Chartstalkers -- January 2009

holly said:
AF got me today.
Ohhhh Holly, So sorry hun :(
But have a great night out Friday and let your hair down :hug:

Nice to see you back Becs, was wondering where you were :wave:
Well I done 30 lengths in the pool this afternoon and I'm soooooo tired tonight, so nite nite ladies, shall stalk you all tomorrow xxx
My temp has risen slightly this morning, but I had the worst headache today. Got it at half 10 and I've been in bed since 3. Couldn't even eat my tea and only just got up now. Can only mean one thing - AF will arrive tomorrow :cry:
Donna's here said:
Well I done 30 lengths in the pool this afternoon and I'm soooooo tired tonight, so nite nite ladies, shall stalk you all tomorrow xxx

Well colour me impressed, chickadee. :wink: I still haven't gotten out running yet b/c the path keeps icing over! I have been a VERY good girl today with my diet, however. :angel:
another night at the gym for me, although i am sat her with my lap top and a biscuit or two! oops!
waiting4amiracle I'm so sorry to hear that :( That happened to us with our first BFP. I waited 3 days then tested and that night I started to bleed :(

Fingers still crossed for you all
Hi girls! i'm in meetings all day and don't have much time to read your updates but just to let you know my temp has gone higher this morning. Does it look like i have ovulated??? i really hope so!! :pray:

Take care. Will stalk all your charts tonight! :D
Hi Waterlife. If your temps stay up there then yes I suspect you ov'd a couple of days ago. You might get your lines tomorrow. Well done babes - it's a real bummer when you ov late. Hope that's you in the two week wait x x
Just had a good stalk to see what was going on with you lot and come across Cori's chart :( :cry: I'm sorry AF got you too Cori :hug: Hope your ok xx
So what we all doing so damn wrong???
just noticed all your short cycles Cori, i thought mine were short at 28.

sorry hun. im on CD 3 so i know how your feeling. :hug:
all we can do now is look forward to next week for OV. Thats the best bit!!
Hi ladies. FF confirmed my ovulation on CD 20 but the lines were dotted. I removed the opk results from my chart as tha'ts what appeared to be confusing it and tbh i don't think i should have relied on those tests because according to them i had ovulated every week this month! anyway i now have normal lines but i am a little worried about my temps, they seem to be really low so i'm not sure if i have really ovulated..I guess i have to wait for the next few days temperatures to know for sure...

I am also having giant amounts of CM, the whity creamy type. Yesterday while wiping the toilet paper came out wrapped in it i couldn't even hold it properly (sorry TMI). I am just surprised and wonder if this is normal as i never have CM after ovulation let alone all these amounts. :?
Hiya everyone...

I'm going to start using OPK's after my first period to help pin-point ov, but i've seen people talking about temp indicating ov? Is this true? - High or low temp indicates ov??

Waterlife, am not at all surprised you got your lines. You have a good chart that indicates ov. Your temps are fine and very normal to have the cm you describe post ov, if it is going creamy. Enjoy and relax you are officially in the TWW!
Baby-Briggsy said:
Hiya everyone...

I'm going to start using OPK's after my first period to help pin-point ov, but i've seen people talking about temp indicating ov? Is this true? - High or low temp indicates ov??



Yep everybody has a thermal shift after they ov but it is very specific to the individual what consitutes a high or low temp. Have you been to is all very well explained on there and you can chart for free. Wht day of your cycle are you on?

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