo:

Have you had any news yet?
Got a call back from the helpline to get details and make sure they pass it on to the right person. Nothing since.
Hmmmm that's annoying Scotch. Hope you get a call back pronto...

I just had my scan and bloods this morning. No measurements to report but the nurse said things look like they're beginning to happen in my right ovary with my left looking small still (the left was the victim of the uber cyst which was dealt with last December so no surprise, poor ovary; c'mon rightie!)
She estimated that my Egg Collection day would be next Wednesday at the earliest. She also reckons it's unlikely that they'll change my dose so am continuing with the 112.5 GF. I've got apts Wed, Fri and Mon. Hopefully I'll have some measurements to share after the next apt :)
Sorry, I completely forgot about your scan Rea :(

So did they not even tell you how many follicles you had?

I suppose 5 days of stims is still quite early, so they said that you could have EC this Wed at the earliest? As in, in 2 days? :shock:

I'm glad that things are moving for you, not long now - c'mon righty! :good:
As in a week Wednesday - 9 days. Thanks Lou :)
She showed me the screen and it looked like quite a few, I counted about 5-7 by my eagle eyed glimpse. But no details as she said they were still too small. She was very nice.
How are your travel plans coming along? x
Call back from nurse, checked I was taking what I've been told to and said that's what you get on this cycle. Nothing more. She couldn't understand what my concerns were.

Head meet brick wall, brick wall meet head.

I feel like a dick for even asking the question.

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