Im here guys

Wish i wasnt though, well its alot of our due dates today and none of us have had nothing.
Sarah i told you ill post on my msn lol your too funny i think your getting worse then i am about my little stubborn one lol.
Well i think OH is finally getting impatient as we finally had cuddles last night and we havent had them for a few months now
I was always uncomfy and it hurt usually, and i think he was just kinda awkward about the baby being in me. But last night it didnt hurt so we were both happy maybe it will start somthing for me as my cervix is already soft??
Well today were gonna drive around in the vehicle we just bought mostly for baby cuz our other one was a junk car, so were gonna go see if some friends wanna come for a ride, its not a brand new car but we love it
Then prob just relax but its my friends birthday today so im gonna have ot go over and wish her a happy birthday too.
Well i hope one of us goes in before monday if not Layla you will be next

As long as sombody has there baby soon

this is getting rediculous. Well sorry for the long post you guys are all ready for bed in a few hours and i just got up lol.
Well take care ladies bye