Closed - old IVF thread

Argh, been waiting but have to go out now, no Internet :roll:

Ill be back in an hour or so... So no posting the result before then Tinker :whistle:

Good luck, don't leave us waiting I always start worrying xx
I hope you're alright Tinker, it was a slow starter don't forget so you might be a bit behind in hcg levels. You've got a couple of days yet xx
Jj I've got a stack of blog posts to upload, been writing them but not got round to posting them yet. I'll get on it tonight...

Hope everything's ok tink
Oh Tinks, just logged back on to see if you were here yet, Hoping it's still good news for you, but again don't worry if BFN, your testing really early remember and as Lou said both our blastos were a day behind being early ones...Your only two days ahead, but my OTD is not till thursday, so yours is a day earlier than mine being tuesday too.

It might help you to know that I got a :fib:naughty bfn yest, I know was silly, but had to poas, don't know what came over me....:shakehead: Plenty of time yet
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Thank you all for the good luck wishes, they all mean so much and makes it even harder to say or type this, but...just as I expected really (although it makes it no easier) it was the most obvious BFN :cry:
We're so heartbroken and just don't know what this means now, is it really then end of the road for our dream to be parents, we only want 1 and it seems impossible right now.

Of course we'll never stop trying but I guess it's really unlikely :cry:
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I'm so sorry Tinker, give it a couple of days, eh? :hug:

Whatever the outcome, you'll find a way to be parents xx
Arh Tink I am really sorry :-( take some time, we are all here for you. Perhaps test again tomorrow I don't know. Do what you need to do xxxx gizzy xxx
Oh Tinks I'm so sorry about the result, do hang in there tho incase levels are not high enougth yet , but could increase in the next few days till OTD. Praying for the result to change for you X I will be hard today and for the next week or so to see past this hurdle, but it will be just that , you can still do this XX
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I'm so sorry hun, I hope and pray its just a shy bfp x
Arr Tink, i'm so sorry it hasn't been better news yet... but it's still early isn't it... there's time for the levels to increase... xx I can understand you both feeling gutted today... the outcome of this cycle isn't certain just yet hun... :hugs:
Damn. This whole thing sucks balls big time. Sending you both lots of love xxx
Not out just yet tink, like ld1978 said I hope it's just a shy bean. Fingers crossed for you too JJ
Oh Tink I'm so sorry. I hope it might be a shy one, are you testing again on Tuesday?
Massive hugs for you xxx we are all here xxx
Tinks keep positive and let's hope ur shy bean makes itself known on Tuesday.

Ladies I need advice : I've been injecting suprecur for 10days should I have started bleeding. Feel bloated and keep going to the toilet (8 times in 2and half hours) feel sick so just want some bleeding to confirm all is working. Sorry to be a pain
perfectly normal and very good. You should shed your lining

My problem this cycle was the opposite - my lining was still thick so I had to go on double dose and DR longer, so you're right on target
So greekgirl I take it you haven't bled yet? I had a period like normal, really heavy for 2 days and then less but went on for 8 days in total. Lots of ladies get longer or shorter cycles with DR. When is your baseline scan to check?
Greekgirl, I think I got my period 5 days later than usual on my buserelin cycle but I think anything upto a week late is normal. I'd contact your clinic after 7 days late just in case they have a procedure xx
sorry greek - i read that as you had started bleeding

they say 7-14 days is normal to start bleeding, but they can catch you up if you're not there at your baseline

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