Closed - old IVF thread

I got the call. I'm to start oestrogen patches tonight so ET will be in about 3 weeks!

Then I mentioned that my period started today (as it is now in full, if light, flow) and she said she'd check with the doc and call back...only they close at 5 and I haven't heard...and she said to continue with buserelin but I didn't ask if it was once or twice a day! Our even if it's the same dose as I think it's meant to be less with the patches...

Oh well I guess I do what I'm told tonight, do the buserelin tonight just in case, and call first thing tomorrow for clarification...
Urgh, how annoying about her not getting back to you! :roll:

I wouldn't have thought taking a higher dose of Buserelin than intended would be a bad thing though because as long as it's inhibiting your ovaries then that is all that matters. I wouldn't reduce your dose without confirmation in case you start producing follicles.

Congratulations on finally starting the patches :good: Only 3 week away, huh? That'll be here before you know it :)
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yeah that's what i figured, and if the oestrogen patches shouldn't have been started then the double dose will have kept it back more than a lesser dose

it's always the way - you think of the good questions just after you put the phone down...
ET in 3 weeks hey Scotch - I think I may be about a week after you... :) sounds like it's been a bit of a 'mare over past day or so... hope things smooth out now you'll be on the patches and maybe you'll be able to go down to one injection -- mind you, you're a pro at all the injection malarky now aren't ya ;)

Lou - hope you're feeling less poorly. Good to build up lots of immunity tho in prep for baby growing :)

JJ Come on you little half dozen o beauties!! Fingers crossed they grow nice and strong ready for ET.

Tink - Try not to fret (she says -- bet I fret like mad!?) No but really. Try your best to stay as chilled as possible so you're all relaxed and ready for ET Saturday hun :)

Blondy - I'm having a bit of a skin breakout too.Rubbish isn't it. I normally get it just before coming on but I'm on the pill and I'm not sure I can blame hormones this time?!? I often feel better if I give myself a bit of a face mask... even if it is psychological...

Not much happening with me. Still taking the pill each morning. Looking forward to having my scan on Tuesday so that the next stage can (hopefully) begin. Do you guys use alcohol wipes on your skin before injecting? I was wondering if I should get something...:think:
Oh brilliant Scotch Egg - next step for you, and just 3 weeks till ET, that sounds really quick... your'll be preg before you know it

Rea - thanks, just 6 days until DR starts for you I see... that's gone quickly too...
rea, I am a pro...but I did have the most amazing freakout with the injection this evening which ended up being put into my rain coat and boots and being walked round the block in the rain sobbing like a small child to calm down

you have to laugh...
I'm feeling better today thanks Rea :) I had a gross moment when I sneezed and covered my face and my hand got covered in phlegm not from my nose, but from my throat :shock:

Nah, don't bother with alcohol. My first clinic didn't use it and so neither did I and I was fine, then the next clinic I tried did use alcohol and OMFG the injections were a million times more painful. Everyone knows that wound + alcohol = y'ouch :shock:

Woah Scotch, it's crazy that you have to go through that after an injection :oooo:
Wow Rea, I can't believe it's only 6 days till DR starts for you, how you feeling about it?
No, no need for any wipes to use before injecting just remember to move your injection site about, so don't inject close together for about 2-3 consecutive injections.
Oooh girlies put a new thread post but think I can maybe hopefully join in your thread properly very soon!! Finally got a date for what I think is my initial IUI preparation appointment! Friday 10th August at 1.30pm!!! Soooo excited that in a month that big heavy moss ball of 17 months is starting to roll!!!!!!!!
Oooh girlies put a new thread post but think I can maybe hopefully join in your thread properly very soon!! Finally got a date for what I think is my initial IUI preparation appointment! Friday 10th August at 1.30pm!!! Soooo excited that in a month that big heavy moss ball of 17 months is starting to roll!!!!!!!!

:lol: Whoop Whoop, Welcome to the IUI/IVF gang Laura.....:dance:
Lou --- Oooh for the phlem .....

Well I have diaorhea this morning, mmmmm, and after just two progesterone suppositorys, they said had to be up the bum till ET then I can change to front bottom instead thank goodness. And I desperately wanted to get back in jeans, and i'm normally a slimish 9.5 stone lady and I can only fit in one pair of jeans with button open - but I'm still in them so sure that counts.... Tinks are you still bloated? your two days ahead of me..
Oooooh welcome Laura :wave:

Are you all boxes ticked except for the green light from the consultant? So you could be starting as soon as the first cycle after the 10th?
Hi all, I go for first appointment today for ivf... So scared but excited. The journey starts today .
Good luck Greekgirl :) Let us know how it goes and when you think you'll be starting xx
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Just left hospital with my injections in hand. Said to start them tonight between 6-11 pm as think it's better with being a teacher probably fits with times better. Needle was smaller than I thought ( trying to convince myself here , big phobia) go bk for baseline scan on 8/8.
How soon after starting injections did everyone bleed? Hate thought of being caught out at work etc.
Said my ovulation hormone is 13 ( 20 being ideal)fact im 3 days off 28 she said 13 was ok.
Wow, that was very prompt lol What cd are you? 21?

Are the injections Buserelin?

Scotch has a needle phobia too so I bet she has some tips for coping :)
Cycle day 21. So she told me to start tonight.
Yeah buserelin. 500mcg a day. Trying to convince myself it is a small needle and hopefully we get the outcome we want so much.
All seems so real now. Calmer since we went. Hubby asked lots of questions and we saw a book of ivf babies! So gorgeous and was nice to see some were grade 2 eggs. She said we need between 3-24 follicles! Scary stuff ! By September we will know if we are having a baby: a mad 6 weeks holiday of injections and baby making
Ah that's great :)

When I was on Buserelin, I think i got to cd 34 and then i had a bleed so it should hopefully be within 7-14 days. You should have your BFP by September :good:

It's weird because my clinics haven't had any baby photos anywhere, they've almost been anti-baby zones, and then other clinics that I've visited have had entire walls absolutely plastered in hundreds of photos of babies.

It strange how they seem to be either extremes of the scale - either totally void or over saturated.

I like it when they have photos of the embryos and foetus' and things, you know that could belong to anyone xx
rea, I am a pro...but I did have the most amazing freakout with the injection this evening which ended up being put into my rain coat and boots and being walked round the block in the rain sobbing like a small child to calm down

you have to laugh...

Arrr hun! it's great that you're so at ease with the fact that sometimes you're not at ease!? If that makes sense :) peaks and troughs... x

Lou & Tink - thanks for the advice re alcohol. I really wasn't sure... I'll make sure I'm varying the site.
Tink - Yeh, next Wednesday I think I'll be starting DR... I'm a bit apprehensive about it to be honest... I'm happy that things will really start to happen :) and a bit apprehensive about the needles and making sure I'm doing what I'm supposed to.. I'm sure it'll be fine. It's just a bit strange... a bit more reality hey. Hope tomorrow goes well for you x

Hi Laura :wave: 10th Aug isn't too far away - whoop whoop!

Good luck with needle tonight Greek Girl...

I'm off on a work do tonight. Should be a laugh! Hope you all have a nice Friday eve. Catch you all over the weekend :) xxx
Rea, it's part of the hypnotherapy I've been having, firstly accepting I don't have to like the injections but also being open about my reaction to them. It was such a big deal at the time last night and if I hadn't aired it that feeling would have been even more out of proportion this morning and just grown like it did last cycle. I laughed about it, made it smaller and I was ok (ish) this morning

Greekgirl that's amazing about starting so quickly!

I finally got my call back and i only need to inject once a day from now. I can't tell you how happy that makes me. I spent most the week fighting an urge to give up and hide under a rock until a stork visited, but I feel like I'm pulling back out again and can start to be myself soon

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