Checking in thread

ohhhhh good luck honey :lol: :lol:

fingers crossed for you. this mite set off a trend now and we will all be spitting babys everywhere :shock: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

take care
oo i really hope this is it for you, i know how desprate you are to have your baby!

fingers crossed its not a false alarm like i keep having!!


Good luck and keep us updated, hasnt it been an hour already hopefully your going in we need somome ot start us off :D
After cleaning our 4x4 Bernie decided to go 4x4 ing and it felt like i was getting punched in the tummy the poor baby was probably really shakin up but willing to try anything lol.
Well ill be waiting for the next update.
Well i am still at home, the pains are a little more irregular but are still there and still quite painful.

I have been up all night as i couldn't find a comfortable position and it's in my back alot more, so i don't know what to make of it.
It could have slowed down to allow the baby to turn, i don't know but if it stops i am going to be soooooooo annoyed!! :(

I'll let you know.
Well here I am checking in for another day tried the 'homemade sweep' thing never again will leave it to the professionals it was really uncomfy and not even sure I got the right thing! and after there was no way I wanted cuddles! No other major niggles just the baby pushing down a lot harder and more frequently so keep expecting my waters to explode!! I keep trying to explain what it feels like to my OH but being a man he didnt understand! :D
Hi there just checking in, nothing at ll happening not like most of you guys! Baby moving the same, no show, no pain, nothing!!! oh yeah and my hubby just left for work with my hospital bag and notes in the boot of his car!!! Please let this be a sign and it all happen really fast... not holding my breath though. Hope your ok Amy's mum fingers crossed you set us all off xxx
ahhhh yay i just got an email from saulino asking me to post on here her waters broke at 2.30 her time bout 10.30 our time so she has gone to hospital - her lil one is on her way yay :D:D
I had the best nights sleep lol

didnt have any tightenings last night, slept a little to well coz i have only just woke up.

had another D.I.Y sweep last night and Jase says his head is much lower, had more loss this morning so things are looking good.

bet he doesnt come out before tomorrow afternoon tho lol, stubbon git!

at least saulino is making progress, cant wait to hear about her birth etc :D
sorry going to sound totally thick n stupid now lol
but layla wot do u mean by D.I.Y sweep :oops:
i mean jase does my sweeps for me instead of waiting for the midwife to do them.

i have had one from a midwfie, last week and the rest jase has been doing. he freasks out tho coz he can feel Cobys head lol
morning girls... or should i say afternoon!!!!

just checking in for another day. tried a spicy curry for tea last nite followed by fresh pineapple. had a few niggles after but nothing major :cry:. we had 'cuddles' last nite and im now feeling a little crampy down below, so going for another long walk in a mo along the sea front. lets see if that works :roll: :roll:.

anyway good luck you guys for today. ill check back in later.

just checking in....very little to report......backache is worse....pains low down but nothing regular.......getting lots of tightenings......tried curries...long walks...running out of ideas

hope everyone else is ok
Amys mum hasnt reported in since this she still with bump?
I'm still here, i have just been to the hospital, had slight bleeding and sharp pains in the right side of my bump, everything is ok they said it could be the cervix stretching and dilating. Baby is fine and they did an internal and it's seems to be getting better 1-2cm's and very soft.

Had a major contraction while they were monitoring me went up to 92!! so they reckon it is just a waiting game to go in established labour, she said cos baby is back to back it takes longer for the first stage of labour to end as baby has to turn before it can drop down properly.

Just have to sit and wait for progess now :roll:

I am hoping it's not tomorrow as it's Amy's birthday but i won't be as anxious for it to come once its passed her day. :D

Good luck everyone and amys mom hope things happen by the end of tom
talk to you soon bye
Katrina :D
just checking in. had a real bad nites sleep. pains keeping me awake. still got them now. just waiting. good luck for today layla :lol:


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