Checking in Thread

8 days till my due date, will know thursday about possible C-section :(
My LO is still hanging in there. I'm due on September 9th, although I'm not on the PC much so it's quite normal for me to be off-line for a couple of weeks at a time.

Eightball is my text buddy so if anything happens I'm sure she'll post. :wink:

I notice there's quite a few of us due over the next few weeks so Good Luck to you all. Hope your labours last less than 3 hours and no stitches are required :hug:
:wave: 1 week till due date, 1 day till scan to check presentation
two days past due.
hopefully midwife can tell me if anything is happening this alvo!
I am still here, 6 days till due date. Am seeing consultant today so fingers crossed baby isn't breech....

Still here with 4 days till the big C day!!! OMG 4 WHOLE DAYS!

omg omg omg omg omg :cheer:
:lol: Bless you Vicky :hug:

I have everything crossed for you today Nikki let us know asap :hug:

1 week to go for me :D
three days past due.
midwife said that my blood pressure is up slightly which is a good sign that it might happen soon, but I'd had a nightmare getting to the surgery so it was probably just that I was tense from that (?).
No other signs, about three times in the last week I've woken up with cramps thinking 'this is it!!' and sat up and it's just been wind :oops:
Hope it happens for you soon eightball! Are you getting booked in for a sweep?
hey nikki - yeah, I'm booked for a sweep on monday if nothing has happened before. They're coming round to my flat to do it too, should be very strange!
I've stopped thinking it will happen this week now and really got used to the idea that it will be sometime after sunday, so I'll be a bit shocked if any pains did start up today!
Good luck to you, glad your baby is the right way up! :D
four days past due.
It's my best mates birthday tomorrow so I'd rather not pop then because it'll wreck ever being able to celebrate her birthday properly again so if the baby's listening, any time after saturday is fine :)
4 days till DD. Wishing it would happen sooner rather than later, but no signs whatsoever!
2 days to go and I don't think she is going to arrive before Monday.

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