Chartstalkers -- January 2009

really gutted. But there is nothing i can do about it now.

Good luck to all you testers!!

:hug: :hug:

Ive started my healthy eating plan and ive joined the gym, went twice at the weekend and did street dancing tonight. So hopefully all this exercise will release some stress and help me to catch that egg!!
should really be in bed as have to be up at 3.30 but just wanted to give :hug: to lilly, i'm so sorry hun. thought this was it for you :(
thanks for thinking of mehun Thats so nice!! made me tearful.

Hugs back at ya!!

Like the new look Lilly. Seems strange you not looking like a cute teddy though, but do like it :D
i know i feel like a new me, everyone should try it!! feel all grown up now without miffy!!

i seem to have lost my link to ff with all my messing about, i will add it now! not that there is any thing to see on it!!! :(
I'd like to announce I have now officially started charting temps!! Stalk away :lol:
got a flight delay so stalking from gatwick!!! glad to see ur temps are back up today cori and holly :cheer: would the rest of you mind getting out of bed and posting todays temps- i'm bored!!! :lol:
my temp has gone up again, clear of my coverline.

just looked at my chart and i've had constant cramps since 6DPO up until now, 16DPO. never had that before :?
Oooo, Holly :shock: How exciting. Two more temps above your coverline and I'd say you are pregnant! OMG so exciting.

Sorry been away a while, I have become so crap at charting -- just so lazy. Don't even know where in my cycle I am. Right must go and check as I should be ov'ing in the next week or so!! Have been so il since Christmas, I would be amazed if my body manages to work this month.

Right going for a proper stalk!

B x x
You girls had a real good chat last night! I wish I was there but I was busy bd’ing :wink: :D

Thanks Donna hun. You’re right about moaning but I’ll try to stay positive and not whine a lot :oops:

Puds, I hope your hubby will be fit again as soon as you reach your destination! Good luck and have a fantastic week!!! :hug:

Shaunie and Holly, fingers crossed!! Would be great to have 2 BFPs in the same week!! This will cheer us all up a little :D

Lilly sorry the witch got you but I’m sure you’ll get your BFP soon! You and Melissa are doing the right thing by eating healthy and exercising! :cheer:

Melissa, when can you start taking Agnus cactus and can you take it after ovulation as well?

Buddabun, welcome to the wonderful world of charting! Have fun!!

I finally managed a good night sleep and my temperature is back to normal but didn’t go beyond 36. If I did ovulate yesterday it should have gone higher than that right?
waterlilie said:
Melissa, when can you start taking Agnus cactus and can you take it after ovulation as well?

Hi darlin - you can start taking it as soon as you want, but you shouldn't take it during the 2ww b/c it's not recommended for use during pregnancy. You may not see results right away, I should warn you, b/c it's a long-acting herb and shows its effects over time, but I've noticed a difference straight away. I hadn't been taking it after I thought that I'd ovulated, and you can see exactly on my chart where I started taking it again (i.e. 4 days ago).
AF got me today.

upset yes, but it's my 18th this Friday and now i can go and have a good old drink :) so yes i'm upset but not put down by it too much.

i've taken my temp at 5:00 for the whole last cycle as my OH had to get up at 5 for work, now he no longer has to get up at 5 would it be ohkay to change this cycle and start temping at 7:30 when i get up for work instead ? or do i need to carry on with half 5 ?
Each cycle is different hun so you can start taking your temp at 7.30 as long at you stick to it the whole cycle :D
Hi melissa5317
Thanks for congratulating me on the first page of this thread for my december bfp but sadley
i started to bleed the following day hun and have had a full Af since so i am ttc again this month
:hug: xxx
dammit, sweetie, I'm so sorry! Let me know if you want to be put back on or if you just want to be listed in the testing thread. :hug:
waterlilie said:
Each cycle is different hun so you can start taking your temp at 7.30 as long at you stick to it the whole cycle :D

thanks for that :)

OH finished work like a week ago and i was getting annoyed i was still waking up at 5, to take my temp and go back to sleep until half 7.

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