Closed - old IVF thread

Well done :good:

How very boring and sensible of you ;)

So Sunday it is! I can't wait, I really hope it's the bestest news for you. How is your hubby feeling about it all? xx
Yes I did it in the bathroom and hubby couldn't look bless him!! I did the frer first and it took a couple of mins to show then he forced me to dunk the diggi and I'm so glad I did!!
I'm trying to be cautious until I test again on Sat though, I'm scared of higher pcos miscarriage rates :(
Congratulations blondy! Great news :)
I know, if I were left alone too much and wasn't so terrified to actually test then I'd cave in and do one to or row or even now but hubby's keeping me sensible.
He's trying not feel too positive, but i can tell he still has some positivity there. He is never the most positive of people and stays more 'negative' and thinks the worst so that he doesn't get so knocked down and disapointed but he had such a positive attitude through this whole cycle, saying he had a good feeling etc and that all went away last week when they suggested we put two embryos back and it knocked most of his positive attitude :(

How are you feeling? Not long now till you get started, it's coming round quickly.
I think our emotions are so fickle through the whole cycle, one little knock either way and we go to the extreme.

For what it's worth, I don't think a double transfer would have changed the outcome. Just made it seem like less wastage. You've got the best one right where it needs to be :)

I'm starting to feel a bit panicked to be honest. The diet didn't go very well, hubby is being really naughty and I'm starting to realise everything I need to organise for the trip.

I was reading something about a drug called tamoxifen having great results on sperm results if the guy has slightly wonky hormone levels so and trying to arrange hubby to have his redone just in case so I mention it to him and because he's a pharmacist he starts listing all the side effects and how it's a cancer drug and how he'll go bald and it really hardcore medication.

He already is bald! :roll:

I start listing all the side effects from all the stuff I've had to take and tell him we can both be bald when I need chemo for all these hormones I'm on... Men.

So I'm at the stage of regretting everything we haven't done now we don't have the time to do it before treatment.

Other than that I'm fine thanks :) I should ease off on the forum really because I'm pretty obsessed at the moment but I don't want to miss out and it's all go :good:
Arr Lou, there will always be more we could have done... things we didn't think of... we're human and we won't get it perfect. You sound like you're really aware of things and I'm sure you've done lots which will ultimately improve the odds for your treatment... there is no way you could cover everything hun... What do you have to do before you go?
Thanks for the explanation :doh: I should have been able to work that out! It'll be cd 8 when I begin Gonal F and cd 13 when I have my first scan - I think it's early because of the PCO. It's reassuring that they'll be checking on how things are going. I'm looking forward to reading all about your Belgium trip :)

Tink - everything crossed for tomorrow!!!!

JJ - how's are you doing? Got anything nice planned for the weekend to keep ya sane? ;)

Scotch - how's things with you? anymore appointments lined up?
Hi Everyone,

So im having an emotional day, week, month, year. violins please.

Reason being, Im terrorfied! I am so scared of even the thought of going through this process.
Today I had a HUGE box come, yep all my drugs for the next month. my gosh there is so much there!
Everything I learnt at needle training has fallen out my head.I know how to inject myself but there are so many viles and needles and swabs ect. Its so over whelming.

I feel like im in this alone, dont get me wrong OH is great but its different for him. I know he is going through it with me but its not as intense for him. OH is SO laid back and im quite.....highly as he tries to comfort me I bite his little head off. Grrrrrr....this is all so stressful.

I just want to be a happy family with our little baby, but all this stuff is taking the excitement away.



Hi Pennie,
It is overwhelming... totally understand that... And I had a bit of a meltdown when I received the meds as it made it all so real. Try to take it one step at a time x
Louise, I agre with Rea - you really do sound like you're aware of so much to help with improving things and no doubt already doing so much. It would be far too much to think of remembering to do everything perfectly.

I was the omelette opposite when the box of meds came, it made me feel happy & excited they were here and our journey to hopefully getting our BFP was about to begin, part of me wishes I could go back to that point right now.
Tinker - are you still testing tomorrow?

Good luck if you are! :good:
Yes and we're terrified, I wish I could just fast forward and know the outcome without having to go through that sick feeling looking at the test begging for a 2nd line to appear.
Aw Tinker :hug:

Just make sure you follow the directions and destroy it immediately after reading it, don't go back later looking for lines. Evap lines are killers.

All the best, I'll be keeping everything crossed for you :pray:
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Tinks it's sunday mate - get out of bed and test please........ no lay ins here allowed......:test:

Wishing you sooo much luck it's unreal.....can't wait for you to post now...:dust::dust::dust::dust:
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Hey Girls! :wave:

Just wanted to say a big congrats to Blondy!:dance:

Good luck to Tinks and all those still to test and those starting cycles soon too!! (Not lond now Lou!! :dance:)

I'll second that!!

Massive congrats Blondy and good luck girls!!!

Come on give us clomid girls a run for the money and even the scores!! woop woop!!!! xx
Thanks maybe and Corrinne!! It still feels surreal but sore boobs have kicked in today, eek!!
Tinkerbell, wake up and test!!
We're all rooting for you xxx
Thanks maybe and Corrinne!! It still feels surreal but sore boobs have kicked in today, eek!!
Tinkerbell, wake up and test!!
We're all rooting for you xxx
Tinks we're all up and waiting for you. So hope it's good news xxx
Scotch , I thought I'd pop into your blog and see how you were doing, while were waiting for Tinks, and you haven't posted in while, have you been busy, we love your blog X
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Morning all, fingers and toes are crossed for ya Tink....... xx

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