Closed - old IVF thread

Rea u will be 5 days behind me ! I started buseralin on Friday . Getting see to injections now . Stomach is sore , bloated and bust is killing.
Ladies I wish u all the best nd let's hope ur little embryos snuggle up warm !! Let July be a bumper month for u ladies x
Rea u will be 5 days behind me ! I started buseralin on Friday . Getting see to injections now . Stomach is sore , bloated and bust is killing.
Ladies I wish u all the best nd let's hope ur little embryos snuggle up warm !! Let July be a bumper month for u ladies x

That's cool Greek Girl! I'm supposed to start buseralin tomorrow so I'd best be prepared for those symptons! Hope they ease off a bit for you... When are you expecting to start the Gonal F then?
How did it go today Rea?

I rang up for my day 21 result, it was 70 so I definitely ovulated!!
That's great Blondy :good:

Are you still sick? This cold is a frickin nightmare. I'm still suffering with it... It just keeps moving around - right now I have a really dry cough, just lying in bed wondering if I drunk too much cough medicine :oooo:

Not long now until test day :dance:
How did today go Rea?
Is Buseralin another down regging medication? when is your next appointment Greekgirl?
Ah well that is something positive JJ :)

You expect to win the lottery AND get a BFP AND see the Olympics opening ceremony all on the same day! Wow what a day that would be :good:

Yes I do Lou! Wellwatching the ceremony will unforunately be on the tely, but I will just have had my 39th bday 4 days before and also will be going on holiday to cornwall on the 27th!!:lol:

Oh I got a call this morning, I got a frostie!!! and it's only a full blastocyst, that's more developed than the one inside me was yesterday, but hopefully mines a full one too now... so pleased :lol: now to cough up the £750 freeze cost....:whistle:
How did it go today Rea , hope your DR'd and ready for stimming

Greekgirl - how is your stimming going?

Blimey it's all happening now on this thread, we will soon have loads of bfps...
Congrats on the frostie Jen :good:

Ouch @ the £750 to freeze 1 frostie :shock: it doesn't seem so bad when you assume that it's the price to freeze a few but when you are just getting one plus you'd have to pay for a FET cycle too to use it... Bloody rip off merchants :roll:

It should definitely be all inclusive or at least reflected in how many people have to freeze - they probably just stick them all in the same place anyway! Maybe free if you use them within a few months or something... Ok, I'll stop ranting ;)
Bloody hell £750 to freeze one does seem excessive!! Yey for the frostie though!!
It is all happening for everyone, bring on some bfp's, we're 4-0 down at the minute!!
I know Blondy, the clomid girlies certainly are doing very well :)

We'll be kicking off with you on Thurday - no pressure ;)
Blondy, have you been symptom spotting? any signs to report, you know we like them....

And yes I agree ladies, OH was like what £750 and were hoping not to have to use this frozen embie anyway? It's then another £750 for FET if natrual cycle (but has clinic timing issues, like if you LH surge on a weekend, then they cancel it , move to next month as that would mean having to put back the following weekemd, which they won't do!! or plus drugs costs....

Best I get a bfp.....
Omg ladies I think I've got a bit of late onset ohss- my right ovary where all the follies were is so sore and swollen.
I'm trying not to get too excited, but i know late onset normally means bfp, eek.
Might have to test tomorrow mOrning instead?!
na, what'll happen is you'll catch this time and then always be thinking about your frozen embie and end up with an extra kid ;)
oh blondy that would be amazing. remember to keep your water intake up if you're swollen
That's great news about getting a little frozen one :) it is pricey ! They kick us ladies wen we down as know we will pa it.
Today my stomach is sooo bloated had to undo jean button. Plus where I did injection yesterday is sore and found pressure from jeans worse.
My next appointment is 8/8 when I have baseline scan and begin menopur.
Today I have been teary and feel really rough! Boo to side effects and I thought I was doing ok.
Come on ladies let's catch them up. Blondy good luck for tomo
Thanks- hubby agrees we should test first thing.
I was surprised I didn't get ohss earlier in the cycle as my estradiol was high, but it's only come on today so thinking this could be a good thing
Sorry you're feeling rough Greek girl. Just think it will all be worth it when you get that bfp xxx
na, what'll happen is you'll catch this time and then always be thinking about your frozen embie and end up with an extra kid ;)

Lol! I'm with you on this line of thinking Scotch... What would Devon love more than a sibling? Two siblings ;)

Blondy, how do you know late onset of OHSS can mean pregnancy? Has someone been googling...? C'mon, fess up! You filthy symptom spotter ;)

What day is it tomorrow? 12DPO?

GG - sorry about you feeling rough. Hopefully it's just a passing phase xx
That's great news JJ :)

Good luck tomorrow Blondy! :)

I just got in from work so couldn't post earlier. My apt went well thanks. The nurse said my ovaries are quiet so I can start Buserelin tomorrow :dance: She did the trial transfer thing which was a bit uncomfortable but she said all was ok, my cervix is at a bit of an angle but she was happy so that's good. Next apt is 30th July so it's all about the injections till then... Buserelin from tomorrow then Gonal F from the 25th.

Fingers crossed you're our first of many BFPs Blondy!

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