Closed - old IVF thread

Ah that's great news Scotch :)

Where do your patches go? Do they stay on all day?

What do you think caused your fear of needles?

Oh and good luck to both JJ and Tinker, assuming you're both having EC tomorrow :) although hoping you won't be doing JJ xx
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Greekgirl - Wow , thats soo lucky your appointment fell on cycle day 21! that was the longest bit so far for me, waiting from cycle day 1 to 21 to start DR! I sniffed Synarel for DR but onyl 5 days later my period arrived, 3 days early, but she was a stonker, and lasted 8 days in total, so it can alter your cycle, some people get a lighter period too tho I hear. I'm so pleased for you, that your already off and running! a sept bfp when you go back to school would be lovely... Good lcuk for first jab tonight.

Rea - enjoy your night out, not long for you now till DR starts..

Scotch - sounds like you had a hard day with jabs yesterday, but very well coped with, I can just picture you in your raincoat walking round the block... Great you can reduce to one DR jab a day now tho, it will make all the difference I bet.

Tinks - wishing you all the best of luck tomorow for your ET and starting your 2WW

I think there will be BFP's all over this thread soon , Blondy, Tinks, me, Scotch, Greekgirl, Rea , Lou and Laura..... Good luck ladies, I make that 8 by end Sept!! Hopefully Chazabell will join us again soon too, Whoop Whoop
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Love that thought jj

Lou, don't know where it came from - at school I was always the bravest at injection time!

In the chats with hypnotherapist she thinks I put all my fears and anger about ivf onto the injections and then they started to take a life of their own. I think she's probably right
How exciting you have your meds and starting today greekgirl :) I got my period exactly when it was due (I was still tracking my temps) which was 11 days after I started stims but it come as normal for the usual 2 days then about 2 days later I was spotting on and off for about 4-5 days.
Oooooh welcome Laura :wave:

Are you all boxes ticked except for the green light from the consultant? So you could be starting as soon as the first cycle after the 10th?

I think so Louise they have led me to think this but to be honest Im never sure of this hospital they never fail to surprise me!!!!
Thanks for all the wishes. Waiting for hubby to get in at 11 for moral support! I think they planned for me to have appointment and start straight away.
Come on ladies we need our little babies to add to these baby books. Hubby wants twins so much and was pleased to see so many in the books :) x
i like the baby wall at our hospital too - it's tucked in a corner so you can avoid it if you want to, but I like that it's there (although have never brought myself to look at the books)

PorkPie really wants twins too!
If your funded, you'll only be allowed one embryo to transfer... So probably no twins for hubby :oooo:
It is funded. We know there will be no double transfer unless we only get grade 2 embryos then she said we would be given a choice. One would be perfect anyway. We would be more than happy just to have a success story
Our clinic, has no baby books to be seen. They do have arty farty canvas artwork on the walls showing the embryo stages of development with tree blossum in them, to make them look more like art, but it's nice to look along at the stages , it's actually on a business park and so looks like a very posh office block... very odd. I like the idea of baby walls /books, it's a positve sign of the clinics sucess and that hope is there, but I imagine its a tricky one with feelings..
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Hubby just did first injection as I couldn't do it. Surprisingly the needle going in didnt hurt as much as I thought. But while he injected it it starting to sting and still is.
The baby book was a big photo album . On front cover there was a note saying in this book there are photos of some of the babies born through this clinic. Inside were scan pics, thank you cards birth photos onto years later. Was nice to see. On the walls there were many images of the process and charts of success . Think it gave me a bit of hope. Especially when talking about grade of embryos , she said many of the babies in that were grade 2 embryos
Our clinic, has no baby books to be seen. They do have arty farty canvas artwork on the walls showing the embryo stages of development with tree blossum in them, to make them look more like art, but it's nice to look along at the stages , it's actually on a business park and so looks like a very posh office block... very odd. I like the idea of baby walls /books, it's a positve sign of the clinics sucess and that hope is there, but I imagine its a tricky one with feelings..

Our clinic is like that too, no baby pics just 'art' and quite a bit of it.

Are you feeling nervous about phone call/possible ET tomorrow? How you been feeling since EC?
Hi Tinks, I see you were another one up late before ET, hope its going well today with your ET , will your OTD be the 25th July? I think each clinc varies it's number of days after EC for testing. Mine should be the 27th July.

Your right, I was nervous and I got my call just now and it's great news !

From the six Embryos, I have 3 Top qual with 7/8 cells, 2 6 Cell and one 4 cell.
She said they just take a photo snapshot of embryos first thing to use to decide and so she hopes the 6 cell will change into 7/8 cell within the next next two hours.

So I am going onto blasto, ET 1030am on monday now, no more calls, that's it.
Good thing was last night as it was nearly crunch time, I made a few descisions in my head, so feel good that I am ready for ET now whichever day.

Well done Greek girl on your first jab - they do get easier, yourll be a pro in no time
Hi Laura- welcome to the thread!! So pleased you got a cancellation appointment! Looks like our IUI journeys aren't that far apart after all!

Tinkerbell, good luck for today!! What time are you booked in? Thinking of you!

JJ great news about the embryo's- are you pleased it's et on Monday? Youre getting so close now!!

Scotch- did the clinic call you back in the end?

I'm 8dpo and feeling a bit negative- not really feeling different apart from mild cramping on and off and ive massively broken out
Yay JJ! That's fantastic :good:

What decisions did you make?

Tinker - good luck for today :clover:

Blondy - sorry that you're not feeling very upbeat today, but I tend to find its for the best to feel a little bit glum. Just imagine the OMG moment if you get your BFP ;)

I'm starting to feel a bit overwhelmed by everyone being in the thick of their cycles. I can see you all getting your BFPs and me not doing as per usual and it's making me feel a bit panicked, like I'm going to miss the boat again :(
lou, you'll get there hon, it's always hardest waiting

Blondy, I got the call back and I only have to inject once a day now :D
I love love love the oestrogen patches

Yes they itch like anything, but, my sex drive had been awol since being on buserelin and it's very very back. Looking forwards to double patches next week :eek:
Jj that's fantastic news !! Roll on Monday ! Let's get some bfp soon .

Scotch - they sound like fun to need lol . Only on second injection so affect in sex drive is yet to be seen :)

Hope u all have a good weekend .

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