Closed - old IVF thread

Arrr Tink :( really sorry to hear that they weren't able to freeze some for you... you're probably in a bit of shock luv so not knowing how you're feeling isn't crazy. Sending you tonnes and tonnes of baby dust for your comfy little embryo to grow strong and healthy xx :hug: :dust::dust::dust::dust:
I don't think you sound silly Tinker, I just feel really sorry for you. I know it's not over yet and all of that, but what started as such a promising cycle has just turned out to be such a stressfest for you :(

I know someone who has similar cycles to what you had and it's so heartbreaking.

I don't mean to sound pessimistic because there is always hope, but it reminds me of my one little crappy embryo that I had transferred - and I know you have a blast so a much better chance - but when you have reason to doubt it's viability, you just feel shit for most of the 2ww and I hoped you'd be able to enjoy it more.

Do you only get one cycle and can't afford private?

I'm :pray::pray::pray: for a BFP for you xx

Good luck for tomorrow JJ :good: Don't leave us in suspense ;)
That's the thing that is making it so much harder to understand why it's turned out so disappointing, how can we go from having 13 out of 14 eggs be mature and 12 of them fertilise to just one early blast. It really does show that quantity isn't always a good thing, I'd rather have ended up with 4 mature eggs and one good blast and at least 2 freezed.
I'm trying to stay calm, relaxed and hopeful but the fact they I totally suggest 2 embryos keeps putting that doubt back in our minds.

I feel terrible complaining when there are others like yourself that have had more than one failed cycle and we haven't even got to test date yet, but we felt like we needed something frozen to give us hope and not having everything falling on this one cycle.

Yep, just 1 funded cycle even though all other parts of SE London get 2 which is really bloody shit. ATM we can't afford to pay for a cycle ourselves, we have no savings as we spent the last 2 years saving for our wedding and honeymoon and were now planning on trying to save a deposit to buy our own place but it would be at least a year to save the £5000 we would roughly need for the ICSI cycle.
I'm more 'up for' paying for a cycle than hubby, I see it that it could just be that extra cycle we need and would work but he thinks that it's so much money to spend when the odds are lower than you'd like. It's so tough to know what to do, I think of we had the money there then they'd be no question and we'd no doubt go for it.

Our only one bit of hope was that hubby's count at EC was 61 million (28mil after washing) surely that's not considered very low? And that was our only reason for needing treatment and the fact that due to having CF my CM could be too thick for sperm to get through.
Good luck tomorrow JJ, hope it oes perfectly and you come with some great news to share with us about having a lovely blast on board :) x
Good luck today JJ!! Thinking of you!

Tinker that post wash count isn't bad at all, definitely would be enough for IUI which bypasses CM. Not sure if you'd get any NHS cycles as you've used your IVf one though. It's definitely worth finding out. But your far from out yet, try to think positively about the little embie in there!

I am 10dpo/iui today and feeling pretty rough. Got a cold and didn't sleep well due to being snotty and too hot all the time. Had a few cramps over the weekend but nothing to write home about really.
Never feel guilty for feeling upset Tinker :hug:

I hope you're feeling more positive today after a sleep :)

With your hubby having a high count, hopefully you could try improving the sperm quality with strict lifestyle for a few months and if you get it better they might offer you IUI?

Or if you can manage IVF, you could also try IMSI because I reckon that there is a possibility that they picked out the wonky sperm with just ICSI. I really feel that ICSI shouldn't be used in very low morphology cases.

This will hopefully be useful to you when you start trying for a sibling ;)

Hosestly, I've seen loads of "doomed" cycles end up with a BFP just as I've seen lots of amazing cycles from start to finish end up with BFN :)

OMG JJ, no update yet?! Maybe I'm being a little impatient :whistle:
Blondy hope there's some good symptoms hiding under your cold. When are you going to test?

Tink, we're all wishing you well hon, it's not over yet xxx
JJ where are you?!

I'm testing Thursday morning which is 13dpo/iui so I'm guessing if there's anything happening it should show up by then!
Ahh Tinks , I'm so sorry you didn't get any frosties ,that's my fear too XX

Blondy - good luck for thursday testing, wow that;'s come round quickly - yayy I feel a first bfp coming with you tooo X

Scotch - when is your FET? How long do you have patches for?

Well I am happily carrying my little Olympic Embryo round with me as we speak - yayyy

I am following the lovely Tinks and also have a early blasto onboard...(not a full blasto).
From the rest of the 6, 4 are also early blastos, but not quite the same stage as this one, who pushed ahead a bit. The last one is still there but way too slow she said and much further behind. (Tinks I really do understand the disapointment you felt on monday , I burst into tears on the 3 ladies !!!) They said they would then advise two embies back at my age, with early blastos, but strongly advised me against it as I have had 4 C-sections, so went for one, I know their right in their advice, just didn't make it any easier, and if I get none to freeze tomorow I shall also be gutted. (Re the money Tinks, I have now a flexiloan and a full credit card from this cycle!!)

Official testing day is the day the Olympics opens on 27th July - yayyy
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Keeping everything crossed for you Blondy, hope you'll be the first of many BFP's to come.

Oh JJ I was really hoping you'd come back and say you have a perfect blast on board and not have to go through that sinking feeling I did on Saturday :hugs:
Having spent almost every minute of the weekend since on google, looking for early blast success stories they are there and quite a few of them so we both have plenty of hope. After you've had time to take it in and get over the shock of hearing it you will start to feel better about it, I promise. I'm feeling more positive and just in a better place today.
Everything crossed you'll have good news about having some frozen embryos. X
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Congrats on the Olympic embryo JJ :dance:

Did they have anything to say about you having embryos a bit behind schedule or about the quality or anything?

Hopefully you'll have something to freeze to tomorrow xx
JJ I'm not quite sure on the timings, but my next scan is next Monday and we'll get an idea what our timescales are there.
JJ -- arr nice that your little one is now where they're supposed to be :) hope tomorrow brings good news for ya..

Blondy -- just 3 sleeps then!! excitin :)
Congrats on the Olympic embryo JJ :dance:

Did they have anything to say about you having embryos a bit behind schedule or about the quality or anything?

Hopefully you'll have something to freeze to tomorrow xx

Thanks Lou - do you know she did, she said she didn't expect me to have gotten any full blastocysts by my appointment time today actually! maybee Tinks was the same? She said because my trigger shot HCG was done at 1130pm (the time they gave me) on monday, for a collection of 11am I think two days later, rather than the 9pm earliest trigger shot slot, she said my embryos would have had less time to develop.... It seems a very small window of time to me, but I guess they know what they are talking about.. maybee a reason for delay, but maybee clutching for answers...:whistle: What time was your trigger shot Tinks?

I am happier now, not much chance of putting feet up around here, but it's a lovely feeling knowing you have an embie inside you... and miracles do happen don't they..

As I'm testing on Olympic day, The lottery are selling special 100 new millionaire tickets (on sale from friday, as we couldn't get one today), so were going to get one... just incase were having a lucky day..:lol:
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My trigger was at 8.30pm and then collection didn't end up happening till just after 9 if I remember rightly but I know when we spoke to the embryologist just before we left around 11.30 they hadn't even looked at my eggs and had only 'washed' hubbys sample and said they wouldn't be checking my eggs and injecting them until later.

Glad you're feeling happier now, you are right there is a very special feeling about having an embie inside you, me and hubby keep talking to it :blush: and asking it to please grow, crazy I know but it's the closest we've ever got to being pregnant and it's exciting. You are right miracles do happen and by the 27th there will be 3 BFP's posted in here :dance:

I saw that lottery advert earlier and thought of you, I shall be buying a ticket too.

Did anyone get pains in their boobs/nipples with the cyclogest?
you are right there is a very special feeling about having an embie inside you, me and hubby keep talking to it :blush: and asking it to please grow, crazy I know but it's the closest we've ever got to being pregnant and it's exciting.

I'm looking forward to that feeling...
Ah well that is something positive JJ :)

You expect to win the lottery AND get a BFP AND see the Olympics opening ceremony all on the same day! Wow what a day that would be :good:

I glad that you are feeling better too Tinks! ;)

Sooooo who has the next appointment now?
I have a scan and trial ET tomorrow... 9.30am
If ovaries are 'quiet' I'll start buserelin on Wednesday.
Oh wow! I'd completely lost track of where you was upto Rea :)

Good luck, I hope it all goes well for you xx

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