Checking in thread

Here's me checking in for yet another day, scary though because this time next week at the latest I should be heading to the mat unit to be induced if it hasnt put in an appearance by then! Good luck for today Layla, hope theres a bed free! :D
Morning everyone just checking in I am still here. And still nothing happening!!! Good luck to Layla, Amy's mum and Katrina hope you get to meet your babies today
aww sooo many over due mums and so many lazy/comfy bumps!
Good luck every1
Good Morning everyone!!

Still here, still getting pains (which hurt) but enjoying playing with lots of toys that Amy has got for her birthday- it's a great excuse when you have kids, been playing with cinderellas castle and beauty and the beast etc- it's great fun!!!

Just had a phone call regarding the house i get the keys on Wednesday so i need to sign for them etc- so busy week, watch baby come around then as well!!!

Good luck Layla, and i hope Katrina is having an easy time

Yvonne xxxx
good luck all just schecking in had a rough night last night had a few aches and pains so i had a hot bath and they really started......managed to get to sleep at about 2am....otherhalf is full of cold so was snoring all night and coughing when he tried to breath through his blocked nose

as far as i know im booked in for a sweep on saturday if nothings happened then induced at 10 days over which is a week tomorrow

this is mad as they said there would be more chance of me being early due to me being 10 weeks prem otherhalfs dad being 10 weeks prem (both weighing 3lb 12oz and other half being 4lb 12oz and 4 weeks early

im now 2 days over...madness

Well im here of course butin an hour and a half ill be inthe hospital :shock: , Oh is still sleeping i fugured let him rest as long as possible the poor guys gonnab edealing with me all day lol.
Well take care and goo dluck to you all.
Katrina....... get to meet baby Kiara soon!!
well it looks like layla is well on her way now. :D

well today iv had 2 shows and im having bad pains lower down my back, is killing me but i feel full of beans which is kinda wierd as this afternoon i was being a right misserable cow :roll:. anyway gonna have a nice long soak and hope something happens. (i can feel baby pretty low down now :shock:)

anyway good luck to all
Checking in for another day now one week over my due date, baby is being stubborn, bump has dropped down even lower at this rate it'll be down to my knees, hopefully with Layla & Saulino going in it will kick start the rest of us!
morning girls..

claire checking in :roll: . god i wish this baby will hurry up.
any news on layla or saulino???

Checking in,

90% sure my waters have gone,(either that or i went very incontinent this morning and left a bit puddle on the settee, luckily it's leather!!) i am hit with really bad contractions so i am hoping it's today after a few days of slow labour. :D :D

I'll keep you posted or Kim will if it goes majorly quick, got to go in for 11.30 just to get it double checked. :D
ooo sounds very promising amy's mum.

good luck
ohhh good luck honey :lol: :lol: :lol:

yeahhhhhh does this mean we are all ganna have our babies now :D :D :D :lol: :lol: :lol:

Just checking in again!!!! Good luck Amys mum sounds like today is your exciting...I'm jealous thats you Katrina and Layla, don't leave us!!!!
Thinking of you all hope you all get them today xxx
Checking in yet again, starting to get a feeling of deja vu!! anyway, nothing to report no major twinges etc, hoping my waters will go with a gush and I can rush off to the mat unit, but highly unlikely, this baby is in here for the duration!
im still here so thought id better check in. im due today, hopefully some thing will happen today!!!!!!

Im still here too, are we getting boring!!!
I went to the hospital yesterday as I was unwell and I have protein in my waters so I have to do a 24 hour collection (NICE) and am back there in the morning at 9.30. If there is still protein then they might induce me....This waiting lark is doing my head in! Do you feel the same?
awww hun i dont know if u want protein in waters so u get induced or if u wanna try doing it by urself - but if u do get induced to good luck and hope it all goes well :)

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