Checking in thread

oooh good luck Hun!!!

I haven't had any dreams like that yet :?

I just wake up every night hoping my waters have gone or i am in pain!! sick aren't i !!! :D
morning girls.

well still here. really thought things were kicking off last nite. woke at bout 2:30 this morning with really bad back ache in lower part, and pains in stomach. the pains were not too bad (period pain) but i was getting them every 20-30mins. so thought to myself cos they so far apart and not too painfull id try and get some sleep just in case. then woke at 6ish still hurtin but they were further apart :cry:.

this morning iv still got the back ache and a constant ache in my stomach and spreading too my legs. iv had a good cry this morning as i wish it will just hurry up and be over with now. im taking it out on my oh cos now im getting scared of going though all that pain again :cry: :cry: :cry:.

hoping it will be today
checking in for another day!

had cuddles last night and instantly started having contractions 12 mins apart, died off after a couple of hours so i went to sleep, then got woken up in the night with bad pains, again didnt lead to anything.
layla said:
checking in for another day!

had cuddles last night and instantly started having contractions 12 mins apart, died off after a couple of hours so i went to sleep, then got woken up in the night with bad pains, again didnt lead to anything.

Oh Layla! You must be sooooooo fed up.
Still here!! had a hot chilli and garlic bread last night which has been upsetting my tummy all the way through and last night....nothing!!! No pain no upset nothing. What else can we do??? We are ready to meet bump but bump obviously has other ideas!!! My step father has annonunced this morning he thinks it will come on his birthday thats not until the 27th!!!!The day of my next midwife appointment how many days late!!!
urchin said:
layla said:
checking in for another day!

had cuddles last night and instantly started having contractions 12 mins apart, died off after a couple of hours so i went to sleep, then got woken up in the night with bad pains, again didnt lead to anything.

Oh Layla! You must be sooooooo fed up.

im not to bad coz i know monday will be the end, going to try and keep busy over the weekend to make it go quick :D
ooooh really exciting i hope something has happened for her!!

She's probably just gone shopping! Lol

I have really bad period pain, which isn't anything major but when they hurt i start getting scared that this could actually be it and it makes me want to cry so i know what claire is going through!!!

These Jan baby's are being really stubborn
still here sweep next sat induction week on tuesday

Im here guys :D Wish i wasnt though, well its alot of our due dates today and none of us have had nothing.
Sarah i told you ill post on my msn lol your too funny i think your getting worse then i am about my little stubborn one lol.
Well i think OH is finally getting impatient as we finally had cuddles last night and we havent had them for a few months now :oops:
I was always uncomfy and it hurt usually, and i think he was just kinda awkward about the baby being in me. But last night it didnt hurt so we were both happy maybe it will start somthing for me as my cervix is already soft??
Well today were gonna drive around in the vehicle we just bought mostly for baby cuz our other one was a junk car, so were gonna go see if some friends wanna come for a ride, its not a brand new car but we love it :D
Then prob just relax but its my friends birthday today so im gonna have ot go over and wish her a happy birthday too.
Well i hope one of us goes in before monday if not Layla you will be next :D As long as sombody has there baby soon :shock: this is getting rediculous. Well sorry for the long post you guys are all ready for bed in a few hours and i just got up lol.
Well take care ladies bye
Katrina :D
oooo its so exciting now! who will be first???!!!!

Good luck everyone!!

well i am getting excited now, for the last hour i have ben getting a sharp pain in my back every 14 minutes, then 1 minute later i am getting painful stomach tightenings, it has been so predicatable.

I am going to monitor for another hour and then ring the hospital and see what they say.
I am not getting too excited though as they will probably die down after i have a bath, it would be my luck!! :(

i'll keep you posted in a few hours to see if it is getting any worse or whether it's gone.
well i have just got out of the bath and they are still every 14 minutes, so they have gone down by a minute!! Lol

They are not quite as painful but the water has probably eased it off a bit but they are still sore- it moght kick in with a vengance in a bit!!

I will give it another hour and ring the hospital and see what they say- Andy is ironing his clothes incase i have to scoot off in the night!! lol bless him!
Ooohh this is sooooooooooooo exciting!!!!!!!!!
Good luck, good luck, good luck!
I have just rang the hospital, they told me to stay at home till it got unbearable or my waters went, she said it sounds like i am on the way!!

Still not convinced though until they are every 5-10 minutes

I'll keep you updated!

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