Checking in Thread

Have you got any roads with bumps on them nearby? You could always be driven over them rather fast to see if that will trigger labour. My Uncle did that once when my Aunt was overdue (although road bumps weren't invented back then so he used humpback bridges). Did the trick :lol:
hotluck said:
Have you got any roads with bumps on them nearby? You could always be driven over them rather fast to see if that will trigger labour. My Uncle did that once when my Aunt was overdue (although road bumps weren't invented back then so he used humpback bridges). Did the trick :lol:

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

Known my luck...I'l knock someone over in the process!!! :D
thats it im going to start checking in lol..well once my net is back up and running properly :pray:ing in a few days...

Im not due for 2 weeks but im going to pretend im due now hehe
Foxxi said:
hotluck said:
Have you got any roads with bumps on them nearby? You could always be driven over them rather fast to see if that will trigger labour. My Uncle did that once when my Aunt was overdue (although road bumps weren't invented back then so he used humpback bridges). Did the trick :lol:

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

Known my luck...I'l knock someone over in the process!!! :D
but you get 1000 points for doing that (more if they were on a bike) :wink: :rotfl:
hotluck said:
Foxxi said:
hotluck said:
Have you got any roads with bumps on them nearby? You could always be driven over them rather fast to see if that will trigger labour. My Uncle did that once when my Aunt was overdue (although road bumps weren't invented back then so he used humpback bridges). Did the trick :lol:

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

Known my luck...I'l knock someone over in the process!!! :D
but you get 1000 points for doing that (more if they were on a bike) :wink: :rotfl:

:D :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :D

Bargain..... a 1000 points and havin my baby in the process!!! Right thats revving my engine as I type!!
right i am checking in early cos i have never gone to term with the last three, in fact one of mine was born 19 days early so would have been 5 days old at this point, anyway here i am.x
p.s. i have been having lots and lots of pressure pains and niggles since friday so am not sure if thats the start of something, i have had alot of...TMI...jelly and i have had loose bowels too so lets see.x
Hey Hotluck.... Thanx for asking :hug:

Sorry I havent updated...I had my baby .. :dance:

Lovely baby boy.. I'll update in the new arrivals bit.. x
Yeah, just read your other thread. I'm so pleased for you :)

Trust you to post the news the one weekend when I decide to go away too :lol:

...and please call me Amanda :D
Amanda..... How dare you go away when I was stuck here at home....having a baby!!! :D

Hope you had a nice time! :)

What is your due date?... and will you be finding out the sex of your baby..or will you be having a surprise??

hehe yeah sorry :oops: :D

Apart from the awful driving conditions (I hate the M1 and M25) I had a great time. Went to see OH's family for the last time before the baby is born. I usually don't have to stop when going there, but this time I had to have a rest so I know I won't be doing that for a while :lol:

Is Fynn settling in at home okay?
Glad you had a nice time.. It does get tough long did right having a break!

I just updated my other post..dunno if you got the update.. when is your due date?..and will you be finding out the sex of you baby??

Fynn is settling in just great..we cant stop looking at him.. and to say I've never been the maternal type.. I'm doting on him! :D

Oh...and I'm Emma..nice to 'chat' to you Amanda! :)
Haven't got that far down the posts yet, but will hunt it out :)

I'm due 28th December, but hoping for before Christmas. I've got another scan at the end of this month where they might be able to tell the sex, but it's only my OH that wants to know. I'd much rather have a surprise hehe.

I'm glad it went so well and that you're having fun being a mum Foxxi :D
Wow...Might be a christmas day baby...what a present that would be!

It was the other way around for us.. I wanted to know the sex..DH didnt.. At the scan they couldnt tell.. he had his hands between his legs, so I instantly knew he was a boy, Hand between the legs is a boy thing.. We went to babybond for a sexing scan..and confirmed he was a boy!

Is this your first baby?? Are things going ok for you?

Oh..And I'm Emma! :D
Don't say that! My BIL keeps teasing me that my waters will break as I'm opening my presents :lol:

The umbilical cord was between the legs when we had the 20 week scan. My OH was so disappointed. I just cracked up which surprised the midwife hehe

Yeah this is my first and left it a little late in life, but it will be well worth it. Things are going well. I used to have high blood pressure, but it's been normal throughout the pregnancy (and will hopefully stay that way afterwards). The only possible problem is my liver. I was diagnosed with an adenoma (lump) in it 2 years ago and they are worried that it will grow and cause internal bleeding. Luckily the MRI I had in July showed it had actually shrunk by a third which was good, but I have another MRI at the beginning of November just to check it in the last few months. Other than that little worry, I've been feeling great (ignroing the usual pregnancy pains) :)

...and hey Emma :D
HAHAHA... either whilst your opening christmas presents or just as your about to get stuck into you turkey!!! :D

Im glad things are going well for you.. Its good that they are keeping a check on you.. 3rd tri for me seemed to go sooooo slowly..However now Fynn's here.. it seems to have all gone so fast! Seems like only yesterday we where trying for him :oops: .. oh, gone are the days! :D

Would you like anymore children?? or will you just keep it the one?


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