Checking in Thread

As soon as you think you're due I guess..! I started at 39 weeks I think, can't be bothered to check back! :)
I know :( doesn't want to meet us yet :(

I must have made it pretty cosy in there (though yesterday it was wriggling around like anything - no, there's not going to be anymore space, it doesn't matter which way you lie!!!) :rotfl:
Fingers crossed your sweep works mine did when i had one at 9 days overdue, i had baby within 48 hours so have everything crossed for you :pray: :cheer:
Only 1 week 6 days to go :cheer:
I'm going to start checking in now because I am sooooo pregnant :dance:
Vickyleigh said:
I'm going to start checking in now because I am sooooo pregnant :dance:

I'm like UBER pregnant :shock:

Still here, term + 8, 4 days til induction...
Hello! :wave:
I'd like to start checking in now, with five days to go until D-Day.
Though I'm sure I'll still be here checking in for weeks to come, I'd love to have this baby around the due date. I've finally got everything prepared and I'm starting to get a bit restless.
Good luck leckershell, I hope today is your day!
how are you feeling Leckershell? Are you just desperate for things to happen now??

I'm still here too term + 4 and tearing my hair out. Seeing the midwife tomorrow and hopefully if the head is fully engaged then she'll do a sweep.
can they only do a sweep if the head is fully engaged??

Hope its not long now :hug:
Aparently there's no point doing it earlier cos the cirvix won't be favourable.
I'm doing ok.

Mine's 3/5 engaged at the mo and I'm having a sweep tomorrow.
Leckershell could you tell once the babies head had engaged? did you feel different? just wondering cos mine hadn't started yet and i am hoping it has this fri at appointment but don't "feel" like it has?

I felt something go crunch, like bones... and the next midwife appointment I had after that it was engaged... but that could just be co-incidence. Since it was 4/5 and moved to 3/5 I haven't noticed any difference, other than some days now it just feels like if I open my legs too much it'll fall out - like walking with a melon between your legs! But I don't know whether the crunch was actually when it engaged, or if it's just my bones being crap lol
Hiya :wave:

Thought I best start checking in, still got 3 weeks to go but LO is engaged now so may not be too much longer :cheer:

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