Closed - old IVF thread

I love love love the oestrogen patches

Yes they itch like anything, but, my sex drive had been awol since being on buserelin and it's very very back. Looking forwards to double patches next week :eek:

Oh that made me laugh Scotch! I could do with some of those too! I had better not tell hubby there available, he will be hijacking pharmacys all over the place for them tomorow!:whistle: Enjoy double week next week

No sign of Tinks yet? She must be relaxing after her lovely transfer
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I'm officially PUPO, sadly I'm not as excited and positive as I was :(
All our embryos are slow growers and we only had one blast this morning and that was only an early blast :cry: the embryologist even suggested putting two back but started talking about us being sure we would be happy with twins but due to my health that's a pretty big risk for us and the minute I mentioned I had CF the embryologist & Dr sat there all went back on the idea and said no, they are only prepared to put one in then.
I partly wish I had gone by myself so hubby wasn't there to disagree about the twin thing and I would have (stupidly) not mention its a bad idea and took the risk.

I feel so nervous and scared now, we won't even know till tomorrow if there are any to freeze but I'm not holding much hope for that.
Hi Tinks, I see you were another one up late before ET, hope its going well today with your ET , will your OTD be the 25th July? I think each clinc varies it's number of days after EC for testing. Mine should be the 27th July.

Your right, I was nervous and I got my call just now and it's great news !

From the six Embryos, I have 3 Top qual with 7/8 cells, 2 6 Cell and one 4 cell.
She said they just take a photo snapshot of embryos first thing to use to decide and so she hopes the 6 cell will change into 7/8 cell within the next next two hours.

So I am going onto blasto, ET 1030am on monday now, no more calls, that's it.
Good thing was last night as it was nearly crunch time, I made a few descisions in my head, so feel good that I am ready for ET now whichever day.

Well done Greek girl on your first jab - they do get easier, yourll be a pro in no time

Oh wow, that's fantastic news. Hope they don't keep you waiting Monday morning, sitting waiting for ET with a full bladder was not comfortable :shakehead:

My OTD is 24th but I think I'll test next Saturday or hopefully I can hold of till the Sunday.
I love love love the oestrogen patches

Yes they itch like anything, but, my sex drive had been awol since being on buserelin and it's very very back. Looking forwards to double patches next week :eek:

Haha! I found the Gonal F injections did that to me.
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This whole process can get so difficult. Hoping all goes well for you. We have to believe our embryos can do it and they put the best one there.

Does anyone know whether u can drink alcohol on suprecur? Out with friends for my birthday tonight . May have the odd one nothing major. Nhs sight says its ok. But as nurse said only paracetamol for side effects made me worry alcohol would be a no no. Don't want to do anythin I shouldn't .
Oh Tinks, I'm sorry that the embryos didn't leave you with much hope but a blast is a blast and hopefully it'll pay off with a nice BFP :)

What quality was it besides the growing slow?

Greekgirl - I don't think that a drink is too bad, but I wouldn't have more than a couple. Plus, I think you'd regret a failed cycle more than a sober birthday party - not that alcohol should have that much impact but if something doesn't go to plan you might start hating yourself for things you wish you'd done differently xx
I feel a bit disapointed in that we had 12 fertilised and none grew quickly and were obvious stand outs, they're all slightly slow growers. She did say they could start growing into Blast later today/tomorrow but at the time they weren't quite there. I've tried googling if this is common, really bad thing but can't find much.

She didn't tell us the quality just that it was early blast and not full blast and I was in a such a surprised frame of mind trying to take everything in while thinking I was going to pee myself at any moment I didn't even ask :(

We're still trying to stay so positive but it is playing in the back of my mind.
My two frosties were borderline but caught up enough to be frozen...
Ahh Tinks, don't read too much into it, and don't go googling!! A blast is still brilliant, like Lou said a blast is a blast even if an early one, it was the leading one. , by it was back in you , (the mothership. it may have moved on already by now to a full blast!! If you had had a day 2/3 transfer like I nearly did, (as you needed 3 ahead to move on, which I only just had) you would have had them change to blast in you anyway. This is the part of the mind games we will all have in this process, and actually the harder bit I think than the actual treatment. but not long to wait till the 24th testing anyway. Hoping you get some frosties too, they may all just develop together as they have simular growth rates.

Congratulations on having your embie back - roll on rest of 2WW

Greekgirl - Hope you had a nice time out - again I agree with the IVF Oracle Lou! ha
Shouldn't harm it, but I personally wouldn't drink, it will be on your mind should anything go wrong later on. I'd prob be drunk on one drink anyway esp with drugs in the mix, i'm such a lightweight since I gave up ladies team sport!!
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Hey Tink, hope you're feeling a bit better today :hugs:
It's all about what happens next... and your little embryo is in the best place now :)

Lou - this time it's going to be very different. Totally different. And there's good odds it'll have a perfect outcome xx one step at a time hey luv... and every day we are getting nearer to your Belgium action ;)
I really like the term PUPO so I hope you're feeling it more today Tinks :)

Thanks Rea, you're right. After doing it a few times everything starts to feel like dejavu so it's hard some days.

Today, is a good day however! I'm off to David Austin rose gardens in Albrighton to hopefully buy something nice for the garden :) I've been wanting to go aaaaaaages but no point going just when all the blooms have died :oooo: So hoping they are in full bloom today!

And that it isn't raining.

I am the IVF oracle and I can sense something big is about to happen.....

:bum: *parp*
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Thanks for the advice girls . I had one as they bought a bottle of champagne . Yeah nothing is more important to me than this. So didn't phase me had a great night. Not a drinker really anyway.
Hoping everyone has a fab weekend .
Just catching up on everyone's stories. Such a hard process but if we follow what we should I suppose it's out of our hands. My nurse said that within hours things can change.

Over the weekend I realised I now question everythig I do. I was told at initial appointment to continue folic acid ( she was happy I was taking pregnacare) is it still safe to take on suprecur? Of should I have stopped . Googled it to no definitive answer. Obviously can't ask unit until tomo so hope u ladies don't mind me asking.
Thanks ladies :hugs: just trying to stay relaxed and keep the fact it was an early blast not full to the back of my mind and know that no matter what happens now it's down to fate and nothing I can do to change the outcome.
I think no matter what stage/quality embryo was put back i'd have these worrys about it working anyway, this part is certainly the hardest part of the whole ivf process.
It's down to chance now. The embryo I had transfered was perfect but it didn't work yet other people have low grade day 2 embies and get beautiful healthy babes. Keep the faith xxx
There was nothing to freeze, even though I was sort of expecting that after yesterday I'm still devasted :cry:
We're now putting all our hopes of ever having a baby into one embryo that only reached early blast stage on day 5, come on little embie shine through and do what you're meant to :dust:

Louise hope you had a nice day out and got some nice things for the garden. Think I need to borrow that violin I saw you with the other day ;)
I'm really sorry that none of the others made it :hug: Did they arrest or not good enough quality or what? What did the embryologists say about it?

Hands off the violin! :trouble: You can have this one! :iron: No one is happy when ironing so there is the connection :oooo:

I got some lovely roses thanks, they smell amazing :smug: Although I just spent an hour digging a 3x2ft hole and 10 inches down is solid concrete :wall2:

How are you feeling about it all now Tinker?
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Tinkerbell I'm sorry you didn't get any to freeze. sending you massive hugs and positive thoughts for the one inside you that has hopefully already bedded in xxx
Sorry to hear that tinker bell. Let's hope ur embryo is a little fighter and gives u ur happy ending .
I'm really sorry that none of the others made it :hug: Did they arrest or not good enough quality or what? What did the embryologists say about it?

Hands off the violin! :trouble: You can have this one! :iron: No one is happy when ironing so there is the connection :oooo:

I got some lovely roses thanks, they smell amazing :smug: Although I just spent an hour digging a 3x2ft hole and 10 inches down is solid concrete :wall2:

How are you feeling about it all now Tinker?

She didn't say, just said none were good to freeze (I think) and that it was not because of us but something to do with the embryos DNA or something of the sort. It's hard to listen and actually take it all in when you're in shock and trying to take in and accept there's no chance of those 2 FET's because there are no frozen embryos. She said they definitely put the best one back in yesterday.

Boo, you can keep the ironing one haha! I don't know about feeling unhappy when iron as my mum is so good she does it for us :whistle:

Ooh lovely, what a nightmare with the concrete though.

I don't know how I'm feeling, does that sound like I'm crazy? I just feel confused, I still have hope this will work, surely just because it was an early blast doesn't mean it won't work but I now have my doubt than I did before and keep thinking about all the 'what if's' if it doesn't work and how do we accept that is that it for us? X

Tinkerbell I'm sorry you didn't get any to freeze. sending you massive hugs and positive thoughts for the one inside you that has hopefully already bedded in xxx

Thanks Blondy, how are you doing? Any symptoms? How many DPO are you now? X

good luck little embie, you can do it!

Thanks Scotch x

Sorry to hear that tinker bell. Let's hope ur embryo is a little fighter and gives u ur happy ending .

Thank you, let's hope so x

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