Checking in Thread

*sigh* checking in again, very uncomfortable as since may turned into june, the comfortably cool wet weather has turned all hot and sunny, NOT GOOD when ur 39 weeks pregnant! :(
*goes off to whinge and try to cool down*
nnnnnnnghhhh get this baby out of me!! i just cant keep cool, its only 10am its not even very sunny.
i dont think i can enjoy this last week :(
and the thought of going overdue makes me wanna smash things up! :lol:
30 weeks for me now! i'm already fed up of this malarky!! Want this pregnancy to be over, I just want my little girl!!
Ok im gonna start checking in here now too..

Ive lost my plug, so its a matter of waiting now :cheer:

If nothing happens then i have 6 weeks before this lo makes an apperance anyways... :cheer:
i'm still pregnant! please send me some labour dust lol
no signs yet... :(

i'v been quite smugly enjoying my third trimester while a lot of ladies here hav been fed up for the majority of it, but this last week is a killer! i'm due in 5 days, hope it happens sooner tho... :pray:
still no baby yet! lol i'm a bit more relaxed about it today though. theres no point in getting all frustrated about something i'v no control over, she'll come out when she's ready! (still quietly hoping for an early arrival! :shhh: )
3 days to go! (or perhaps 2 or even 1? :pray: !)
MW app today.
wow trixi that must be exciting to get down to 3days :) are the days dragging for you now or not?
enn said:
wow trixi that must be exciting to get down to 3days :) are the days dragging for you now or not?
oh yes siree! i was enjoying my pregnancy right up until 39 weeks- was scared of childbirth and happy to feel baby wiggling in my tummy, was in no rush whatsoever. but on 1st june, along came hot weather and i got uncomfortable and grouchy! also, my original due date by my periods was 31st may, and i'd secretly thought that my date would've been right all along and the scan date wrong. so i feel like i'm overdue already!

Wow how exciting your going to have LO anytime now hopefully by the end of the weekend !!
Labour dust to you :)
Guess I better start checking in here... hope I can get this going soon. It's REALLY hot here - i live in Spain and am roasting!
30 +5 days preg and desperate to sort thingds out but not so easy when your living at your very cramped MIL's, i need to get a very large tall chest of drawers so i can get all my babies clothes into.
I just wish she were here already, though ifd the council get us a house beforehand that would be great and even better so i can take the baby home to peace and quiet.
Have been feeling very tearful the last few days, hope its not PND :(

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