Closed - old IVF thread

Thanks ladies thats really helpful. I have cramps and generally feel poop! But want the bleeding to confirm. A day late and usually I would be ecstatic and running to boots. Now all I want into bleed. We go away Sunday so sods law I'll be so late and have long period too. Feel better now I know it's normal. Injections seem to hurt more as even though I alternate sides my doing them just on my tummy and now it's starting to hurt and I feel sore.
Thank you all.
I will test on Tuesday as the clinic ask but have no he that it will be a different outcome, it's only 2 days early I tested so by now it would show.
I hope we don't have to wait long for our follow up appointment, I want to know why all 12 embryos were slow growers, what causes it and is it likely to change with another cycle. Plus I want to know if IUI would be an option now hubby's count for this IVF cycle was so much better than the 'test' sample 6 months ago, male factor was our only need to ICSI and we just can't afford it at the moment or at least for a year but I know IUI is a lot less.

I feel crazy for already over thinking the next step but I need to feel like there is still hope and not stay in the depressive 'slump' for too long.

Louise, I take my hat off to you :hugs: you truly are amazing and strong to have gone through this 3 times and keep trying. It's so hard, I never imagined how much harder a IVF/ICSI BFN would be to take.
I'm really sorry Tinker :hug:

It simply isn't true that there is zero possibility of your result changing by Tuesday, so I'm still hopeful for you.

No one ever believes me when I say that the more you endure, the more trivial things that were so essential before can become. That includes having your own biological children or even children at all. Your priorities change into something achievable with minimal heartache. Survival. You'll figure it out in time and you'll feel better :hug:

I find it frustrating that you don't know the grades of your embryos at day 3 and day 5 so that is something for you to find out when you get chance.

I think there must be a problem with the "intercellular communication" for a cell to grow slowly. That is the cells talking to each other and initiating and synchronising growth to create something viable.

I'll read more into it later, but it seems to boil down to DNA fragmentation and that I understand is largely caused by toxins. Some, if not most, should be able to be corrected with *strict* detox. I mean literally no smoking for either of you, no alcohol, minimal processed foods and drinks, minimal sugar, minimal caffiene, lots of water, stick to low GI and buying the best antioxidants you can afford.

You'd need to maintain it for at least four months and then go for another sperm test to see what difference it made. Only both of you can fix this together xx
Tinks I know what you mean, our icsi bfn was horrendous, I thought we'd be ok as we'd had so many bfns before but we weren't. I also understand looking at next steps straight away. I would hasn't started our frozen cycle the next day if I could although in retrospect the gap we had wasn't long enough for us.

Keep strong and keep looking forward. You're right - hubbie's improved sperm is really positive

Big hugs
So, scan this morning with the lovely consultant at the hospital who made me relaxed and answered all my questions really clearly.

It started in a worrying way. I booked into reception to be told the computers were down and just to add myself to the list in the waiting room. How efficient, I was seen within minutes!

I had to outline where I was with treatment as she didn't have my records to hand, but amazingly she remembered seeing my notes and knew it all anyway!

My cysts are slightly bigger but that's no issue, my lining is 9.7mm and triple thickness (apparently that's good) and I should expect a phone call this afternoon to tell me when to stop injecting, when to add progesterone and when transfer will be. It'll be at least 6 days so I'm guessing monday next week which would mean I have my last injection tomorrow, hooray!

I'm really happy to be moving to the next stage :)
That is really good news Scotch :good:

So, less than a week away for you before your... dum dum dum... 2ww :shock:

What happens when they take the embryos out of the freezer? Do they just stick them right in or do they let them grow a little more to check they are still going? xx
Not sure on the details but they said they'll put them back the same day they defrost them
My babies are coming home! I'm so excited at the thought. It's the first time I've felt like this this cycle :)
3 more injections, then onto the bum-bullets.

Embryo transfer 1st august :)
Tinks -not sure anything I say will help you, but may be there myself on friday and I will understand then. I did have a mini meltdown last week and since then have believed it won't happen, and to be honest Ive felt better since then, much more detached from it all, best way for my own sake...

Oh wow Scotch that is brilliant news! FET seems soo much quicker than long cycle, I bet it's not, I remember seeing your planning sheet ages ago, but seems like this bit has come round in a flash, I guess cause your not stimming or EC'ing.... I remember the scan lady showing me the tripple thinkness lining at my last scan before EC, she pointed out it looks like three white lines outlining it, like lips!! ha

Very exciting, we always need a 2WW happening in here , to keep us all going don't we..

I'm not feeling very positve for friday as nothing seems to be happening, feel really heavey like AF's going to start and it feels like a beauty..... great for Cornish beaches and the lack of loos...... I go on holiday on testing day!!!
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Tinker - someone mentioned egg share to me, that's free IVF but you donate half your eggs to someone else. Its not for me personally, but needs must and maybe it's something that you'll consider?

OTD tomorrow - be brave, I've everything crossed for you :hug:

JJ - gosh your joking! Scotch's cycle seems to have lasted forever to me, I dont know why lol

I hope it's not AF for you. I dont know what pregnancy feels like so who knows what it is, I've heard that symptoms can be different everytime too :)

I hope you'll be letting us know the outcome before you disappear or else we might be stark raving mad by the time you get around to it :shock:
It's felt like forever here too! Been injecting well over a month now, after the antagonist protocol last time that was 26 days long this is forever!
I'm really sorry Tinker :hug:

It simply isn't true that there is zero possibility of your result changing by Tuesday, so I'm still hopeful for you.

No one ever believes me when I say that the more you endure, the more trivial things that were so essential before can become. That includes having your own biological children or even children at all. Your priorities change into something achievable with minimal heartache. Survival. You'll figure it out in time and you'll feel better :hug:

I find it frustrating that you don't know the grades of your embryos at day 3 and day 5 so that is something for you to find out when you get chance.

I think there must be a problem with the "intercellular communication" for a cell to grow slowly. That is the cells talking to each other and initiating and synchronising growth to create something viable.

I'll read more into it later, but it seems to boil down to DNA fragmentation and that I understand is largely caused by toxins. Some, if not most, should be able to be corrected with *strict* detox. I mean literally no smoking for either of you, no alcohol, minimal processed foods and drinks, minimal sugar, minimal caffiene, lots of water, stick to low GI and buying the best antioxidants you can afford.

You'd need to maintain it for at least four months and then go for another sperm test to see what difference it made. Only both of you can fix this together xx

One of the things I'll certainly be asking at our follow up, we do get one on NHS right? Is about embryo grades.
It's crazy some people fall pregnant so easily while others have to take such drastic actions changing everything, I've never smoked, hubby no longer does and neither of us drink. I guess our diet could be better although neither of us our over weight and it's difficult for me because my health I need a lot of calories to maintain a good weight.

Do they usually do a poper analysis on the sperm sample for ICSI like when doing it for a test? I'd like to see the exact differences in those because we were never told the full count at his test just that it was 3 million per ml and for the sample on EC day we was just told 61million total count and 28million post wash. He has been taking Wellman since the first test but not sure they would have made that much difference.

Tinks I know what you mean, our icsi bfn was horrendous, I thought we'd be ok as we'd had so many bfns before but we weren't. I also understand looking at next steps straight away. I would hasn't started our frozen cycle the next day if I could although in retrospect the gap we had wasn't long enough for us.

Keep strong and keep looking forward. You're right - hubbie's improved sperm is really positive

Big hugs

Thanks Scotch, it really is so much harder isn't it?
I'm excited to see you've got your transfer date, how exciting for you and glad you get to stop injecting soon :dance:

Tinks -not sure anything I say will help you, but may be there myself on friday and I will understand then. I did have a mini meltdown last week and since then have believed it won't happen, and to be honest Ive felt better since then, much more detached from it all, best way for my own sake...

Oh wow Scotch that is brilliant news! FET seems soo much quicker than long cycle, I bet it's not, I remember seeing your planning sheet ages ago, but seems like this bit has come round in a flash, I guess cause your not stimming or EC'ing.... I remember the scan lady showing me the tripple thinkness lining at my last scan before EC, she pointed out it looks like three white lines outlining it, like lips!! ha

Very exciting, we always need a 2WW happening in here , to keep us all going don't we..

I'm not feeling very positve for friday as nothing seems to be happening, feel really heavey like AF's going to start and it feels like a beauty..... great for Cornish beaches and the lack of loos...... I go on holiday on testing day!!!

I hope you'll let us know the result before you go off on your holiday though, you can't leave us in suspense.

Tinker - someone mentioned egg share to me, that's free IVF but you donate half your eggs to someone else. Its not for me personally, but needs must and maybe it's something that you'll consider?

OTD tomorrow - be brave, I've everything crossed for you :hug:

JJ - gosh your joking! Scotch's cycle seems to have lasted forever to me, I dont know why lol

I hope it's not AF for you. I dont know what pregnancy feels like so who knows what it is, I've heard that symptoms can be different everytime too :)

I hope you'll be letting us know the outcome before you disappear or else we might be stark raving mad by the time you get around to it :shock:

I noticed about egg share giving free IVF and honestly I'd happily do it, I understand why some wouldn't but I'd love to help someone else become parents but due to having Cystic Fibrosis I very much doubt my eggs would be allowed :(
My babies are coming home! I'm so excited at the thought. It's the first time I've felt like this this cycle :)

Great stuff Scotch! :) Brilliant that things are taking a big ole step!

Hope it's a total turn around tomorrow Tinks... x

We're going away for a couple of days so I'll be out the loop till Thursday. Take care lovely ladies x x x
Wishing u all every luck. We need more bfps!!! Lttc bfps please.

Today still no bleed :( feel like I want to bleed to confirm this is working.
Hope u are all enjoying the weather x
greek my lining eventually thinned from about 11mm to 2mm without a bleed. I had a little one after the scan, but only spotting for a few days so it doesn't necessarily mean things aren't going well.

And if they're not going great, it only took a week for us to get back on track once we'd had our scan and confirmed what the problem was. it wasn't nice, but looking back on it it was ok really, although i was mega scared it hadn't worked and it'd get cancelled or something, but it was ok
Gosh Tinker, I feel a bit dumb because I know you've mentioned it a few times but it has only just clicked that you actually have cystic fibrosis.

I'm so used to viewing things just as hurdles, but that's a horrible thing that you have to live with.

Do you suffer very badly with it? How do you cope on a day to day basis with it?

I think that you are correct that they wouldn't do a share with your eggs :(

You do get a free review consultation on the Nhs and as for the semen analysis, I don't think they do one during an IVF cycle. They didnt for me anyway. I think they just focus on picking out the best they can see rather that counting them up etc

Rea - don't you have a scan on Wednesday? :eh: I must have got mixed up - have a lovely time. EDIT - ah yes, starting stims on Wed! I hope it goes well xx

Greek - the buserelin shouldn't make you bleed, the ovulation before taking buserelin will make you bleed. The buserelin should just stop your post AF hormones from kicking off another natural cycle so it doesn't mean that it isn't working :) They like you to bleed because it makes it more clear cut but like Scotch said it doesn't mean you won't still progress as expected xx
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