Closed - old IVF thread

Hi Ladies,

Not been on here for nearly a year. Found all of this very overwhelming....

OH and I been trying since 2009. OH had undescended testicles as a child and confirmed to have very low (4mil) count. I could cope, just about, with this.

What I couldn't cope with was, for some reason, 2 out of a total 6 tests came back at 0. He was referred to Urology dept and immediately put on a list for a Testicula Biopsy.
He had the op, he found it a massive ordeal. He wouldn't talk. It was hell. He even threatened to leave me a few times!
We happened to have a fertility apt, whilst waiting for the biopsy results, only to be told that the last result was at 4mil and was lost in my files. There was no need for op and we would be able to have ICSI. No problem.
We couldn't believe it. I was virtually on the sick from work, we were prepping ourselves for adoption or sperm donation and all for nothing!!!

We were then told that due to my BMI at 37 (I am size 18, quite tall, but stocky/muscular and therefore heavier than I look. I am also diabetic and hugely struggle to loose weight) we couldn't be put on a waiting list untill I was at BMI 32. That meant loosing 2 stone.
I also had to bring my sugar levels down dramaticaly.
In the time scales that we were looking at, to do both of the above at the same time, could take up to 12-24 months!!! We were desperate to get on that list NOW!


So, we have gone private and have our consultation/scans/further sperm tests etc tomorrow. We could be looking at Sept for the ICSI treatment as I have managed to loose a stone and have my BMI down to 34. Blood sugars doing well too.

All this has been going on and we have kept it quite low profile. Parents, sister know. No friends know. Although, weirdly, a few people in work know... Think its due to them not being a part of my personal life, don't know my friends/family etc and know that they won't sit around a table, drinking wine and fling sorry for us. Unforunately, most of my friends would revel in discussing 'poor old Em'. I couldn't cope with that. I am an incredibly proud person!!

Wawee, this is the most open I have been about this in ages!! Needed to let it out!
Thanks guys

Wish us luck for tomorrow!!


Aw Emma, that is an awful lot to have gone through without having been getting off your chest with people who would understand :hug:

Me and hubby "divorced" several times when we was faced with donor sperm. Always his idea and never mine funnily enough, go figure.

None of my family/family friends know except for my immediate family and friends who don't know my family. It's a weird situation because I can't stand the thought of pity party either so I've told everyone that they are the only person that knows so that they can't talk to anyone else about it :oooo:

Good job on the weightloss! :good: If you keep it up you can always revert back to Nhs funding if you want to :)

I hope the appointment goes well tomorrow - make sure they do e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g that you need because it's quite a checklist!
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Thanks so much Louise!! I am so glad I came back on here. Forgottn how much brill advice I have had in past. Plus its great to talk to ppl who really understand!!!

What should we be asking tomorrow?? I have no clue and am rather a little scared..... All i know is that I am havng a scan, oh is having another test and that is it.
They said that we could have the treatment in Sept. Is that realistic, in your experience?

Hi Em,
good luck at the appointment tomorrow. Hope it gives you both something concrete to look towards :) sounds like you could both do with a bit of positive :hugs: I think September sounds realistic. Once they approved our treatment it was all about working things to my next cycle and having a few blood tests in the mean time. Hope it goes well!
Thanks Rea. With all the ups and downs, not sure what to believe anymore, so thank you!!!

Will post the Dr's verdict etc in hre tomorrow.

Thanks again hun
I think that September is realistic, if they get everything ticked off :)

It's been a while but off the top of my head you must have a recent STI smear, HIV + Hep B (expires after 12 month), a new additional hep one and rubella immunity.

You've probably had most if not all of them done on the Nhs ;)

Besides that they might want a recent sperm test and a scan but they seem to be doing that.

Just make sure you clarify what they require before a cycle can start and that you have it before you leave.

As for any questions, the main one would be what protocol they will have you on and what cd you will start drugs and then to establish when you will next be on that cd and if you can start on it.

Work out in advance when your cd 2, 18 and 21 for August and September is because those are the typical cds they'll start you on depending on your protocol. That way you can know right away what dates you're looking at.

They might even be able to start you in August if you wanted... ;)
Wow!! Thanks Louise. Feel much more prepped for tomorrow now! Big thanks hun!
Will let you know what they say. Ooooohhh, i am excited. Finally, something is happening!
Good luck tomorow Emma

Rea did your AF arrive yet during down regs?
Well I'm having a right down and negative few days, sorry!

I'm like a pshyco, crying one min, shouting the next, being rude, snappy and offhand! I seem to spend every 10 mins being horrible and then crying and then having to apologise to hubby.... I blame the progesterone, it's making me feel really low.. I did use progesterone only contraception a few years back called depo provera and had to come off it after a year as I was like this, the mood swings! It doesn't help that I have had no signs or symptoms at all and tomorow morning I will be 4days post 5day transfer, and 9 dpo..... oh the highs and lows of the 2WW ladies
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Rea did your AF arrive yet during down regs?
JJ sorry you're feeling low hun xx Bloody chemical messing with our brains!! (and also amazingly fabulous as they bring us beautiful children ;) ) hope pregnancy hormones kick in JJ and that sorts you out ;)

AF has arrived thanks :dance: it's quite light but the nurse said to expect that. I've had 2 injections now too. First one was interesting. Total emotional basket case!? I thought I'd be ok and be able to get my head around it and just go 'One, Two, Three, GO' But no. I kept going 'One, Two' Three, Go, STOP-with-needle-a-tiny-bit-in' It was like my arm wouldn't obey my brain!?!? and then I was all :cry: So I asked OH to do it for me and it was fine. He jabbed it in and then I pushed the liquid in. Didn't hurt at all really. So that's the arrangement and the second jab was emotion free whoop whoop. Bloody roller coaster of a process all this.
The same thing happened to me Rea, hubby does mine too lol

So do you start stims cd 2? xx
Thanks Rea, I know what you mean about the jabs, it's a whole different game with you having to do it , isn't it, you know it's coming... glad you found a way to get them done without a nightly saga. I found a small lunchbag cool pack a godsend as then at least I knew it wouldn't hurt and didn't ever count, so they all went in at different random angles as I just did it so quickly I didn;t have to think about it and change my mind!

So when is your first stim scan? next week sometime maybee?
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Oh JJ I hope you are feeling better today.
The 2WW was the longest 2 weeks of my life and I only made it a week and a half before caving!!
Your craziness is just the progesterone but that doesn't make it any easier I guess.
Big hugs, we're all rooting for you xxx
Oh JJ sorry to hear how you're feeling, sending :hugs: your way.
It's horrible the effects the hormones have on some people, try not to worry too much about not have any symptoms yet (I know that's rich coming from me ;)) remember some people don't have any, stay positive. We are all here wishing for that BFP for you x

Hope your appointment goes/went well today Emma x

Like the new ticker in your sig Blondy, though shouldn't you have 3? ;) x
Bit late to the party here but just saw an update of 1 BFP, whoop whoop massive congratulations Blondy that is fab news :-)
Hi Everyone,

So im having an emotional day, week, month, year. violins please.

Reason being, Im terrorfied! I am so scared of even the thought of going through this process.
Today I had a HUGE box come, yep all my drugs for the next month. my gosh there is so much there!
Everything I learnt at needle training has fallen out my head.I know how to inject myself but there are so many viles and needles and swabs ect. Its so over whelming.

I feel like im in this alone, dont get me wrong OH is great but its different for him. I know he is going through it with me but its not as intense for him. OH is SO laid back and im quite.....highly as he tries to comfort me I bite his little head off. Grrrrrr....this is all so stressful.

I just want to be a happy family with our little baby, but all this stuff is taking the excitement away.


The same thing happened to me Rea, hubby does mine too lol

So do you start stims cd 2? xx

Glad I'm not the only one :) x

Rookie question but what does cd actually stand for? :blush:
I start the Gonal F on the 25th and I don't have a scan until the 30th... a week monday.. not sure what cd that is.....?

JJ - I'll try the ice trick :) thanks. How are ya doing today? x
Hiya Pennie :)

What are you like - I loooooved it when my box of drugs came, it was like Christmas :good:

Don't allow yourself to think that you are carrying all the burden yourself because you'll just get swamped.

Yes, you have things to do but you have plenty of time to figure them out so relax. You are not going to be the one that makes or breaks your cycle just because it is you with the chores.

It will either work or it won't, just do what you are told and everything will be fine :)

So what date does it look like you'll be starting DR on? xx
Rea - cd = cycle day = which day of your menstrual cycle :)

So stims (= stimulation (lol)) start on the 25th! Great stuff, not far off at all! :good:

They seem to be scanning you early which is always good too. It's getting exciting! :dance:

Tinker - did you test today? Are you testing tomorrow? xx
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No, I was good and got through the day without opening a test, big thumbs up to me haha! Hope I can do the same tomorrow, we're (hubby) have decided we definitely won't test till Sunday, it's closer to OTD and if it's not what we want to see it won't completely ruin the whole weekend. I'm petrified now, sort of wish I could go back to the start of treatment, it felt less scary and nervous.

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